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TIP Website Comments

Page Created:  March 7, 2008
Page Updated:  July 9, 2009

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TIP's FY 2009 Competition is now closed.

TIP expects to announce awards by the end of November 2009.

yellow bullet  For all 2009 competition forms, materials, and information, click here

The Technology Innovation Program (TIP) supports, promotes, and accelerates innovation in the United States through high-risk, high-reward research in areas of critical national need. TIP has the agility and flexibility to make targeted investments in transformational R&D that will ensure our Nation’s future through sustained technological leadership.

Help Shape Future TIP Competitions

TIP is selecting White Papers to help shape TIP’s Collaborative outreach and future competitions. White papers in all areas of critical national need are encouraged. White papers, along with the vision of the Administration, NIST, other government agencies, the technical communities, and other stakeholders, help TIP shape the scope of future competitions.

For general information and upcoming deadlines, see our Call for White Papers.

For detailed instructions on how to prepare and submit white papers please refer to “A Guide for Preparing and Submitting White Papers on Areas of Critical National Need.”

TIP's First Competition in 2008

In June 2008, TIP published a white paper describing the scope of its first solicitation – “Advanced Sensing Technologies for the Infrastructure: Roads, Highways, Bridges and Water Systems.” The solicitation called for implementable, usable, and accurate sensing systems for the effective measurement of explicit infrastructure performance characteristics such as fatigue, corrosion, stress, usage, damage, etc. These new sensing technologies could provide increased security and safety for key critical infrastructure elements.

TIP announced in January 2009 nine projects for award, representing up to $88.2 million in new research, $42.5 million of it funded by TIP. Awarded projects from the first competition demonstrated TIP’s commitment to multi-disciplinary approaches and to encouraging broad teaming arrangements. Thirty-five research participants are involved in the nine projects. Nine of those 35 participants are universities with four joint ventures led by universities. TIP offers a unique opportunity for funding university-industry cutting edge research.

For a summary of the TIP 2008 Competition in Civil Infrastructure, see our TIP At-A-Glance Fact Sheet.

For details on all TIP Funded Projects, see our Funded Projects page.

TIP News

blue diamond bullet  Federal Register Notice Clarifying Eligibility Criteria...more

blue diamond bullet  Federal Register Notice of Three Additional TIP Proposers' Conferences...more

blue diamond bullet  TIP Announces FY 2009 Competition...more

blue diamond bullet  Federal Register Notice of TIP Competition...more

blue diamond bullet  NIST Seeks White Papers on Critical National Needs...more

 bullet Call for White Papers...more

 bullet Federal Register Notice Seeking White Papers...more

blue diamond bullet  Nine New R&D Projects Funded to Develop Infrastructure Monitoring and Inspection Technologies  ...more