*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1994.09.15 : Florida Health Reform Plan Contact: Anne Verano (202) 690-6145 Thursday, Sept. 15, 1994 FLORIDA HEALTH REFORM PLAN APPROVED HHS Secretary Donna E. Shalala today announced approval of Medicaid waivers authorizing Florida to implement a demonstration program offering affordable health care coverage to 1.1 million currently uninsured citizens. The new program, "Florida Health Security," will provide premium discounts to provide private health insurance to eligible low-income families, either directly or through employers. The FHS program will be administered separately from the state's traditional Medicaid program. The waivers approved today will also enable Florida to expand the use of managed care for its Medicaid program. Secretary Shalala praised the FHS program as "a creative plan offering health insurance for low and moderate income families who have often been priced out of the existing American health care system." The FHS will use a managed-competition model to provide health care coverage for uninsured Floridians with gross income at or below 250 percent of the federal poverty line. The program will offer a standard benefit package for which participants' premiums will be at low levels to encourage maximum participation. The FHS will be administered by the state's Agency for Health Care Administration with 11 Community Health Purchasing Alliances serving regions of the state. "The new program will test the extent to which government assistance will encourage employers to provide coverage for employees and dependents in a voluntary model," said Bruce C. Vladeck, administrator of the federal Health Care Financing Administration. He described the FHS program as "an innovative strategy for bringing quality health care services to people who are sometimes not well served by the current system." Individuals in the FHS will be eligible to enroll in either indemnity or managed-care health plans called Accountable Health Partnerships. ### EDITOR'S NOTE: The Health Care Financing Administration, which administers the Medicare and Medicaid programs, helps pay the medical bills of 67 million Americans. HCFA's fiscal year 1994 budget is nearly $250 billion.