*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1993.04.28 : Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program Contact: Anne Verano (202) 690-6145 April 28, 1993 It was announced today that the Health Care Financing Administration recently mailed about a quarter of a million letters to low-income Americans who may qualify for savings of thousands of dollars annually in out-of-pocket payments for Medicare services. "We are strongly committed to providing Medicare services, through the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary program, to eligible elderly Americans who cannot afford the usual Medicare premiums, deductibles and co-payments," said HHS Secretary Donna E. Shalala. "We are pleased to note that we have already received approximately 60,000 responses to this special mailing." Payments covered under the QMB program are: --The $676 in-patient hospital deductible for each beneficiary hospital stay, --The $221 monthly Part A premium, --The $36.60 monthly Part B premium, --The $100 annual Part B deductible, --The $84.50-per-day skilled-nursing-facility charge for day 21 through 100, --The $169-per-day Part A hospital charge for day 61 through 90, --The $338-per-day Part A hospital charge for 60 lifetime reserve days for any hospitalizations longer than 90 days. Under the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary program, enacted by Congress in 1988, state Medicaid programs are required to pay the above Medicare premiums, deductibles and co-payments for elderly and disabled Americans whose incomes and assets place them below the poverty line. "HCFA has worked hard to reach potential QMB beneficiaries," said William Toby Jr., acting administrator of HCFA. "This mailing is the latest in a series of efforts that we have undertaken, efforts that include the use of newspapers, radio and television. The letter, with its self-mailing enrollment form, has proven highly effective." Questions on QMB eligibility and enrollment should be addressed to local welfare offices, whose phone numbers and addresses are listed in telephone directories, and which may also be obtained by calling HCFA's toll-free hotline, 1-800-638-6833. # # # Editor's Note: HCFA, an agency of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, directs the Medicare and Medicaid programs, which help pay the medical bills of more than 67 million Americans. HCFA's estimated fiscal year 1993 expenditures are almost $230 billion.