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"Slamming" is the illegal practice of changing a consumer's telephone service - local, intralata service, or interlata service (including state to state, in state and international long distance) - without permission. The Commission's slamming liability rules provide a remedy if you've been slammed and take the profit out of slamming for telephone companies. The FCC's Enforcement Bureau will also take action against slammers. These rules apply to slamming violations that occur on or after November 28, 2000. (For slamming violations that occurred before that date, you can still file a complaint with the Commission. See information telephone number listed below.)

What Are Your Rights If You Have Been Slammed?

You may file a complaint with the relevant state agency or with the FCC (see below).

If you find that you have been slammed, and you have NOT paid the bill of the carrier who slammed you:

  • You do not have to pay anyone for service for up to 30 days after being slammed, neither your authorized telephone company (the company you actually chose to provide service) nor the slamming company.

  • You must pay any charges for service beyond 30 days to your authorized company, but at that company's rates, not the slammer's rates.

If you HAVE paid your phone bill and then discover that you have been slammed:

  • The slamming company must pay your authorized company 150% of the charges it received from you.

  • Out of this amount, your authorized company will then reimburse you 50% of the charges you paid to the slammer.

  • For example, if you were charged $100 by the slamming company, that company will have to give your authorized company $150, and you will receive $50 as a reimbursement.

  • The subscriber also has the option of asking the authorized carrier to re-rate the unauthorized carrier's charges.

With these rules, the Commission has taken the profit out of slamming and protected consumers from illegal charges.

What Can I Do If I've Been Slammed?

If your telephone company has been changed without your permission:

  • If you choose to call the slamming company to request that the problem be fixed, and you have not yet paid, tell the slamming company that you will not pay for the first 30 days of service.

  • Call your authorized company (local or long distance) to inform them of the slam. Tell them that you want to be reinstated to the same calling plan you had before the slam. Tell them that you want all "change of carrier charges" (charges for switching companies) removed from your bill.

  • File a complaint with the appropriate government agency. See the next section.

How do I File a Complaint?

See if your state is listed below. If it is, click on the state name to get directions on how to file your complaint. These states and commonwealths have agreed to handle your complaint.

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota

District of Columbia
Puerto Rico

If your state is not listed above, file your complaint with the FCC. The best way to provide all the information needed for the FCC to process your slamming complaint is to complete fully the on-line complaint Form 501 found at esupport.fcc.gov/complaints.htm; emailing slamming@fcc.gov; faxing 202-418-0035; or writing to:

Federal Communications Commission
Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

If you file your complaint using Form 501 or by sending an e-mail, you must attach an electronic copy of any bill you are complaining about to the Form 501 or the e-mail.

If you do not use the on-line complaint Form 501, your complaint, at a minimum, should indicate:

  • your name, address, and daytime phone number;
  • the phone number that was allegedly slammed;
  • the name of the phone company that you are complaining about;
  • the name of your preferred or authorized local phone company;
  • the name of your preferred or authorized long distance (including international) phone company;
  • the amount of the charges you dispute and whether you paid them; and
  • a brief statement of facts.

REMEMBER: You MUST include a copy of any bill you are complaining about. Please indicate on the copy of any bill the name of the unauthorized phone company and the disputed charges.

Still Have Questions?

For futher information contact the FCC's Consumer Center at 1-888-CALL-FCC (voice) or 1-888-TELL-FCC (TTY).

last reviewed/updated on 8/22/08 

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