Today's Highlights

Health Policy

Howard Dean & Rep. Moran Lead  A Town Hall in Reston, VA

Howard Dean & Rep. Moran Lead A Town Hall in Reston, VA


Tonight, watch a LIVE town hall meeting with Rep. James Moran (D-VA) and fmr. DNC Chairman Howard Dean from Reston, VA. Also tonight, a health care town hall meeting with Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) from last week.

Fiscal Policy

On Book TV

Pres. Obama to reappoint Fed. Chair Bernanke, U.S. Deficit to Rise

Pres. Obama to reappoint Fed. Chair Bernanke, U.S. Deficit to Rise


Earlier today, Pres. Obama announced that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke should serve a second term. The two men made the announcement at a press briefing from Martha’s Vineyard, MA. Also today, the Office of Management & Budget and the Congressional Budget Office lowered their projected deficit for FY 2009 in separately released separate reports.
Special Prime-Time Programming

Special Prime-Time Programming


Fox News analyst Michelle Malkin asserts that the Obama Admin. encourages an atmosphere at odds with the message of change in her book, "Culture of Corruption." Barbara Nevergold & Peggy Brooks-Bertram compiled letters from African-American women around the country to First Lady Michelle Obama in, "Go Tell Michelle." On After Words, 2004 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Wangari Maathai talks about her latest book, "The Challenge for Africa."
watch Starting on C-SPAN2 at 8pm ET

Recent Programs

State Department Press Briefing Early official results from Afghanistan show President Hamid Karzai with a small lead over his closest rival. The election was one of the main topics at this daily State Department briefing conducted by spokesman Ian Kelly.
Washington, DC : 37 min.
watch State Dept. Briefing
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This Week on C-SPAN

  • Washington Journal: T.R. Reid, Author, ''The Healing of America''

  • Washington Journal: Dan Balz & Haynes Johnson, ''The Battle for America 2008''

  • After Words: Peter Carlson, author of ''K Blows Top''
Capitol Hearings