Suggested Tabular Formats for Required Data
for RFA-HL-10-013
Short-Term Research Education Program to
Increase Diversity in Health-Related Research (R25)

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Institutes of Health

Revised July 2009

Tabular formats for presenting the data required for peer review of the Short-Term Research Education Program to Increase Diversity in Health-Related Research (R25) application are provided below. While not required, these specific formats will facilitate peer review and may also be useful as a framework for the narrative sections. They are to be used in conjunction with RFA-HL-10-013, and the most recent version of the SF 424 (R&R)( The tables should be included in the Appendix. Please see Section IV., "Application and Submission Information, under 6. Other Submission Requirements and Information - Training Data Tables" in the Request for Application, RFA-HL-10-013.

If you have any questions regarding these suggested tabular formats—or are using a screen reader or other assistive device and would like to discuss the best way to proceed with your application—please e-mail the NHLBI Office of Research Training and Minority Health (

For convenience, a file containing all tables is available:
Web page - all tables
PDF file - all tables PDF Document, (175 K)

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