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Talking Points on the Democrat National Energy Tax

Talking Points on the Democrat National Energy Tax

APRIL 29, 2009
  • The Democrat's cap and tax plan is nothing more than a national energy tax.
  • The truth behind the Democrat's cap and tax plan is that it will lead to more taxes, fewer jobs, and more government intrusion. This is an irresponsible proposal that will do more harm than good.
  • The President's energy plan is a $646 billion tax that will hit almost every American family, small business and family farm. Family energy costs will rise on average by more than $3,100 a year.
  • Those hardest hit by this massive tax will be the poor - who experts agree spend a greater portion of their income on energy consumption.
  • A devastating consequence will be fewer jobs for hard-working Americans.  Various studies suggest anywhere from 1.8 million to 7 million jobs could be lost.
  • Republicans believe there are better solutions than more taxes, fewer jobs, and more government intrusion.
  • House Republicans want to increase American energy production made by American workers, encourage greater efficiency and conservation, and promote the use of alternative fuels.