Vendor Consortium: Available FAC-P/PM Training from Vendors

Vendor Information

Please see below for course descriptions by vendor. Each description includes:

  • Course title
  • Course description
  • Method of training (online or classroom)
  • Coursework area
  • Length of training

University of Maryland University College | SkillSoft | Project Masters, Inc. | IPS & the Stanford Center | Insights Learning & Development | Acquisition Solutions Training Institute | Management Concepts | Siege Engine Inc. | Federal Acquisition Certification Academy

University of Maryland University College

PMAN 634: Foundations of Project Management
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Entry Level Basic Project Management I
This course provides an overview of the theory and practice of managing projects in any organization. The focus is on the fundamental building blocks of project management, including project planning, organizing, team building, tracking, and controlling projects. Key aspects of management and proven techniques that differentiate project management from other types of management are examined in depth. The goal is to gain a solid understanding and foundation to successfully manage each phase of the project life cycle, work within organizational constraints, set goals linked directly to stakeholder needs, and utilize proven project management tools to complete projects on time and within budget while meeting specifications. Essential concepts, processes and techniques are applied through management of a team project.
Method of Training: Online and Classroom
Length of Training: 12 weeks
Location: Online
To register: contact

PMAN 638: Communication, Negotiation, and Conflict Resolution
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Mid Level Leadership and Interpersonal Skills II
PMAN 600 or PMAN 634.
Description: This course provides an overview of conflict resolution processes and methods and the skills needed to manage the human elements within project management — a task as challenging as managing the technical aspects. Topics include critical communication and conflict resolution issues faced by project workers in today’s global corporate environment. Innovative approaches to successfully negotiating and resolving conflicts among team members, colleagues, managers and stakeholders are introduced and practiced. Proven techniques to make conflict a constructive rather than a destructive experience are analyzed. Emphasis is on case study analysis, effective communication behaviors, negotiation skills, and virtual team processes to successfully lead both domestic and global projects.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 12 weeks
To register: contact

PMAN 670: Advanced Project Methods
FAC-P/PM Mapping: FAC-P/PM Mapping: Mid Level Project Management II

Formerly PMAN 635
Prerequisite: PMAN 634
Description: This course provides an overview of advanced methods of managing projects applying widely used software tools for project management and risk analysis. Topics include analytical approaches and quantitative methods in project management such as techniques for estimating project, time and cost; optimizing allocation of resources; expediting projects; and applying scheduling algorithms. Simulation tools and statistical techniques are used to analyze uncertainty in project selection, budget allocation and time estimation. The processes, tools and techniques of project management are applied to a team project.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 12 weeks
To register: contact

PMAN 600: Project Management: Foundations and Advanced Methods
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Senior Level Project Management III

This six-credit course integrates the foundations of project management (PMAN 634) with advanced methods in project management (PMAN 670).
Description: This course is a one-semester study of the foundations of project management, including project planning, organizing, team building, tracking and controlling. Analytical and quantitative concepts involved in project management (such as techniques for estimating project time and cost, optimizing allocation of resources, expediting projects, and applying scheduling algorithms) are explained. Simulation tools and statistical techniques are used to analyze uncertainty in project selection, budget allocation, and time estimation. The processes, tools and techniques of project management are applied to a large-scale governmental or commercial project that is developed from proposal to completion through group work.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 12 weeks
Students who receive credit for PMAN 600 may not receive credit for PMAN 634 or PMAN 670.
To register: contact

TMAN 633: Managing People in Technology-Based Organizations
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Senior Level Leadership and Interpersonal Skills III
An overview of the management of three levels of behavior in organizations: individual employee behavior, group behavior, and organizational behavior. Regardless of an organization's technology, size, or mission, people are the common denominator as managers cope with the challenges in today's information-based and global economy. Topics covered include emerging organizational behavior issues facing dynamic, technology-based organizations such as knowledge management, work design, virtual organizations and teams, contingent workforce management, creativity/innovation, socio-technical systems, the development of learning and boundary-less organizations, emotional intelligence, the global workforce, and the formulation of pay/retention strategies. Contemporary organizational behavior theories are linked to their applications in technology-based organizations through the use of real-life examples, case studies, and current events.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 12 weeks
To register: contact

Vendor: SkillSoft

Mechanics of Communicating Effectively
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Oral Communication Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills
The effectiveness of your communication depends more on how you sound than the words you use. This course explains how to develop a voice that people want to listen to, and gives some valuable remedies to use to make your speaking voice the best it can be. Similarly, good listening involves more than just hearing what is being said. To be an accomplished listener you must be prepared to become actively involved in the process, demonstrating your willingness to truly understand what the other person is saying. In this course you will be given strategies to assist you to improve your listening skills and in doing so to make solid connections with those you communicate with. Finally, this course will introduce you to the "silent" language of the body, giving you the ability to recognize when there is conflict between what is being said and a person's true feelings.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 3 hours
To register: Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Presenting Successfully
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Oral Communication Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
There are a number of basic types of presentations, but all presentations have four things in common: a presenter, an audience, a venue, and a message. This course concentrates on showing how each of these vital elements has to be taken into account when preparing a presentation. Presenting is a skill that needs to be learned and practiced, starting with how you prepare, and you will be shown a simple but powerful method for selecting the right content, and then structuring it. Controlling nerves is an important part of preparing, and this course helps you to remove anxieties in the presentation environment by making sure that the venue is set up correctly, and ensuring that you rehearse appropriately.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 3 hours
To register: Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Giving Successful Presentations Simulation
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Oral Communication Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
After years of research and development, the Top-Shelf Cola Company is finally ready to release its latest beverage, Passion, to consumers. Passion is a caffeine-free, all-natural soda that's made from real passion fruits. The company has spent ten million dollars to perfect the product's taste and to create a brand for the drink. You are a brand manager at Top-Shelf and responsible for the Passion brand along with your coworker, Hannah. The drink will be hitting the streets soon, and the marketing campaign for Passion has already begun. Top-Shelf has been aligned with several restaurant chains to exclusively sell its other soft drinks. Now, Top-Shelf management wants Passion to also be on the menus at these chains. In this simulation, you must prepare and deliver a presentation to some of Top-Shelf's existing customers and convince representatives from these chains that they should be offering Passion to their customers.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: .5 hours
To register: Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Listening to Comprehend
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Oral Communication Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
This course teaches you how to comprehend verbal and visual messages to maximize your understanding of others. Because this course teaches listening skills, it is important to have your audio turned on for certain sections. In some instances, the text that is spoken will display in the caption text box.  In these cases, the important feature is not what is said, but how it is said. In these sections, it would be most effective for you to turn off the captions to get the full effect of the audio. In other instances, audio is presented without accompanying text. To complete these sections, you must have your audio turned on.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 4 hours
To register: Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Problem Framing
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Problem Solving Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
When you frame a picture, you intend for the viewer to examine everything within that border. Problem framing is similar in that you must not only consider what objectively makes up the problem itself but also what subjective tendencies influence your view of the situation. This course is designed to help you effectively frame problems so that you're sure your line of sight is aimed straight toward the solution. You'll discover how to recognize and gather information about a problem so that all contingencies are accounted for and all subtleties considered. You'll learn how to uncover the various assumptions, both conscious and unconscious, that are typically made about problems. After identifying these assumptions, you'll be able to tell the productive ones from the nonproductive. You'll also explore specific strategies for getting to the heart of any problem and learn dynamic techniques for framing that problem so that success is greatly enhanced. In the end, your ability to frame problems will be museum-quality.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 3 hours
To register:  Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Problem Solving: Generating Alternatives
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Problem Solving Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
When faced with any problem, it's tempting, especially in today's frenzied business atmosphere, to either take the easiest route or rely on the old tried-and-true methods. But how many times have you taken a certain action and realized afterward that you had more options than you realized? As a positive result of that complexity, however, you can enjoy the benefits of increased opportunities in problem solving. This course is designed to equip you with numerous and productive alternative generation strategies that will enable you to draw from a pool of expanded options. By so doing, you'll better recognize and act on the best possible business choice. You'll explore ways to begin generating alternatives and get into the flow of enlarging your store of possible solutions. Using both rational and creative approaches to problem solving, you'll be sure that no good idea is left unnoticed. And even when you get stuck, when that rut becomes tiresomely deep, you'll be able to right your course by using the dynamic strategies provided here. Options and alternatives are valuable commodities to possess. Get ready to take them to the bank.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 2 hours
To register:  Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Making Decisions Dynamically
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Problem Solving Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
The objective of this course is to turn you and others in your organization into dynamic decision makers. You'll gain the skills necessary to avoid the psychological pitfalls that adversely affect decision making. You'll hone your decision-making ability in risky and uncertain circumstances. You'll walk away from this course with concrete and powerful decision-making tools, both rational and statistical. When you use the decision-modeling techniques presented here, you'll enjoy enhanced accuracy and, hence, business confidence. Then, with these strategies in hand, you'll explore ways to better make decisions even when you're working with others who aren't completely "on your side." It's true that decisions determine your life. It's time now to better determine your decisions.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 2.5 hours
To register:  Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Perspectives on Conflict in the Workplace
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Conflict Management Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
What is meant by the term "conflict," and what are the general attitudes towards it in the workplace? In this course, three prevailing attitudes towards conflict are compared. These are that: --Conflict is always a bad thing --Conflict is always a good thing --A certain level of conflict is productive, but too much is undesirable. This last view informs the rest of the course, which goes on to describe how a healthy and productive level of conflict can be encouraged in an organization, promoting a win-win philosophy that improves performance. Of course, conflict cannot always be contained at this productive level, and often spills over into becoming destructive. Therefore, learners will also discover how to recognize the signs and symptoms of destructive conflict, so that they can deal with it in the workplace.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 3.5 hours
To register:  Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Handling Conflict
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Conflict Management Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
No one can complete a working career without experiencing conflict, so it is essential for you to handle this conflict in the most effective way. To handle conflict well, you need to build a repertoire of techniques. These techniques require you to behave differently from your natural instincts at times. Therefore, a good starting point is to establish what your instinctive approaches to conflict are, and where these attitudes stem from. This will enable you to decide on a range of different approaches to conflict, based on a spectrum that goes from being only concerned about your own needs, to only being concerned about other people's needs. This spectrum gives rise to five possible strategies for dealing with conflict. Whatever strategy you apply, some core techniques will make you more effective. These involve three main actions: confronting the conflict, communicating with the other party, and determining an acceptable outcome.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 3.5 hours
To register: Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Getting Past Clashes: Valuing Team Diversity
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Conflict Management Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
Teams have diverse personalities, skills, and interests that are challenging to put together. You may not get along with every team member, but it's important that you can work together to achieve the same goal. At the end of this course, you'll have the skills needed to work with different personality styles, control your gut reactions to difficult people, and deal with difficult team members.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 2.5 hours
To register: Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Conquering Conflict through Communication
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Conflict Management Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
Develop the skills to conquer conflict through communication. Identify the steps to active listening. Recognize how to use feedback in your teams. Communicate information sensitively. Learn how to bring out the best in people.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 3.0 hours
To register: Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Leadership Communication Skills
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Interpersonal Skills Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
In this course, you will learn what the requirements of leadership are, how to communicate your suitability for the role, and how to communicate with those you lead. Leadership is not the same as management. Unlike management, leadership does not require formal recognition of authority. However, it does place other requirements on the person assuming the leadership role. Before people will follow, they need to be reassured that their leader is deserving of both their trust and their confidence. Good relationships are paramount, and communication is the prime tool for building those relationships. Once you have been accepted as the leader, good communication will ensure that objectives are agreed upon, understood, and achieved.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 3.5 hours
To register: Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Team Interpersonal Communication Skills Simulation
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meet Interpersonal Skills Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
Interpersonal communication is an essential skill for the modern worker. Rarely does an employee work in complete isolation. People interact with customers, peers, teams, managers, and executives. Leaders especially must be able to demonstrate good communication within their teams. When leaders practice good communication skills, their teams are motivated, inspired, and committed. There are several strategies that leaders can practice to improve their interpersonal communication skills. This simulation focuses on them. The learner is the senior documentation writer at Traveler Help, a company that makes The Belvedere. The Belvedere is a portable, affordable, programmable travel companion that makes traveling easier by alerting the traveler to flight status, alerts, and directions in terminals. The learner is trying to convince the company that usability is critical to the product's success and has been given a month to prove it. This task is in addition to a regular workload.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: .5 hours
To register: Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Integrating Change in Your Organization
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Resilience and Flexibility Competencies under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
For the change process to be effective, you must incorporate the changes that you have made and, at the same time, create structures and mechanisms that are flexible enough to allow ongoing change when necessary. To do this, you need to develop committed and flexible teams, and create an atmosphere that allows open and frank discussion about how improvements can continue to be made. Effective teams, performance management, and well-placed policies are needed if your organization is to truly benefit from the change process. "Incorporating Change in Your Organization" provides you with the skills and strategies you need to embed and sustain change, and then move forward toward continual improvement and collaborative working. The change story never ends. In today's ever-changing business environment, you may feel as if you're on an endless loop of change. As a manager, your role is to ensure that each part of the change story finishes happily, so that when new change is required, the foundation for progress is strong and flexible.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 3.0 hours
To register: Check your agency’s LMS or go to

The Path from Pessimism to Optimism
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Resilience Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
Your point of view affects virtually every aspect of your life, including your level of success. A negative point of view is a detrimental influence. Negativity is the result of unchecked pessimism. It's an abnormal pattern of thinking that persists over time and negates solutions and successful outcomes. Learning to deal with negativity will improve both your personal and business relationships. This course identifies how negative attitudes are formed, how you can identify them, and how a bad attitude becomes contagious. You will also learn some practical tools for developing and maintaining a positive point of view.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 4.0 hours
To register: Check your agency’s LMS or go to

A Primer for Ensuring Accountability
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Accountability Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
 This course is designed to enhance your ability to communicate a philosophy of continuous improvement, what you expect of your staff, and what they must expect of themselves. This is a primer on multiple approaches to performance appraisal. It's much easier to hold people accountable for their work if they know exactly what's expected, and more importantly, why it's expected. Acting on the lessons in this course will pay off in increased employee commitment, not to mention increased profitability. The other major payoff here is the opportunity to do some soul searching. How accountable are you? You'll have the chance to consider your own performance as a manager and practice your own strategic approach for ensuring accountability.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 4.5 hours
To register: Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Writing with Intention
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Written Communication Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I  
 Whether you're preparing a brief e-mail response, a business letter, a performance review, a multi-page proposal, or a presentation to a prime customer, you know that having a job means having to write. But if you're not a trained writer, how do you begin? The writing process actually starts before you pick up a pen or place your fingers on a keyboard. It begins with defining what you are writing, for whom you are writing, why you are writing, and which writing approach to use. "Writing with Intention" addresses these defining matters, which you need to consider every time you sit down to write. The course includes lessons on how to link your writing to its purpose, how to modify your writing for different readers and audiences, and how to approach your content in a manner that supports the message type. In this course, business writing is taught as a collection of easy skill sets, not as a strained creative exercise. The lessons flexibly encompass almost any kind of business writing you may be required to perform on the job. No matter what your level of writing skill, if you write at work, you can benefit from this practical writing course.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 4.0 hours
To register:  Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Avoiding Errors in Usage and Punctuation
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Written Communication Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I  
 Have you ever received an e-mail so poorly worded that you hit the delete button before you even finished reading the message? Have you ever opened a letter so confusing that you couldn't understand what the author was trying to say? If so, you understand the frustration of receiving a badly written message. Are you afraid that you might have sent messages that have been discarded or misunderstood for similar reasons? If so, this course will help you to improve your basic usage and punctuation skills so that your messages are read and understood.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 4.5 hours
To register:  Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Avoiding Grammatical Errors in Business Writing
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Written Communication Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
 Grammar: the very word strikes terror into the hearts of learners everywhere. For many people, it recalls the most difficult or most boring classes they can remember from childhood. Yet using correct grammar is one of the key skills for any business writer. Poor grammar skills interfere with communicating a clear message; moreover, they may suggest that the writer is careless and perhaps unprofessional. In this course, you will learn to recognize and repair the most common grammatical errors in sentence construction. Using correct grammar will help you to convey your information accurately and to represent yourself and your company as articulate and professional.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 4.5 hours
To register: Check your agency’s LMS or go to

The Writing Process
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Written Communication Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I  
 This course divides the writing process into manageable components: preparing to write and composing your message. It explains a methodical way of handling the various tasks from beginning to end. It also covers the particular challenges of writing in groups. There is no single correct way to write, and experienced writers usually develop their own individual processes. But if your current approach is haphazard and frustrating, using the process explained in this course may make the act of writing less formidable and more enjoyable. It may also help you to produce more focused, more polished and more effective business documents.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 5.0 hours
To register: Check your agency’s LMS or go to

The Fundamentals of Exceptional Customer Service
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Customer Service Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
 This course is designed to take your goals beyond merely satisfying the customer to creating customer loyalty. The training takes aim at outdated modes of thinking, and establishes the building blocks for a service mentality that increases customer commitment, not to mention profits. Learn how to develop service standards and track their effectiveness. Gain new insights and strategies from the corporate masters of customer service. Explore the value of building relationships with customers. Most importantly, by the end of the course you'll be able create your own customer-focused philosophy.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 3.0 hours
To register: Check your agency’s LMS or go to

The Customer's Voice
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Customer Service Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
 This course provides the tools to learn all that you can about your customers. The focus is on recognizing and ultimately anticipating customer expectations. There are any numbers of ways to hear "The Customer's Voice", but you have to know how to listen. Learn about the dynamics of client expectations, and the inconsistent, ever-changing nature of today's customer. How do customers judge our success? You'll explore the five key expectations dimensions, and you'll be able to assess your workplace in terms of meeting client needs. And you don't have to be James Bond to "gather intelligence" on your customers. By completing this course, you'll be able to master methods of compiling customer data and input. The final step in "hearing" your customer is creating compatibility. Explore how to align your services with each of your clients, and gain customers for life.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 5.0 hours
To register:  Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Customers, Confrontation and Conflict
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Customer Service Customer Service under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
 This course will give you the perspective to effectively cope with customer conflict, and sound methods to deal with all types of potentially confrontational situations. You'll be able to identify elements of emotional response that interfere with good customer service. Staying cool, calm, and customer-connected is a critical learning objective for this course. Develop communication skills that defuse customer complaints. Learn and differentiate the best methods to handle difficult customers in person and over the phone. By the end of this highly interactive course, you'll have the strategies necessary to restore customer confidence and move beyond the thorny issue to an even stronger relationship.
Method of Training: Online
Length of Training: 5.0 hours
To register: Check your agency’s LMS or go to

Vendor: Project Masters, Inc.

Managing the Project’s Quality
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Test & Evaluation Competency under Entry Level Basic Project Management I
 This course provides and overview of quality management and specifically focuses on the cost of quality, quality integration and requirements.  Participants will also learn about the history of quality, measurement procedures and corrective actions, and procedures to verify project effectiveness.  The course also introduces quality management including flow charts, cause and effect diagram, check sheet, pareto diagram, histogram, control chart and scatter plot.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: One day or 8 hours
To register:  go to or call 301-362-5800.

Managing Teams
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Problem Solving and Interpersonal Skills Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
 This course describes and defines team terminology, discusses behavioral issues in managing teams and specifically focuses on theories such as Maslow’s Hierarchy, Herbert’s Motivators, Theory X and Y Behavioral Issues.  Course participants will learn team management skills, setting team norms, how to listen and give feedback, how to set up a team.  The course also reviews team motivation factors, decision making tools, and problem solving.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: One day or 8 hours
To register:  go to or call 301-362-5800.

Becoming an Effective Communicator
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Oral Communication and Conflict Management Competency under Entry Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills I
Description:  This course gives an overview of communication terminology, manager communication skills and different communication types.  Participants will learn conflict management skills, basic presentation skills, and negotiating skills.  The course also focuses on Management by Walkaround (MBWA), effective meeting skills, status reporting and avoiding failure due to lack of communication.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: Two days or 16 hours
To register:  go to or call 301-362-5800.

Advanced Acquisition Management
FAC-P/PM Mapping:  Advanced Acquisition Management III
This course describes the Federal government acquisition policy, acquisition management, work breakdown structure, cost estimating, Program budget execution, solicitation planning, evaluation and award, and contract management post award.  The course also addressed earned value management, quality management, and risk management.  Participants will learn how to deliver and manage a Departmental/Agency effort, direct the development of concepts, requirements, and documents related to the program, manage the preparation of a Program’s Management Strategy, Maximize the use of Performance Based Acquisition Principles, Market Research, relevance of FAR Parts 10 and 12, direct requirement baselining, change processes and resourcing.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: Three days or 24 hours
To register:  go to or call 301-362-5800.

Vendor: IPS and the Stanford Center for Professional Development at Stanford University

Project Management Mastery (PMM)
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Requirements Development Process, Risk and Opportunity Management, and Communication Management Competencies under Entry Level Basic Project Management I
Description:This fundamentals-level course developed by IPS and the Stanford Center for Professional Development at Stanford University teaches a streamlined, flexible, step-by-step approach in managing projects of any size. It instills practical project management methods essential for success in today’s challenging business environment. Get the hands-on experience in producing and implementing a powerful project plan, including execution and control strategies. Learn how to apply proven techniques, templates, and tools for each project phase presented in the course – initiating, defining, organizing, planning, tracking, managing, and closing out projects.
Method of Training: Classroom and Online
Length of Training: 24 hours
To register: Call 800-643-0404 or email to schedule a class

Managing Without Authority (MWA)
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Conflict Management, Team Building/IPT, and Influencing/Negotiating Aligned Skills under Mid Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills II
Description:Learn how to get work done when authority is less important than knowledge. This course developed by IPS and the Stanford Center for Professional Development at Stanford University gives proven and effective techniques to succeed when experiencing tough projects, tougher customers, nearly impossible deadlines, valuable team members with differing priorities, others who aren’t delivering as agreed, and functional managers who aren’t meeting key resource commitments. MWA provides the tools to read the political terrain, identify the business, social, and individual dynamics in play, and determine the best strategies and tactics for the situation.
Method of Training: Classroom and Online
Length of Training: 24 hours
To register: Call 800-643-0404 or email to schedule a class

Leading Effective Teams (LET)
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Partnering, Conflict Management, Team Building/IPT, Creativity/Innovation, and Leveraging Diversity Competencies under Mid Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills II
Description:This course developed by IPS and the Stanford Center for Professional Development at Stanford University equips participants with the insights and skills needed to lead complex team efforts to success under the most challenging of circumstances. Maximizing team performance is a key organizational imperative in today’s complex and dynamic business environment. Team members span organizational lines, geographical boundaries, cultures, and even languages, and leaders must be prepared to deal with these dynamics. LSE gives managers and leaders an opportunity to step back and acquire the strategic perspective to ensure everyone is aligned and progressing toward the same goal.
Method of Training: Classroom and Online
Length of Training: 24 hours
To register: Call 800-643-0404 or email to schedule a class

Mastering the Integrated Program (MIP)
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Requirements Development Process Competency under Mid Level Project Management II
Description:This course developed by IPS and the Stanford Center for Professional Development at Stanford University presents proven processes for managing the interrelationships among various projects in order to assure repeatable success in the complex program environment. Managing the complex interrelationships among projects has become a mandatory skill in the twenty-first-century. Recognizing that it is not enough to approach programs simply as large projects, this course presents a unique set of management skills for identifying and assessing the myriad of interfaces and relationships affecting today’s integrated programs.
Method of Training: Classroom and Online
Length of Training: 24 hours
To register: Call 800-643-0404 or email to schedule a class

Converting Strategy into Action (CSIA)
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Entrepreneurship and Vision Competencies under Senior Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills III
Description:This course developed by IPS and the Stanford Center for Professional Development at Stanford University provides an introduction to the full range of approaches and emerging concepts for aligning project initiatives with strategic objectives. An organization doesn’t just naturally evolve from being project driven to being focused and successful with projects that consistently execute business strategies. CSIA delineates and demonstrates what it takes to bring about this evolution by treating strategic execution as an overall system.
Method of Training: Classroom and Online
Length of Training: 24 hours
To register: Call 800-643-0404 or email to schedule a class

Leadership for Strategic Execution (LSE)
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Strategic Thinking, Entrepreneurship, and Vision Competencies under Senior Level Leadership/Interpersonal Skills III
Description:This course developed by IPS and the Stanford Center for Professional Development at Stanford University addresses the critical role that leadership plays in achieving better organizational performance and how best to use that role strategically. Organizations stand or fall on their ability to execute strategy effectively – which means they demand skilled leaders to manage the teams that translate strategy into effective results. LSE provides participants with the tools to become effective leaders, whether for making strategic decisions, translating strategy, or managing change within an organization.
Method of Training: Classroom and Online
Length of Training: 24 hours
To register: Call 800-643-0404 or email to schedule a class

Insights Learning & Development

Foundations of Leadership in Project Management
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Entry Level Leadership/Professional

Description: Over the past 20 years project management has matured, from focusing on meeting the triple constraints (cost, schedule, scope) to becoming a strategic capability for achieving organizational goals. Today, it takes more than good administrative skills to run a successful project…it takes leadership! The Foundations of Leadership in Project Management Workshop is a powerful, insightful and practical introduction to leadership for project managers. The workshop begins with Insights Discovery, a highly customized, in-depth profile* produced for each participant that provides insights into one’s strengths, challenges, blind spots, management, decision making style, and strengths/challenges in influencing. Leadership is in relationship to those being led, so understanding one’s one leadership preferences is a crucial first step in managing others. The journey on Day One continues with understanding the balance of flexibility and resolve, resilience and fortitude and strategies for dealing with setbacks and stress. Day two will focus on logical analysis for problem solving and decision making, goal setting, and accountability for results. Day three will focus on communication strategies (oral and written), building interpersonal skills, resolving conflict, and customer service. *Requires 20 minutes of pre-work to complete an Insights Discovery Profile.
Method of Training: Live Online and Classroom
Length of Training: 24 hours
To register: Contact Suzanne Dresser at 360-876-5153 or

Insights to Personal Effectiveness
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Entry Level Interpersonal Skills under Leadership/Professional

Description: Insights Discovery is a lifelong system for optimizing personal and professional effectiveness. During the workshop you will learn a common language to support your growth as individual and as a team member. You will receive a custom profile* that includes information on your personal style, decision making preferences, strengths, potential challenges, communication style preferences and potential blind spots (plus more). The Discovery Profile is the latest in technological achievement in the psychometric field and will be used in conjunction with classroom learning, exercises, and teaming opportunities to provide a day that will be information-rich and fun-filled. *Requires 20 minutes of pre-work to complete an Insights Discovery Profile.
Method of Training: Live Online and Classroom
Length of Training: 4 hours
To register: Contact Suzanne Dresser at 360-876-5153 or

Transformational Leadership in Project Management
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Mid Level Leadership/Professional

Description: The Insights Transformational Leadership in Project Management workshop is designed to transform practitioners of project and portfolio* managers into leaders by evolving self-awareness, expanding capability and effectiveness at leading self, teams and groups, and the organization along with developing their emotional competence. Participants will receive a highly customized Transformational Leadership profile to gain insight into their strengths and challenges in eight dimensions of leadership: Leading Change, Creating a Compelling Vision, Communicating with Impact, Fostering Teamwork, Facilitating Development, Leading From Within, Agile Thinking and Delivering Results. *15-20 minutes of pre work required to complete leadership profile.
Method of Training: Live Online and Classroom
Length of Training: 40 hours
To register: Contact Suzanne Dresser at 360-876-5153 or

Managing Up the Chain- Influencing, Negotiating, and Communicating with Impact
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Mid Level Influencing/Negotiating under Leadership/Professional

Description: The most important competencies for project managers in leadership development is influencing, advocating change and negotiating with stakeholders. The biggest obstacle to project success is managing stakeholder expectation*. This class is NOT a 1-2-3 on negotiating techniques. It is a journey into the psychology of influencing and negotiating with a focus on practical, immediate application in your project environment.
Method of Training: Live Online and Classroom
Length of Training: 8 hours
To register: Contact Suzanne Dresser at 360-876-5153 or

The Executive Guide to Strategy Execution
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Senior Level Strategic Thinking under Leadership/Professional

Description: This high impact workshop is designed for people in mid to senior level positions with experience in executing strategic initiatives. The material presented is designed to give people with a background in project, program and/or portfolio management the next level of information to be optimally successful in their role as leaders. Those who formulate strategies will be equally interested in how considerations of execution and organizational development influence the strategic vision and mission.
Method of Training: Live Online and Classroom
Length of Training: 8 hours
To register: Contact Suzanne Dresser at 360-876-5153 or

Vendor: Acquisition Solutions Training Institute

Mission Centric COTR Basics: Contracting for Program and Project Managers
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Contracting Competency under Senior Level Advanced Acquisition Management III

Description: This course includes eight modules of training, focused on both technical knowledge and required competencies. Each module contains course content, discussion questions, exercises, exhibits and references. During this course, students will participate in highly interactive discussions, exercises, and case study reviews. These activities combined will educate COR/COTRs and P/PMs to make sound business decisions, working closely with their Contracting Officers (COs) and contractors, to ensure mission results are achieved. Additionally, various forms, templates, and references materials have been combined into a COR/COTR Handbook and CD, to be utilized during class and on the job. After the completion of this course, students will understand the significant role played by the COR/COTR and P/PM as the principal liaison between the contractor and the Contracting Officer (CO); describe your responsibilities, both legal and mission-centric; understand your duties throughout the acquisition process; and add value to the process based on your business acumen.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 40 hours
To register: Go to or call 1-866-425-3500 or e-mail

Vendor: Management Concepts

Project Management Principles
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Risk & Opportunity Management, Communications Management and Working Group and Teams Aligned Skills under Requirements/Management Development Process Competency under Entry Level

Description: This entry level course provides a thorough foundation of the principles, processes, tools and techniques across all areas of the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). The best practices taught and applied by participants in the class will provide the skills and confidence necessary to successfully manage projects from initiation to final closeout. Participants will understand the trade-offs of the triple constraints - balancing the competing demands of time, cost and scope. Participants apply what they learn in a non-threatening environment, coached by our facilitator, through a series of practical case study exercises to work through a project from beginning to end. Some of the latest techniques such as critical chain project management, opportunity management and measurements are also addressed. The class is designed using a number of effective and engaging techniques so that students can experience the project life cycle from beginning to end. Course material, lecture, facilitated discussions, individual, group, and class exercises, demonstrations, role plays, briefings and a multiple-choice, summative exam are all integrated into the class to provide a solid learning event.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 24 hours
To register: Email or call Customer Service at 703-790-9595.

Leadership and Communications Skills for Project Managers
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Conflict Management, Interpersonal Skills, Flexibility, Accountability, and Oral Communication Aligned Skills under Leadership/Professional Competency under Entry Level

Description: The trend toward project-based work environments places a great premium not only on the project manager’s technical abilities, but also on the ability to lead. Leadership and Communications Skills for Project Managers examines how project managers can learn about themselves to become better leaders within the context of a project environment. This course looks at the role of motivation and team dynamics in project teams. Participants study various theories and have an opportunity to apply them in project exercises. Central to this course is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® assessment. Each participant determines their type, discovers what those preferences mean in a project setting, and then learns how to identify and work with team members of various MBTI® types. This course also uses instruments designed to evaluate conflict resolution and stress management. As with the personality indicators, participants learn how they innately deal with conflict and stress and then learn how to use that knowledge to successfully lead project teams. This four-day course uses a number of techniques to engage participants in the material: lecture; facilitated discussions; individual, group, and class exercises; videos; and a multiple-choice, summative exam.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 24 hours
To register: Email or call Customer Service at 703-790-9595.

Defining and Managing IT Requirements
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Technical Process Aligned Skill under Systems Engineering Competency under Mid Level

Description: Today’s information technology projects are becoming increasingly complex and frequently experience cost and schedule overruns. Most overruns are caused by poorly defined or missing requirements and scope creep. The primary reasons for the success and failure of projects center on requirements analysis and management. Defining and Managing IT Requirements provides the information necessary to identify, document, track, control, and manage changes in requirements throughout a project’s life cycle. This course provides the information needed to establish an effective environment for requirements management and to prepare a procedure for use; discusses the key roles and responsibilities in requirements analysis and management; and describes the importance of allocating and tracing requirements of validation and verification. Tools and techniques to use throughout the requirements process are presented as well as methods to conduct an inspection and ways to reduce risks. Effective requirements analysis and management can prevent potential problems before they become serious problems that can cause schedule and cost overruns. Analyzing and managing requirements, thus, are cornerstone activities of software development and other IT projects. This three-day course uses a number of techniques to engage students in the material: lecture; facilitated discussions; individual, group, and class exercises; and a multiple-choice, summative exam.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 24 hours
To register: Email or call Customer Service at 703-790-9595.

Vendor:Siege Engine Inc.

Project Management Core Skills & Leadership for Team Leads
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Risk & Opportunity Management, Working Groups and Teams Problem Solving, Conflict Management and Interpersonal Skills Aligned Skills under Requirements/Management Development Process Competency under Entry Level

Description: This 5 day course prepares team leads to perform the tasks commonly delegated by project managers during the planning and execution of projects. Vocabulary, process, concepts, and tradecraft necessary to assist in the creation of project plan components, work breakdown structures, requirements, life cycle costs, risk management plans, alternate logistics support, testing & evaluation, and ultimately a project integrated master plan are conveyed by discussion and example. Students develop functional capacities by performing hands-on lab activities using a highly challenging real world scenario that requires the full application of the student’s skill set to achieve success. Students create the actual project work products and are evaluated using real world standards and expectations. Students lead small teams on actual project management tasks: decomposing work, determining appropriate levels of detail, completing work breakdown structures, duration estimation, network diagramming, resource estimation, scheduling, costing, and baseline creation. Students then move on to a perform work in a comprehensive risk/opportunity management process including: identification, valuation, ranking, selection, planning, and monitoring of actual project risks using proven field expedient tools and techniques. Team leadership concepts and processes are modeled, discussed, and then used in the working lab environment of the course. Students function as both a team lead and a follower while applying the course concepts in their work. Student performance and lab work products are evaluated at every stage of the course. Coaching, feedback, and mentoring are provided as the students make progress through the course.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 5 days
To register: Email or call 301- 617-3444

Project Management Core Skills for Team Leads
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Risk & Opportunity Management and Working Groups and Teams Aligned Skills under Requirements/Management Development Process Competency under Entry Level

Description: This course prepares team leads to perform the tasks commonly delegated by project managers during the planning and execution of projects. Vocabulary, process, concepts, and tradecraft necessary to assist in the creation of project plan components, work breakdown structures, requirements, life cycle costs, risk management plans, alternate logistics support, testing & evaluation, and ultimately a project integrated master plan are conveyed by discussion and example. Students develop functional capacities by performing hands-on lab activities using a highly challenging real world scenario that requires the full application of the student’s skill set to achieve success. Students create the actual project work products and are evaluated using real world standards and expectations. Students perform hands on project planning tasks: decomposing work, determining appropriate levels of detail, completing work breakdown structures, duration estimation, network diagramming, resource estimation, scheduling, costing, and baseline creation. Students participate in a comprehensive risk/opportunity management process including: identification, valuation, ranking, selection, planning, and monitoring of actual project risks using proven field expedient tools and techniques. Student performance and lab work products are evaluated at every stage of the course. Coaching, feedback, and mentoring are provided as the students make progress through the course.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 3 days
To register: Email or call 301- 617-3444

Project Management Leadership for Team Leads
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Problem Solving, Conflict Management and Interpersonal Skills Aligned Skills under Leadership/Professional Competency under Entry Level

Description: This 2 day course prepares team leads to integrate, manage, and lead small teams working in a project environment to support project and program efforts. Small team leadership vocabulary processes, and concepts in project support situations are learned by discussion, example, and practice. Students learn team leadership skills necessary in project environments. Students apply the project planning model as a tool to control and focus the efforts of their team. They learn to eliminate wasted effort, rework and distractions. Tools for defining and controlling the scope of team member work and achieving higher yields in shorter time periods are practiced along with formal and informal feedback mechanisms. Meeting skills, one-on-one skills, management by wandering around, and productive management of conflict are decomposed and practiced. In labs students lead small team efforts to create actual project plan components and handle real world issues: determining appropriate levels of detail, delegation, and negotiations. Students function as both a team lead and a follower while applying the course concepts in their work. Student performance and lab work products are evaluated at every stage of the course. Coaching, feedback, and mentoring are provided as the students make progress through the course.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 2 days
To register: Email or call 301- 617-3444

Earned Value Management Skills for Team Leads
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Earned Value Management (EVM) Aligned Skill under Business, Cost Estimating & Financial Management Competency under Entry Level

Description: This 24 hour course prepares team leads to successfully structure project plans for EVM management and then use the Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) as a tool for setting priorities and tracking project progress. The methods taught in this course are in alignment with PMI and ANSI standards for Earned Value Management Systems. The course prepares team leads for successful application of EVM with a carefully guided series of discoveries and experiences. Students are first presented with a productive example of a project earned value management system. Then the reporting requirements at the level of team, project, program, and portfolio are studied to establish the practical requirement for EVM information. Students then explore different methods for measuring progress using metrics that emphasize simplicity, standardization, and precision. EVM formulas and software are introduced as a means of automating the interpretation of metrics, allowing recordkeeping, tracking, and trend analysis. Finally different reporting tools and techniques are used to allow the student to draw conclusions and support decisions in both large and small scale environments. Throughout the course students make use of commonly available project management techniques and tools. Microsoft Project is introduced and used as a tool for recording and processing EVM metrics into decision support information. Students attending the course will leave with a high level of comfort and confidence using MS Project to track projects. Instructor evaluation and feedback are provided to students during all phases of this highly hands-on course.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 24 hours
To register: Email or call 301- 617-3444

Project Management Core Skills & Leadership for Project Managers
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Risk & Opportunity Management, Working Groups and Teams, Partnering and Conflict Management Aligned Skills under Requirements/Management Development Process Competency under Mid Level

Description: This 5 day course prepares project managers to lead teams through project planning and execution of project integrated master plan. Vocabulary, process, concepts, and tradecraft necessary to leverage a project team and create a project integrated master plan are conveyed by discussion, example, and hands on work. Students develop and enhance their capabilities by performing hands-on labs where they plan a demanding and severely constrained project as a part of an actively managed program. The project planning demands the full application of the student’s skill set, flexibility, and ability to collaborate within the program to achieve success. The work products produced are evaluated using real world standards, expectations, and demands for practicality. Students perform and lead teams through project management tasks: structuring planning work, setting requirements, decomposing work, determining appropriate levels of detail, creating work breakdown structures, choosing estimation techniques, duration estimation, network diagramming, resource estimation, scheduling, costing, and baseline creation. Students also perform quality management planning and perform a comprehensive risk/opportunity management process including: identification, valuation, ranking, selection, planning, and monitoring of actual project risks using proven field expedient tools and techniques. Project leadership concepts and processes are modeled, discussed, and then used in the working lab environment. Students function as both a project manager leading teams, as a program team member, and project team lead while applying the course concepts. Student performance and lab work products are evaluated at every stage of the course. Coaching, feedback, and mentoring are provided as the students make progress through the course.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 5 days
To register: Email or call 301- 617-3444

Project Management Core Skills for Project Managers
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Risk & Opportunity Management and Working Groups and Teams Aligned Skills under Requirements/Management Development Process Competency under Mid Level

Description: This 3 day course prepares project managers to lead teams through project planning and execution of project integrated master plan. Vocabulary, process, concepts, and tradecraft necessary to leverage a project team and create a project integrated master plan are conveyed by discussion, example, and hands on work. Students develop and enhance their capabilities by performing hands-on labs where they plan a demanding and severely constrained project as a part of an actively managed program. The project planning demands the full application of the student’s skill set, flexibility, and ability to collaborate within the program to achieve success. The work products produced are evaluated using real world standards, expectations, and demands for practicality. Students perform and lead teams through project management tasks: structuring planning work, setting requirements, decomposing work, determining appropriate levels of detail, creating work breakdown structures, choosing estimation techniques, duration estimation, network diagramming, resource estimation, scheduling, costing, and baseline creation. Students also perform quality management planning and perform a comprehensive risk/opportunity management process including: identification, valuation, ranking, selection, planning, and monitoring of actual project risks using proven field expedient tools and techniques. Student performance and lab work products are evaluated at every stage of the course. Coaching, feedback, and mentoring are provided as the students make progress through the course.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 3 days
To register: Email or call 301- 617-3444

Project Management Leadership for Project Managers
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Partnering and Conflict Management Aligned Skills under Leadership/Professional Competency under Mid Level

Description: This 2 day course prepares project managers to lead teams working in a project or program environment. Vocabulary, process, role, identity, and concepts necessary to lead groups of teams through planning and execution are learned by discussion, example, and practice. Students learn team leadership skills necessary in project environments and specifically the leading, evaluation, and development of team leaders. The application of the project planning model as a tool to control and focus the efforts of their teams is central to this course. There is a heavy focus on improving the benefits of delegation, reducing rework, and eliminating unintended overlap. Project managers learn to deliberately establish a healthy management system with formal and informal feedback mechanisms. Meeting skills, one-on-one skills, management by wandering around, and productive management of conflict are decomposed and practiced. Modes of communication with working groups and multilayer structures involving contractors are examined and planned. In labs students lead project level efforts to facilitate the creation of plan components while under time pressure, information confusion, and disagreement from team members. Success is contingent on the leader’s ability to focus, motivate, and direct their project team members. Their outputs are evaluated using real world standards, expectations, and demands for practicality. Coaching, feedback, and mentoring are provided as students make progress through the course.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 2 days
To register: Email or call 301- 617-3444

Earned Value Management for Project Managers
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Earned Value Management (EVM) Aligned Skill under Business, Cost Estimating & Financial Management Competency under Mid Level

Description: This 24 hour course prepares team leads to successfully create project plans and work breakdown structures for use as an earned value management system (EVMS), to manage progress using the integrated baseline review (IBR), and to set priorities with EVM project status information. The methods taught in this course are in alignment with PMI and ANSI standards for earned value management systems. Key concepts and ideas are reviewed using a healthy EVMS example and then students troubleshoot a poorly designed EVMS. Next the course provides students with the start to finish experience conceiving, structuring, creating, and deploying a successful EVMS in an otherwise nearly impossible to track project scenario. In third phase of the course the students design and build an EVMS. Students are provided with reporting requirements at the team, project, and program levels. They design a project plan that allows for EVMS reporting techniques to be applied. Students explore different methods for measuring progress using metrics that emphasize simplicity, standardization, and precision. EVM formulas and software are used to automate the interpretation of metrics, allow recordkeeping, tracking, and trend analysis. Finally different reporting tools and techniques are applied to draw conclusions and support troubleshooting decisions at the project and team levels. Throughout the course students make use of commonly available project management techniques and tools. Microsoft Project is introduced and used as a tool for recording and converting EVM metrics into decision support information. Students attending the course will leave with a high level of comfort and confidence using MS Project to track projects. Instructor evaluation and feedback are provided to students during all phases of this highly hands-on course.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 24 hours
To register: Email or call 301- 617-3444

Earned Value Management Policies for Program Managers
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Earned Value Management (EVM) Aligned Skill under Business, Cost Estimating & Financial Management Competency under Senior Level

Description: This 24 hour course prepares program managers to establish program level policies and systems that create a database of performance information that will support reporting, improvement programs, and decision making. The course provides a hands-on experience applying earned value management systems (EVMS) in a program containing several projects. The methods taught in this course are in alignment with PMI and ANSI standards for earned value management systems. The course focuses on the needs of program managers managing multiple and diverse teams within a program environment. After a short review of EVM basics, students build and implement EVM policies for the projects within their program. The policies are built using a combination of discussion, model examination, and reporting system design. Risk management, quality controls, and process improvements are incorporated into the system using policies design to generate the metrics needed to manage them. Integrated baseline reviews are used to evaluate effectiveness and then trigger performance reviews and necessary coordination with program elements. Special emphasis is placed throughout the course on the specific needs of program managers managing multiple project managers. Throughout the course students make use of commonly available project management techniques and tools. Microsoft Project is introduced and used as a tool for recording and converting EVM metrics into decision support information. Students attending the course will leave with a high level of comfort and confidence using MS Project to track projects. Instructor evaluation and feedback are provided to students during all phases of this highly hands-on course.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 24 hours
To register: Email or call 301- 617-3444

Vendor:Federal Acquisition Certification Academy

Advanced Requirements/Management Development Process
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets the Requirements/Management Development Process Competency under Senior Level

Description: Topics addressed in this course include managing/supervising the following processes: requirements development, concept selection, technology development, project management, total ownership cost, risk and opportunity management, market research, communications, and building integrated product and process teams. Because the course is designed for Senior Level participants, it will address how to identify “troubled” projects, as well as steps to take to rehabilitate them, before they become “failed” projects. This course will also provide the participants with an assessment tool which they can use to evaluate their organization’s overall acquisition system performance in accordance with OMB A-123. Finally, students will make a presentation describing the actions they intend to take when they return to work to implement the lessons they learned during the class.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 3 days
To register: Contact or call 703-644-1252

Advanced Total Life Cycle Systems Management
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets System Engineering, Life Cycle Logistics and Test and Evaluation Competencies under Senior Level

Description: The topics addressed by this course include managing/supervising the following processes: technical processes and technical management processes of systems engineering; creation of an integrated T&E strategy, including operational test and evaluation; and life cycle logistics management, product support, and interoperability. The course also addresses advanced topics in systems management, including concepts of Critical Path and Critical Chain and how they can be used together to improve management of program schedules. This course will also provide the participants with an assessment tool which they can use to evaluate their organization’s overall systems engineering process. Finally, students will make a presentation describing the actions they intend to take when they return to work to implement the lessons they learned during the class.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 3 days
To register: Contact or call 703-644-1252

Advanced Contracting
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Contracting Competency under Senior Level

Description: This course addresses the supervision, leadership, and management of the acquisition of supplies and services, construction, and research and development, including the following concepts: acquisition planning (including performance-based considerations); cost and price analysis; solicitation and selection of sources; preparation, negotiation, and award of contracts; all phases of contract administration, including termination options, if necessary. Special emphasis in this class is on the “when” “why” and “how” of establishing collaborative relationships between a buyer and a seller. A unique feature of this course is an assessment tool to use to determine what type of contracting approach may be best for a given situation. The course also introduces and explains, in depth, the eight things that must be done “right” to have a successful contracting process. Since this course is presented at the Senior Level, participants use it as an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of their own contracting process and to diagnose problems and develop solutions. The course concludes with student presentations describing how they will use what they learned in the class to stimulate improvements in their organizations upon their return to work.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 3 days
To register: Contact or call 703-644-1252

Advanced Business, Cost Estimating, and Financial Management
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Business, Cost Estimating, and Financial Management Competency under Senior Level

Description: The topics addressed in this course include managing/supervising the following activities: cost estimating and cost analysis; formulating financial programs and budgets; benefit/cost analysis and other decision-making tools; overseeing and interpreting data from an Earned Value Management System (EVMS) and other methods of performance measurement; and supervising budget execution. Because the course is designed for Senior Level participants, it will also provide them with an assessment tool which they can use to evaluate their organization’s overall cost estimating and Earned Value management processes, diagnose weaknesses, and develop solutions. Finally, students will make a presentation describing the actions they intend to take when they return to work to implement the lessons they learned during the class.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 3 days
To register: Contact or call 703-644-1252

Advanced Leadership/Professional
FAC-P/PM Mapping: Meets Leadership/Professional Competency under Senior Level

Description: This Senior Level course provides a framework for the participants to respond to the challenges facing them and their organizations in new, more innovative, and more productive ways. The specific topics of strategic thinking, external awareness, entrepreneurship, and vision will be addressed. Participants will have the opportunity to assess their needs for these and other leadership traits in their current job settings and to evaluate their current skill levels in these and other leadership competencies. Strengths in certain areas will be confirmed and methods to remedy weaknesses will be identified and discussed. A unique area of exploration in this course is the understanding, communication, and leveraging of complexity in a given program in order to achieve novel and unexpectedly positive results. Finally, students will make a presentation describing the actions they intend to take when they return to work to implement the lessons they learned during the class.
Method of Training: Classroom
Length of Training: 3 days
To register: Contact or call 703-644-1252