Version History =============== MODISL1DB 1.5 released March 31, 2008 *IMPORTANT*: This release contains no processing code changes, but many of the Unix binaries have been renamed for standardization purposes (and to stay in sync with SeaDAS). This will NOT affect most users, since the wrapper processing scripts have not been renamed and these scripts are all that is needed to carry out the processing. See below for more details. NOTE: If you have already installed a previous version of MODISL1DB, simply install MODISL1DB 1.5 in a new directory and point your DBHOME environment variable to this new directory. If you already have the digital elevation maps, there is no need to re-download them. You can simply move them into the $DBHOME/data/modis/dem/ directory or create a symbolic link that points to them. ************** Currently supported platforms: - Ubuntu Linux 7.10 (kernel 2.6.22) - RedHat Linux Fedora Core 6 (kernel 2.6.20) - RedHat Linux Fedora Core 4 (kernel 2.6.11) - CentOS Linux 4.4 (kernel 2.6.9) - Intel Macintosh OS X 10.4/10.5 - PowerPC Macintosh OS X 10.4/10.5 - Solaris 8 (SunOS 5.8) on a Sun Blade 100 Workstation (64-bit binaries only) Changes: ************** -All processing binaries are now statically linked for the Linux distributions. This may allow users to run MODISL1DB on a wider variety of unsupported Linux systems. ************** -Added support for Ubuntu 7.10 Linux -Added support for Intel Mac OS X 10.5 (OS X 10.4 is still supported) -Added support for PowerPC Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.4 -Dropped support for PowerPC Mac OS X 10.3 -Dropped support for RedHat Linux Fedora Core 2 -Dropped support for RedHat Linux 7.3 ************** -New directory location for attitude and ephemeris files. These files are now stored and accessed in $DBHOME/var/modis/atteph/ (instead of in $DBHOME/data/modis/atteph/). ************** -Many Unix binaries have been renamed. This will NOT affect most users, since the wrapper processing scripts have not been renamed and these scripts are all that is needed to carry out the processing. However, if you happen to make direct use of any of the binaries contained in the MODISL1DB bin directory, please check the following table to see if the changes affect you: Old Unix Binary Name New Unix Binary Name -------------------- -------------------- aqua_l1bgen l1bgen_modisa fix_L0 l0fix_modis geolocate geogen_modis MODl1extract l1aextract_modis MODll2snpx lonlat2pixline (this is a new binary) modis_l1agen l1agen_modis terra_l1bgen l1bgen_modist write_5min_gran l0chunk_modis write_constructor_file l0cnst_write_modis AFFECTED FILES: bin/l1bgen_modisa bin/l0fix_modis bin/geogen_modis bin/l1aextract_modis bin/lonlat2pixline bin/l1agen_modis bin/l1bgen_modist bin/l0chunk_modis bin/l0cnst_write_modis New Aqua LUTs included: data/modisa/cal/MYD02_Emissive_LUTs.V5.0.35.1a.hdf data/modisa/cal/MYD02_QA_LUTs.V5.0.35.1a.hdf data/modisa/cal/MYD02_Reflective_LUTs.V5.0.35.1a.hdf New Terra LUTs included: data/modist/cal/MOD02_Emissive_LUTs.V5.0.40.3a.hdf data/modist/cal/MOD02_QA_LUTs.V5.0.40.3a.hdf data/modist/cal/MOD02_Reflective_LUTs.V5.0.40.3a.hdf ======================================================================== ======================================================================== MODISL1DB 1.4.1 released September 25, 2007 The only change for version 1.4.1 is an updated terra_l1bgen binary. This update fixes a problem in the MOD_PRO2 (terra_l1bgen) processing code that was causing MODIS-Terra L1A to L1B processing to fail depending on which calibration LUT versions were being used. The issue was determined (by MODAPS and the OBPG) to involve the RVS correction limits set in the PreprocessP.h file. The threshold values have been relaxed in the PreprocessP.h header file from: #define RVS_CORRECTION_UPPER_LIMIT 1.2e+0 #define RVS_CORRECTION_LOWER_LIMIT 8.0e-1 to: #define RVS_CORRECTION_UPPER_LIMIT 2.4e+0 #define RVS_CORRECTION_LOWER_LIMIT 4.0e-1 This change appears to fix the problem. The new terra_l1bgen binary should now work with any past and future calibration LUTs. AFFECTED FILES: bin/terra_l1bgen ======================================================================== ======================================================================== MODISL1DB 1.4 released July 23, 2007 ************** Level 0 to Level 1A processing changes: -new modis_l1agen binary (MOD_PR01 V5.0.3): code updated to be in sync with the MODIS Science Data Support Team -updated Aqua/Terra geolocation maneuver, geolocation parameter, and ENG_DATA_LIST files to V5.0.27 -fix_L0 binary: fixed a small counting error -date2jd binary: fixed bug on certain linux systems that would result in the error "set: Variable name must begin with a letter" -updated modis_L0_to_L1A_GEO.csh script: -added the "-n next_granule_filename" option for specifying the next concurrent L0 granule. This enables geolocation of the last scanline of the input L0 file. Setting this option forces the stopnudge parameter to be set to 0. -added the "-b" option to activate use of the base of the input filename up to first "." for output filenames. This is so filename bases can now be kept identical through the processing chain instead of the seconds potentially changing... e.g.: A2007111165000.L1A_LAC -> A2007111165001.GEO -fixed some "rm" statements to use "rm -f" for users who's environment has a "rm -i" alias set. ************** Geolocation processing: -new geolocate binary (MOD_PR03 V5.0.6): code updated to be in sync with the MODIS Science Data Support Team -updated Aqua/Terra geolocation maneuver, geolocation parameter, and ENG_DATA_LIST files to V5.0.27 -Extraction metadata from the L1A file (if present) is now copied to the geolocation file, e.g.: Extract_Pixel_Offset = 396 Extract_Pixel_Count = 226 Extract_Line_Offset = 258 Extract_Line_Count = 36 This can be accessed by the user and is also detected by the SeaDAS msl12 and msscanpixlimits binaries. -updated modis_L1A_to_GEO.csh script: -added the "-b" option to activate use of the base of the input filename up to first "." for output filenames. This is so filename bases can now be kept identical through the processing chain instead of the seconds potentially changing... e.g.: A2007111165000.L1A_LAC -> A2007111165001.GEO -updated modis_definitive_atteph.csh script: -the definitive attitude files have been changed from AM1ATTNF.A* to AM1ATTN0.A*. This is spacecraft attitude that has been refined by the Level 0 processing facility. AM1ATTNF.A* files are the FDD (Flight Dynamics Division) predicted data from flight dynamics. According to MODAPS, they are used only for spacecraft-manuever periods, where typically the ATTN0 files will be absent or not work. ************** Level 1A to Level 1B processing: -modis_L1A_to_L1B.csh: -added the "-b" option to activate use of the base of the input filename up to first "." for output filenames. This is so filename bases can now be kept identical through the processing chain instead of the seconds potentially changing... e.g.: A2007111165000.L1A_LAC -> A2007111165001.L1B ************** -improved modisl1db_benchmarks.bash benchmark script to report both CPU time and wall clock time ************** -fixed bug in modis_update_luts.csh script so it no longer fails when no calibration LUTs whatsoever exist on a user's hard disk AFFECTED FILES: bin/date2jd bin/fix_L0 bin/geolocate bin/modis_l1agen scripts/modis_L0_to_L1A_GEO.csh scripts/modis_L1A_to_GEO.csh scripts/modis_L1A_to_L1B.csh scripts/modis_definitive_atteph.csh scripts/modis_update_luts.csh scripts/modisl1db_benchmarks.bash scripts/modisl1db_env.bash scripts/modisl1db_env.csh New Aqua data files included: data/modisa/cal/ENG_DATA_LIST_AQUA_V5.0.27 data/modisa/cal/MYD03LUT.coeff_V5.0.27 data/modisa/cal/maneuver_aqua.coeff_V5.0.27 New Terra data files included: data/modist/cal/ENG_DATA_LIST_TERRA_V5.0.27 data/modist/cal/MOD03LUT.coeff_V5.0.27 data/modist/cal/maneuver_terra.coeff_V5.0.27 New Aqua LUTs included: data/modisa/cal/MYD02_Emissive_LUTs.V5.0.7.22a.hdf data/modisa/cal/MYD02_QA_LUTs.V5.0.7.22a.hdf data/modisa/cal/MYD02_Reflective_LUTs.V5.0.7.22a.hdf New Terra LUTs included: data/modist/cal/MOD02_Emissive_LUTs.V5.0.6.32a.hdf data/modist/cal/MOD02_QA_LUTs.V5.0.6.32a.hdf data/modist/cal/MOD02_Reflective_LUTs.V5.0.6.32a.hdf ======================================================================== ======================================================================== MODISL1DB 1.3 released for Intel-based Macs, February 6, 2007 Added new support for the Intel-based Mac OS X platform. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== MODISL1DB 1.3 released August 1, 2006 Changes: ************** -Minor bug fixes to most of the processing scripts. ************** -Added use of the curl ftp client (if curl is detected on the host) to the geolocation processing scripts to allow for listing multiple directories with one connection. Also tweaked ftp parameters for all scripts that use ftp. These changes may help to prevent reaching the OBPG firewall connection limits. ************** -Fixed a bug with the write_constructor_file binary that was causing it to hang when the L0 file had an incomplete scan line. ************** -Added the write_5min_gran binary. This utility will split Level 0 granules into separate chunks of length specified by the user. Executing the command on the UNIX command line prints usage statement: USAGE: write_5min_gran MODIS_L0_PDS_file [granule_length] [zulu_start_time] granule_length: Time in seconds of each generated granule. (default = 300 sec) zulu_start_time: Time of the first packet included in the granule(s). All packets before this time will be ignored. All packets after this time will be included in the output L0 granule(s). If zulu_start_time is not set, the first output granule's filename will be set to the rounded 5 minute interval preceding the time of the first packet. zulu_start_time example: 2006-06-12T16:50:00.00000 (default = start time of first packet in L0 granule) ...So the command can be run with: -only the MODIS_L0_PDS_file argument -with the MODIS_L0_PDS_file and granule_length arguments -with all three args in the order specified The output filename format for each of the chunked granules is ifile_YYYYDDDHHMM. For example if your input file is "t1.04146.1453.pds", and you run write_5min_gran without specifying granule_length or zulu_start_time, then the output filenames will be: t1.04146.1453.pds_20041461450 t1.04146.1453.pds_20041461455 ************** -Added the fix_L0 binary. This utility will create a new L0 file with L0 packets of the wrong length removed. Executing the command on the UNIX command line prints usage statement: USAGE: fix_L0 MODIS_L0_PDS_file -1 -1 OR fix_L0 MODIS_L0_PDS_file taitime_start taitime_stop output_L0_file NOTE: Using the '-1 -1' arguments will write information to stdout, including valid taitime_start and taitime_stop times for re-input into fix_L0. ************** -Added the fix_L0 functionality directly into the Level 0 processing script modis_L0_to_L1A_GEO.csh. Now if a problem is encountered with the L0 file, fix_L0 will be run in an attempt to repair the file, and processing will continue. This feature can be disabled by using the new modis_L0_to_L1A_GEO.csh "-disable-fix_L0" option: -disable-fix_L0 (optional) Disable automatic use of the fix_L0 utility if a corrupt or wrong-sized Level 0 packet is detected by the write_constructor_file binary, while attempting to generate the constructor file. If this option is used and such an error is detected, processing will stop. Otherwise, an attempt will be made to create a new Level 0 file with the problem packet(s) removed, and if successful processing will proceed. ************** -Improved MODl1extract to handle high res. (HKM and QKM) file extraction. ************** -To fix a security hazard, the attitude/ephemeris retrieval mechanism has been changed and the processing scripts no longer create world writeable directories under $DBHOME/data/modis/atteph/. This change does NOT affect users who have write permission for the $DBHOME/data/modis/atteph/ directory. Users without write permissions under $DBHOME/data/modis/atteph/ must now set up their own directory and define the MODIS_ATTEPH variable. In this case, the processing scripts will check both the user-defined directory as well as $DBHOME/data/modis/atteph/ for required atteph files. ************** -Added the modisl1db_benchmarks.bash script which will process a user- specified Level 0 PDS file to L1A/GEO and then to L1B, calculating the time required for the processing. A benchmark table will eventually be hosted on the MODISL1DB website listing benchmarks from various platforms for processing the OBPG demo Aqua L0 file, MOD00.P2006214.0540_1.PDS. If you perform any benchmarks on this file, please email the results to AFFECTED FILES: bin/fix_L0 bin/MODl1extract bin/write_5min_gran bin/write_constructor_file scripts/modis_L0_to_L1A_GEO.csh scripts/modis_L1A_to_GEO.csh scripts/modis_L1A_to_L1B.csh scripts/modis_definitive_atteph.csh scripts/modis_predicted_atteph.csh scripts/modis_update_luts.csh scripts/modis_update_utcpole_leapsec.csh scripts/modisl1db_benchmarks.bash scripts/modisl1db_env.bash scripts/modisl1db_env.csh New Aqua LUTs included: data/modisa/cal/MYD02_Emissive_LUTs.V5.0.7.13a.hdf data/modisa/cal/MYD02_QA_LUTs.V5.0.7.13a.hdf data/modisa/cal/MYD02_Reflective_LUTs.V5.0.7.13a.hdf New Terra LUTs included: data/modist/cal/MOD02_Emissive_LUTs.V5.0.6.18.hdf data/modist/cal/MOD02_QA_LUTs.V5.0.6.18.hdf data/modist/cal/MOD02_Reflective_LUTs.V5.0.6.18.hdf ======================================================================== ======================================================================== MODISL1DB 1.2 released December 13, 2005 The major change in this update is the addition of a new MODIS L1A extraction script. Given two latitude/longitude corners of a geographic box, the new modis_L1A_extract.csh script will extract data within the box, creating a subscened L1A file and an optional corresponding GEO file. The new L1A/GEO subscene can then be processed to an L1B file in the usual way. Unlike the L1A file, the resulting subscened L1B file will be padded to contain the full original swath width, with pixels falling outside the extraction box being set to arbitrary meaningless values depending on the band. The new L1A and L1B files will contain in their HDF headers the following non-standard fields: Extract Pixel Offset Extract Pixel Count Extract Line Offset Extract Line Count L1B subscene files can then be processed to Level 2 Ocean data using the SeaDAS msl12 program. msl12 will detect the original subscene box and only process data contained within this box. If your Level 2 processor is not msl12, it may be able to process the L1B padded subscence as is, or may require modification. (Also note that the SeaDAS software package is capable of displaying and navigating L1A, L1B, L2, and L3 subscenes.) AFFECTED FILES: bin/aqua_l1bgen, bin/terra_l1bgen: -fixed bug in the LOCALGRANULEID field so now only the filename and not the path is written bin/MODl1extract: -new binary utility, called by the new L1A extractor script to perform the actual extraction bin/MODll2snpx: -new binary utility, called by the new L1A extractor script to convert lat/lons to scan/pixel numbers doc/README.modis_L1A_extract: -readme document for the new L1A extractor script scripts/modis_L0_to_L1A_GEO.csh, scripts/modis_L1A_to_GEO.csh: -fixed bug for certain platforms that can't handle long command lines -fixed bug where in some situations the *.met files were not being removed after processing scripts/modis_L1A_extract.csh: -new MODIS L1A subscene extraction script. The script is a wrapper for the new MODll2snpx and MODl1extract binaries. Given lat/lon corners of a geographic box, the script will extract data within the box and optionally create a new corresponding GEO file. scripts/modis_L1A_to_L1B.csh: -added command line option to keep/delete the 1km/hkm/qkm L1B files -fixed bug for certain platforms that can't handle long command lines -fixed bug where in some situations the *.met files were not being removed after processing scripts/modis_update_luts.csh: -prints more information regarding current and active LUTs New Aqua LUTs included: data/modisa/cal/MYD02_Emissive_LUTs.V5.0.7.6d.hdf data/modisa/cal/MYD02_QA_LUTs.V5.0.7.6d.hdf data/modisa/cal/MYD02_Reflective_LUTs.V5.0.7.6d.hdf ======================================================================== ======================================================================== MODISL1DB 1.1 released November 18, 2005 AFFECTED FILES: bin/aqua_l1bgen, bin/terra_l1bgen: -the LOCALGRANULEID metadata field is now set to the L1B output file (previously it was being set to the original DAAC output string) scripts/modis_L0_to_L1A_GEO.csh, scripts/modis_L1A_to_GEO.csh: -new feature checks utcpole.dat and leapsec.dat to see if they're over 14 days old, and if so, automatically downloads them unless the '-disable-utcpole_leapsec' flag is set scripts/modis_update_luts.csh: -improved the logic for checking users' newest local LUT versions data/modisa/pcf/PGE01_template.pcf, data/modist/pcf/PGE01_template.pcf: -minor edit of EPHFILE/ATTFILE lines; this will not affect products (updated modis_L0_to_L1A_GEO.csh and modis_L1A_to_GEO.csh to match) data/modisa/pcf/PGE02_template.pcf, data/modist/pcf/PGE02_template.pcf: -minor edit of MCF lines; this will not affect products (updated modis_L1A_to_L1B.csh to match) New Aqua and Terra LUTs included: data/modisa/cal/MYD02_Emissive_LUTs.V5.0.7.6a.hdf data/modisa/cal/MYD02_QA_LUTs.V5.0.7.6a.hdf data/modisa/cal/MYD02_Reflective_LUTs.V5.0.7.6a.hdf data/modist/cal/MOD02_Emissive_LUTs.V5.0.6.9.hdf data/modist/cal/MOD02_QA_LUTs.V5.0.6.9.hdf data/modist/cal/MOD02_Reflective_LUTs.V5.0.6.9.hdf ======================================================================== ======================================================================== MODISL1DB 1.0 released September 26, 2005