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  711 Access to TRS

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711 Access to Telecommunications Relay Services

In 1997, the Commission issued a First Report and Order, which directed Bellcore to assign 711 on a nationwide basis for access to TRS, and a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking ("FurtherNotice"), which asked for comment on implementing 711 access to TRS. In the Further Notice, theCommission requested comment on the type of network needed to implement 711 access to TRS;the steps to implement this network; the costs involved and how they should be recovered; and whateffect, if any, nationwide implementation of an N11 code for TRS access will have on CommercialMobile Radio Services ("CMRS") providers and their networks. In addition, the Commissionrequested comment about the provision of voice and text TRS through the same abbreviated N11code, the proprietary nature of N11 codes and on transferring the administration of N11 codes at thelocal level from the incumbent LECs to the North American Numbering Plan ("NANP")administrator. The Commission received 22 comments and 7 reply comments addressing these questions.

September Public Forum

The FCC held a public forum on September 8 to supplement and refresh the record, and to identify the telephone needs of the TRS user community and discuss the issues presented to state administrators and carriers in implementing 711access to TRS.

Commission Actions
  • First Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking In the Matter of The Use of N11 Codes and Other Abbreviated Dialing Arrangements (CC Docket No. 92-105). [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat ] 2/19/97

Selected Comments

All of the comments received in this proceeding can be reviewed through the Electronic Comment Filing System.

Related Sites

All of the comments received in this proceeding can be reviewed through the Electronic Comment Filing System.

  • Disabilities Issues Task Force TRS Page - This page lists links to FCC TRS-Related documents on the technological advances that could improve the level and quality of service provided through TRS for the benefit of the community of TRS users, and about the effectiveness of the current TRS regulation.

  • Telecommunications Access Policy Division Home Page - The FCC Wireline Competition Bureau's Telecommunications Access Policy Division Home Page provides information on Network service and reliability issues, including the work of the Network Reliability Council and efforts to prevent network outages. Previously, the Division has overseen the creation of a conservation plan designed to ensure a smooth transition for 800 to 888 toll free numbers, successfully concluded a Negotiated Rulemaking on Hearing Aid Compatibility issues, and developed fair rules for the introduction of nationwide caller ID services.

last reviewed/updated on December 05, 2008  

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