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Statement: June 19, 2008 Print this page
Docket No: NJ08-7-000

Commissioner Kelly's statement on Bonneville Power Administration declaratory order

  • In the last few years we have seen unprecedented demand for new generation, particularly renewable generation, which is taxing the interconnection queue system. This has resulted in delays in bringing generation-including renewables-online.

  • BPA took the bull by the horns in meeting its queuing challenges, by developing an innovative network open season that allows entities to sign precedent agreements committing them to take and pay for service at a specified time and under specified terms.

  • Those who sign the agreements will be grouped into cluster studies-the costs of which will be assumed by BPA--to determine how much new transmission capacity will be needed to meet all of the requests. Under the agreements, BPA will provide the new service if it can be offered at its embedded cost rate and, where relevant, environmental reviews are complete.

  • BPA's first open season ended this past Monday, and I understand that it was quite successful: 29 customers signed 160 precedent agreements, with a total commitment of 6,905 MW, of which 5,000 MW are associated with wind development (which of course underscores the need for finding solutions for integrating renewables into the grid).

  • I know that BPA is committed to ongoing stakeholder efforts to refine its very promising new queue management process, and I thank BPA for its leadership.

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Commissioner Suedeen G. Kelly
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Updated: June 19, 2008