International Energy Annual 2006

Report Released: June-December 2008
Next Release: August 2009

World Energy Consumption in British Thermal Units (Quadrillion Btu, Except as Noted)

Tables are available in Excel spreadsheet format only (click on the Title).

Important Note: Data in all tables have been revised and updated for the International Energy Annual 2006.

1.8 World Consumption of Primary Energy by Energy Type and Selected Country Groups (Quadrillion Btu), 1980-2006
E.1 World Total Primary Energy Consumption, 1980-2006
E.2 World Petroleum Consumption, 1980-2006
E.3 World Dry Natural Gas Consumption, 1980-2006
E.4 World Coal Consumption, 1980-2006
E.5 World Net Hydroelectric Power Consumption, 1980-2006
E.6 World Net Nuclear Electric Power Consumption, 1980-2006
E.7 World Net Geothermal, Solar, Wind, and Wood and Waste Electric Power Consumption, 1980-2006
Other Primary Energy Consumption-Related Time Series Tables
E.1c World Per Capita Total Primary Energy Consumption (Million Btu), 1980-2006
E.1g World Energy Intensity--Total Primary Energy Consumption per Dollar of Gross Domestic Product Using Market Exchange Rates (Btu per (2000) U.S. Dollars), 1980-2006
E.1p World Energy Intensity--Total Primary Energy Consumption per Dollar of Gross Domestic Product Using Purchasing Power Parities (Btu per (2000) U.S. Dollars), 1980-2006
E.8 United State Consumption of Biomass, Geothermal, and Solar Energy Not Used for Electricty Generation, 1980-2006
S.6 World Net Electricity Imports, 1980-2006

World Energy Consumption in U.S. Physical Units
EIA's International Energy Data, Analyses, and Forecasts

International Energy Annual Contacts