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KoreaMed, a service of the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE), provides access to articles published in Korean medical journals. Its current coverage is focused on the literature published since 1997. KoreaMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles.
KoreaMed LinkOut   KoreaMed Retro   KoreaMed Central
KoreaMed LinkOut is a feature to provide users with links from KoreaMed to relevant Korean medical journal websites providing full text articles.
  KoreaMed Retro is an extended service to provide access to articles published in Korean medical journals before 1997. To participate in KoreaMed Retro, editors should submit XML files confirming to KoreaMed DTD to KAMJE.
  KoreaMed Central is to assist journal publishers to establish and maintain websites providing full-text journals online. Please contact KAMJE to participate in this program.
MeSH terms assigned to KoreaMed records are taken, in part, from Korean Index Medicus published by Korea Medical Library Association.