*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1994.04.13 : ORI Investigating Hospital in Montreal Contact: Public Health Service/HRSA Wednesday, April 13, 1994 Public Health Service (202) 690-6867 NCI, 301-496-6641 The National Cancer Institute and the Office of Research Integrity today announced that ORI has opened a formal investigation into allegations that falsified data were submitted from St. Mary's Hospital Center, Montreal, for patients entered in the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project clinical trials. The allegations were referred to ORI by NCI two weeks ago. The investigation has uncovered five instances of potentially falsified data involving three patients entered in the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial. The possible falsifications involve changes in dates of tests required either to establish eligibility for the trial or to follow- up patients. In one instance, a laboratory value appears to have been altered to meet eligibility criteria. Based on the available information, neither ORI nor NCI believes the identified misstatements affect the results of the prevention trial. They appear to be limited to the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial, no results from which have been published, and do not affect treatment trials carried out at the same hospital. The ORI is continuing the investigation to determine the full extent of the problem and who is responsible for the data falsification. ORI does not routinely make public statements about open investigations. However, because of prior publicity involving this investigation and concerns from the patient community regarding the validity of the NSABP studies, ORI believes that this public statement is needed to provide accurate information to the public and the scientific community. ###