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Statement: March 20, 2008 Print this page
Docket No: AD08-2-000

Commissioner Kelly's statement on Interconnection queuing practices

  • Today's order reflects the priority this commission places on resolving the interconnection queueing concerns, and for ensuring the process moves forward in a more timely manner.

  • The unprecedented demand for new generation, particularly renewable energy, has resulted in an overloaded interconnection queue system. In areas rich with renewable resources, this has led to concern that renewable generation that could otherwise be up and running soon, is being delayed.

  • It is clear that a one-size-fits-all approach to addressing these issues is not the answer, although there are still universal principles that can be applied across regions.

  • Because problems may vary region by region, each ISO and RTOhas been working on reforming its individual queue management problems. We have honored their requests to allow these efforts to come to fruition, and we hope and expect that their proposals are filed with the commission without delay.

  • I believe that these proposals can serve as models for transmission providers that are not members of an RTO or an ISO. For example, in the west, we have heard complaints about significant queue backlogs; Bonneville Power Administration is far along in overhauling its approach to queue management. It may be that other transmission providers also need to reform their queue management processes. Indeed, the commission may need to consider a "phase ii" to its queue management initiative in order to facilitate reforms for these non-independent transmission providers.

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Commissioner Suedeen G. Kelly
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Updated: March 20, 2008