*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1994.09.12 : Americorps Kick-off Contact: HHS Press Office Margaret Justus (202) - 690-6343 (512) - 327-1243 Monday, Sept. 12, 1994 SHALALA JOINS CLINTON IN AMERICORPS KICK-OFF GALVESTON, Texas -- HHS Secretary Donna E. Shalala today joined President Bill Clinton, other national officials and local leaders located in participating sites across the country to launch Americorps, the new domestic Peace Corps that will number 20,000 volunteers by the end of the year. President Clinton used a White House satellite hook-up to address the various kick-off events and to swear in the mostly youthful volunteers. Secretary Shalala spoke to the new Americorps members, Texas officials and community leaders who gathered at the Texas A&M University campus in Galveston for the ceremony. She particularly praised Americorps' efforts in support of childhood immunization. "I'm especially proud that two of the president's top domestic programs -- the Childhood Immunization Initiative and Americorps -- have forged a partnership to immunize tens of thousands of children against deadly diseases, like mumps and measles," she said. The Texas Americorps VISTA program, so successful that it has been expanded by Governor Ann Richards, has resulted in thousands of immunizations. The Childhood Immunization Initiative is working closely with Americorps to establish similar programs in other states. Featured participants in the colorful Galveston launch event included Secretary of the Navy John Dalton and gospel singer Yolanda Adams. The backdrop for the program was Texas A&M's Texas Clipper, home of the Seaborne Conservation Corps, a nine-month residential program in which Americorps members perform environmental service. Americorps, the realization of the president's vision of enlisting volunteers, mostly young people age 17 and over, into a national service program to "get things done" in American communities, offers them education benefits for college, vocational training and college debt repayment. It is a partnership coordinated by the Corporation for National and Community Service and directed by Eli Segal. Americorps members, working full or part-time, are being assigned to community service designed to make a direct impact in the critical areas of education, public safety, human needs and the environment. The corps includes members of the new Civilian Community Corps and members of the Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA). HHS received $2.1 million in grants this summer from the Corporation for National and Community Service. The grants will support 245 Americorps members in immunizing children, providing home visits to children and families with limited access to health services, easing the daily lives of the developmentally disabled and tutoring Native Americans and migrant laborers' children in Head Start centers. The Childhood Immunization Initiative is a comprehensive effort to improve child immunization rates. It includes five key strategies to improve preschool vaccination rates: improving the quality and quantity of vaccination delivery services; reducing vaccine costs; increasing community participation, education and partnerships; improving the monitoring of disease and vaccination coverage; and improving vaccines and vaccine use. ###