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The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ Cap and Tax Proposal

The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ Cap and Tax Proposal

JUNE 30, 2009

Truth # 1- Federal Government Intrusion:  The Federal Government Wants to Tell You How to Build Your House

What the bill does: The House-passed bill establishes a national building code for commercial and residential buildings, requiring a 30 percent reduction in energy use immediately after passage and an additional 50 percent reduction in energy use by 2014 for residential buildings and 2015 for commercial buildings (Bill as report Sec. 201, p. 297).
What this means for consumers:
Bureaucrats in Washington D.C. will tell you how to build your house.  This will also create a whole new bureaucracy in Washington and more intrusion into the lives of Americans.


For Additional Information

Contact Matt Lloyd or Mary Vought at
(202) 226-9000 or