*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1994.10.04 : Family Preservation & Family Support Program Contact: Michael Kharfen (202) 401-9215 Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1994 FAMILIES, CHILDREN TO GET MORE HELP THROUGH NEW PROGRAM HHS Secretary Donna E. Shalala announced today the publication of a proposed rule to implement the Family Preservation and Family Support program. "The Family Preservation and Family Support program demonstrates the Clinton administration's commitment to help families," said Mary Jo Bane, assistant secretary for children and families. "This important program will help keep more of America's children safe, promote family strength and stability, and provide services to increase a family's ability to stay together and reduce the need for out-of-home placement of children." Federal funds are available to states and eligible Indian tribes for preventive services (family support) and services to families at risk or in crisis (family preservation). Family support services are primarily community-based preventive activities designed to alleviate stress and increase the ability of families to successfully nurture their children. A range of activities for children, youth and families may be provided in center-based, school-based or home-based programs, including home visiting. Family preservation services are services designed to help families alleviate crises that might lead to out-of-home placement of children; maintain the safety of children (and other family members) in their own homes; support families preparing to reunite or adopt; and help families obtain other needed services and supports. Activities may be intensive, short-term intervention services or follow-up parenting and other services. To receive funding in fiscal year 1995, states and eligible Indian tribes are required to submit a five-year plan developed jointly by the state or Indian tribe and the Administration for Children and Families. The states and tribes will undertake broad consultation with public and nonprofit private agencies and community-based organizations with experience in administering programs of services for children and families, including family support and family preservation activities. "Given the statutory requirements for planning, consultation and coordination, this is an extraordinary opportunity to move toward a comprehensive, family-focused service delivery system that stresses flexibility, accessibility, coordination of services, and respect for cultural and community strengths," said Olivia Golden, commissioner, ACF's Administration for Children, Youth, and Families. "States and Indian tribes will be reviewing their current strategies for meeting the needs of children and their families, identifying service gaps and barriers to coordination of services, and making changes in their service delivery systems. It provides an added incentive to link child and family services to other service delivery systems, such as health, substance abuse, education, housing and the courts." States and Indian tribes received FY 1994 funds for planning and consultative activities leading to the development of the comprehensive five-year plan. The proposed rule requires the five- year plans to include goals, measurable objectives, and a description of the services that will be provided to meet the goals, including the target groups and the geographic areas where the services will be provided. The plans may be submitted at any time after the completion of the planning process, but no later than June 30, 1995. Funding for Family Preservation and Family Support is $1 billion over a five-year period. For fiscal year 1995, the authorized funding level is $150 million. Of this amount, $6 million is reserved for federal evaluation, research, and training and technical assistance; $1.5 million is reserved for grants to Indian tribes. A new program of grants to state courts will be initiated at a funding level of $5 million. The balance ($137.5 million) is available to states for family preservation and family support services. ###