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Public Health Service (PHS 2590), or Noncompeting Grant Progress Report

What is a PHS 2590?

This is a brief noncompeting application that includes an updated budget for the next year, a progress report for the year ending and updated information as required.

When is my PHS 2590 due to NIH?

Two months before the next budget period. For example, with a budget start date of April 1st, the report would be due to NIH on February 1st.

Where do I send my NIAID PHS 2590 application?

Division of Extramural Activities Support, OER
National Institutes of Health
6705 Rockledge Drive, Room 2207, MSC 7987
Bethesda, MD 20892-7987 (Use this ZIP code for the U.S. Postal Service, including express mail.)
Bethesda, MD 20817 (Use this ZIP code for commercial carriers such as FedEx and UPS.)

Phone Number: 301/594-6584

Who looks at it?

  • Program Official
  • Grants Management Specialist
  • Grants Management Officer

What does NIAID staff review?

  • Is progress satisfactory? n Are there changes in the scope, goals, or objectives of the project?
  • Are there any changes in key personnel or their level of effort?
  • Is there evidence of scientific overlap?
  • Are there changes or concerns regarding human subjects research?
  • Is gender and minority information provided?
  • Is recruitment and retention appropriate and on schedule?
  • Are there changes in other support?
  • Are there changes or concerns regarding animal care and use?
  • Are there inventions?
  • Are there large unobligated balances?
  • Any other issues which arise.

Categorical budgets

Foreign applications need to submit categorical budgets in noncompeting applications using PHS 2590 form page 5.

Tips for preparing your noncompeting budget

  • Budget should be at Total Cost Committed -- check the previous years Notice of Award for Total Cost amount.
  • Itemize categories such as Supplies and Other expenses.
  • Provide justification on following page for any new items requested.
  • Explain rebudgeting, effort changes, etc.
  • Consortium Partners are also required to submit categorical budgets.

Consortium agreements

The grantee must enter into a written agreement with each consortium partner.

Notice of Grant Award

Your obligation as a grantee is to read and abide by the terms of your Notice of Award.

Spending money

Pay attention to how you spend your money.

Human subjects

  • Human Subjects Assurance Number (FWA).
  • Certification of IRB approval -- needs approval every year of project.
  • Certification of Human Subjects Education
    • Each person identified under new Key Personnel must be certified.
    • Human subjects education certification is required for all new key personnel who will be working with human subjects -- for all sites.

See the OHRP Web site for more details.

Human subjects protocols and consent forms

Copies of human subjects protocols and consent forms must be sent to the niaid program official for review.

Vertebrate animals

  • Animal Assurance Number (FWA0000) is for the organization.
  • Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval is for the specific grant.
    • IACUC approval necessary at least every three years.

See the OLAW Web site for more details.

Required animal information

  • Identification of the species and approximate number of animals to be used.
  • Rationale for involving animals and appropriateness of the species and numbers used.
  • A complete description of the proposed use of the animals.
  • A description of procedures.
  • A description of any euthanasia method.

Know when to submit a Financial Status Report (Form 269)

  • Domestic Institutions (excluding U & P mechanisms) -- due within 90 days of end of a competitive segment.
  • Foreign Institutions -- due within 90 days of end of each budget period.


Your organization needs to be audited if it receives $300,000 or more under NIH or HHS awards or sub-awards. If not, it is exempt from audit requirements.

Two types of audits

  • A financial-related audit 45 CFR 74.26(d)
  • Requirements of OMB Circular A-133

Audits due

30 days after auditor's report, or 9 months after end of your organization's fiscal year, whichever is first.

Audit reports

Submit audit reports to:

National External Audit Review Center
HHS Office of Audit Services
323 West 8th Street
Lucas Place, Room 514
Kansas City, MO 64105

File final reports at award end

  • Final Financial Status Report (Form 269)
  • Final Progress Report
  • Final Invention Report (HHS 568)

You have 90 days after the expiration of your grant.

Where do I send my final report information?

Send Final Progress Report and Invention Statement to:

NIH Centralized Processing Center
6705 Rockledge Drive
RM 2207, MSC 7987
Bethesda, MD 20892 (Use this ZIP code for the U.S. Postal Service, including express mail.)
Bethesda, MD 20817 (Use this ZIP code for commercial carriers such as FedEx and UPS.)
Fax: (301) 480-2304

You must submit all financial status reports electronically through eRA Commons. FSRs may be electronically sent OF DFM. For information call 301/402-5297.

Grant records and data

Keep your records accessible for at least three years after the grant ends.

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DHHS Logo Department of Health and Human Services NIH Logo National Institutes of Health NIAID Logo National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases April 2, 2008
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