2007 Annual Report Executive Summary

Northwoods NiiJii Enterprise Community

Northwoods NiiJii Enterprise Community, Inc. (NiiJii) is a unique partnership among three Native American Tribes and eight municipal partners in rural northern Wisconsin.  Encompassing only 335,000 square acres of primarily forest reservation land, the population of 6612 individuals’ struggles to achieve personal success utilizing some of the lowest levels of income in the Nation.  At the outset of the Project, median family income averaged from six to eleven thousand annually, depending on the reservation examined.  Yet, these communities have a big vision to build sustainable communities by empowering citizens to foster partnerships and mobilize resources for the elimination of poverty for future generations.             


Through a comprehensive community-based strategic planning process, 80 community development projects have been described with a total budget of $146 million.  $124 million has already been raised since project implementation began nine years ago, bringing these communities 85% of the way toward funding their ten-year strategic plan.  An additional $61 million in community development financing has been applied for but not awarded or pending award.            

In 2007, 33 projects (Benchmarks) were under active implementation and/or launching.  Over the life of the project, $1.3 million in Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community Program (EZ/EC) seed funds spent have been used to leverage the $124 million in direct project funding and $9.2 million in in-kind resources, proving a leveraging ratio of 95:1.           

Of funding received, approximately 61% comes from federal sources, 5% from state and local governments, 2% from non-native local and regional governments 16% from the private sector and 16% from Tribal governments.  Efforts are being made to expand private sector participation in the initiative.           

In 2007, NiiJii staff were awarded $1.5 million in funding requests submitted on behalf of the Enterprise Community.  Since inception, NiiJii staff has submitted 179 grants awarding $16.5 million in funds to Enterprise Community Projects.


The A-133 Federal Compliance Audit ending December 2006 showed no significant findings.  The 2007 pre-audited figures show that total expenses were $668,017.  Total income was $760,311 and ending net income of $92,293 less the transfer of the     revolving loan portfolio to the newly formed CDFI.  Since inception in 1998, the trend has been toward a steadily rising level of income and expenses in each subsequent year.              

Approximately 84% of revenues were spent on Program Services.  This indicates that the cost of administration and overhead is about 16%, showing a steady downward trend through the Enterprise Communities operation.  The long-term target for administration is 10% of total expenses.             


In 2007, 23 new partners were recruited to participate in development efforts, including stakeholders, technical assistants, agencies and organizations, bringing the total for the Enterprise Community (EC) collaboration to 994 partners.  More than 100 community members have been engaged in leadership roles in the implementation of projects.  Partnership coordination and community involvement remain cornerstones to the success of EC efforts.             

In 2007, many community members volunteered to assist with projects and events, bringing the total project to date to 1410 volunteers.  Continued community involvement is vital to securing relevance in development efforts and a prerequisite for implementing the community empowerment process, which leads to sustainable growth.           


While many community members/clients are not aware of EC involvement to seed or launch the project initiatives they are being served by, clearly the majority of this small population are benefiting from the efforts; as users of public infrastructure, buildings and playgrounds, as recipients of business education, support or finance, as residents living in environmentally pristine areas, in improved housing with ownership options, as participants in community events, as college students or through support for their students’ education, and elders services.  Project to date NiiJii initiatives have served 5400 families and 5626 clients, representing approximately 85% of the 6612 persons listed in the EC population in 2000.

One indicator of impact is measured in terms of job creation.  In 2007, 352 jobs were either created or retained.  Over the life of the project, 1870 jobs have been created and 518 saved.  While many of these are related to project construction activities, and are not generally considered as long-term jobs, they are an important source of income to Native families.  In addition, 327 youth, 10 college graduates, and 55 adults were placed in jobs.  For perspective on the impact of job creation, it is worthy to note that the number of new jobs created represents 87% of the 2149 member population of EC residents in the workforce.               

Another indication of impact is the positive trends in median family income as reflected by the 1990 versus the 2000 Census statistics.  The Lac du Flambeau Reservation is up 66%.  Menominee is up 52%, and Mole Lake is up 70%.  Likewise, the percentage of families living below poverty is down 46%, 22%, and 27% for the same respective communities!                            

Many exciting projects are continuing to happen, and will ultimately lead to the fulfillment of the vision of these NiiJii communities, the alleviation of poverty for future generations.  NiiJii means good friends in the Ojibwa language and aspires to be the essence of combating poverty through partnership.


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