*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1994.02.17 : Senior Week Activities FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Anne Verano Thursday, Feb. 17, 1994 (202) 690-6145 Officials of the federal Health Care Financing Administration are visiting health care facilities and senior centers today and tomorrow for person-to-person contact with older Americans served by the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Approximately 33 HCFA staff in several groups will observe "Senior Week" by meeting older citizens in nine hospitals, eight nursing homes, 10 senior centers and three counseling programs in the Baltimore and Washington areas. "Administrators of government programs should periodically get away from their desks to meet the people affected by their decisions," said HCFA Administrator Bruce C. Vladeck. "A business that ignores its customers will soon go bankrupt, and a government program that loses touch with its customers will not serve them well," Vladeck said. "Where there are problems, we want to know about them. We are committed to improving the availability and quality of health care services for senior citizens," he explained. These visits are the first in a new program through which HCFA's senior staff will regularly spend more time in direct communications with beneficiaries and providers.