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Tree of Life

"Tree of Life" drawing by Leila Hornick, copyright 2005

Alphaproteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Deltaproteobacteria Epsilonproteobacteria Unclassified Bacteria Chlamydiae/Verrucomicrobia Dictyoglomi Planctomycetes Fusobacteria Synergistetes Deferribacteres Spirochaetes Deinococcus-Thermus Thermotogae Chloroflexi Aquificae Cyanobacteria Actinobacteria Acidobacteria Firmicutes Bacteroidetes Chlorobi Korarchaeota Crenarchaeota Euryarchaeota Haptophyta Heterolobosea Heterokonta Viridiplantae Choanozoa Metazoa Fungi Amoebozoa Fibrobacteres

TREE OF LIFE: To use the tree navigation: click a branch name and select an organism from the list.
Send e-mail to collaborator to request DNA or bacterial strains for:

The Joint Genome Institute has released 107 Eukaryotic sites, 461 Prokaryotic microbial sites (with 311 complete).

From this site you can get details about our current and upcoming projects. We also provide a list of projects for your convenience.

Please, go directly to the individual genome sites by selecting it from the Tree of Life. All of the individual sites include direct access to download sequence files, BLAST and view annotations. Also, the Eukaryotic sites include search and other advanced tools.

Get started using the genome portal with our online tutorial and online help for Eukaryotes.

The JGI does not distribute genomic DNA, strains or clones used in the sequencing projects. DNA, eukaryotic strains, bacterial strains should be obtained by contacting the collaborator for a specific organism listed below.

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