U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
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Native American Resources \  Education \  Scholarships & Loans

AICF - Frequently Asked Questions about Scholarships  - How do I receive funding from the American Indian College Fund? I've been told I'm of Indian ancestry, how can I qualify for other scholarship assistance?   URL: http://www.collegefund.org/faq.htm
DinĂ© College Financial Aid  - DinĂ© College administers federal, state, tribal and institutional grants and scholarship programs to assist students of academic ability who could not otherwise attend college due to financial constraints. Available funds are used to provide financial assistance to qualifying students. An individual student is responsible for initiating the application process for financial assistance.   URL: http://www.ncc.cc.nm.us/Services/FinAid/financial_aid.html
fastWEB.com  - Scholarships and colleges selected just for you. Seek out scholarships and colleges selected just for you... free!   URL: http://www.fastweb.com/
FinAid | Scholarships | Other Scholarship Databases  - Other Scholarship Databases: Peterson's COLLEGEQUEST, Sallie Mae/CASHE, College Board's FUND FINDER, CollegeNET MACH25, SRN Express.   URL: http://www.finaid.org/scholarships/other.phtml