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FRAMES: Fire Research And Management Exchange System NBII

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FRAMES Contacts

FRAMES University of Idaho Staff

Greg Gollberg
Program Manager
College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho
Moscow, ID 83844-1133
Office: (208) 885-9756; Fax (208) 885-6226
E-mail: gollberg@uidaho.edu

Diana Olson
Project Manager
College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho
Located at the Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Lab
400 N. 34th St., Suite 201; Seattle, WA 98103
Office: (206) 732-7844; Fax (206) 732-7801
E-mail: dlolson@uidaho.edu

John Black
Graphics & Interface Design
E-mail: jblack@moscow.com

Ann McCauley
Content Support
E-mail: amccaule@uidaho.edu

Lynn Wells
Content Support
E-mail: lynnwt@uidaho.edu

FRAMES Additional Support Staff

Kelly Lotts 
Content Support 
Montana State University
E-mail: lotts@montana.edu 

Sherry Pittam
Portal Support
Northwest Alliance for Computational Science & Engineering (NACSE), Oregon State University
E-mail: pittams@nacse.org

NBII Support Staff 

Jennifer Pollock
Program Lead
Center for Biological Informatics, USGS/NBII
E-mail: jennifer_pollock@usgs.gov

Janice Gordon
IT Specialist
Center for Biological Informatics, USGS/NBII
E-mail: janicegordon@usgs.gov

Julie Recker
Center for Biological Informatics, USGS/NBII
E-mail: jrecker@usgs.gov 

Partner Support Staff  

Wendy Gross
Paleoclimatology Program, NOAA
E-mail: wendy.gross@noaa.gov

Michael Hartman
Paleoclimatology Program, NOAA
E-mail: michael.hartman@noaa.gov

Heather Heward
College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho
also with NIFTT & FRCC, USDA FS
E-mail: hheward@vandals.uidaho.edu

Martha Isbister
National Information Systems Center, NPS
E-mail: Martha.Isbister@nps.gov

Duncan Lutes
Missoula Fire Sciences Lab, USDA FS
E-mail: dlutes@fs.fed.us

Morgan Pence
E-mail: morganpence@fs.fed.us

Anju Shah
Paleoclimatology Program, NOAA
E-mail: anju.shah@noaa.gov

Principal Investigators

Penelope Morgan
College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho
E-mail: pmorgan@uidaho.edu

Bob Keane
Research Ecologist
Missoula Fire Sciences Lab, USDA FS
E-mail: rkeane@fs.fed.us

FRAMES Interim Steering Committee

Mike Hilbruner, National Program Leader Fire Systems Research, USDA FS

Kate Kase, National Program Coordinator for Biological Informatics, USGS/NBII

Bill McLaughlin, Dean, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho

Tom Zimmerman, Program Manager, Wildland Fire Management Research Development and Application, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA FS

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