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14 May 2009 - INFN Frascati National Lab
Important step-forward towards the SuperB realization

12 May 2009 - BNL
Compact Cancer-Therapy Particle-Delivery System Patented

11 May 2009 - CERN
Austrian participation in CERN

11 May 2009 - KEK
Using Crab Cavities, KEKB Breaks Luminosity World Record

Particle Physics in the News

14 May 2009 - Independent
Separating science from fiction

14 May 2009 - MSN
Deus Ex Large Hadron Collider

14 May 2009 - Deutsche Welle
Europe to launch two space telescopes to study universe

14 May 2009 - Chicago Public Radio
Fermilab Explores New Physics Frontier

14 May 2009 - Irish Times
The mystery of the antimatter

13 May 2009 - Rapid City Journal
Milestone reached at Sanford underground lab

13 May 2009 - Live Science
The Truth about Angels, Demons and Antimatter

14 May 2009 - Wiener Zeitung
Ritt auf Plasmawelle soll Elektronen effizienter aufladen

13 May 2009 - Spaceflight Now
Cosmic time machine set for launch into space Thursday

13 May 2009 - National Science Foundation
The Science Behind "Angels and Demons" Is No Laughing Antimatter

13 May 2009 - Forbes
A Ray Of Light On Dark Energy

13 May 2009 - Yomiuri Online
Scientists PR strategy has changed

13 May 2009 - Science Centric
Has Einstein failed physics?

12 May 2009 -
Tausende unterzeichnen Petition gegen CERN-Ausstieg

12 May 2009 - New Scientist
Finding antimatter in the real world

12 May 2009 - Gas World
Autumn restart for CERN's LHC

12 May 2009 - Black Hills Pioneer
Sanford Lab officials to discuss 'Angels & Demons'

11 May 2009 - National Geographic
Space Shuttle to Launch Into Final Hubble Repair Job

11 May 2009 - Physics World
Austrian physicists protest at CERN pull-out

10 May 2009 - BBC News
Hubble fix mission set for launch

9 May 2009 - Wiener Zeitung
Cern bemoan Austrian exit

8 May 2009 - Softpedia
Dark Energy Made Difficult to Explain by the Hubble Constant

8 May 2009 - Science Daily
The Day The Universe Froze

8 May 2009 - Popular Science
Looking for the Beginning of Time

8 May 2009 - BBC News
Peering into Hubble's future

8 May 2009 - Tower Timberjay News
Work to begin on nova neutrino detector in Ash River

8 May 2009 - Reuters
Austria to quit CERN particle physics laboratory

8 May 2009 - ABC Australia--World Today
Australian astronomers test dark energy

8 May 2009 - Sydney Morning Herald
Dwarf galaxies 'not ruled by dark side'

8 May 2009 -
La extincion de los mastodontes de la fisica

7 May 2009 - Softpedia
Fermi Loses Track of Possible Dark Matter

7 May 2009 - insciences
Dwarf galaxies break the laws of physics

7 May 2009 - ScienceNews
Honing the Hubble Constant

7 May 2009 - AFP
Austria to pull out of European CERN institute

7 May 2009 - Hubble Site
Refined Hubble Constant Narrows Possible Explanations for Dark Energy

7 May 2009 - Wiener Zeitung
Austria backs out of Cern project

7 May 2009 -
New Evidence for Dark Matter

7 May 2009 - Softpedia
Astronomical Theories Need Reshaping

7 May 2009 - Scientific American
Large Hadron Collider: The Discovery Machine

7 May 2009 - Frontline
Exotic arrival

7 May 2009 - Newswise
Refined Hubble Constant Narrows Possible Explanations for Dark Energy

7 May 2009 - Medien Mittweida
The World's Largest Particle Accelerator ready for restart

6 May 2009 - Happy News
What Happens at Absolute Zero?

6 May 2009 - Discover
More Circumstantial Evidence for Dark Matter, But Debate Continues

6 May 2009 -
9 Year Old A&M Physics Student

6 May 2009 - UMNews
Renowned astronomy professor at U to give lecture on "Dark Energy and the Runaway Universe"

6 May 2009 - The Independent
Explosive material: Can Angels & Demons make particle physics sexy?

6 May 2009 - New Scientist
Dark matter signal recedes into the shadows

6 May 2009 - Cordis News
Dwarf satellite galaxy researchers say: 'Maybe Newton was wrong'

6 May 2009 - World Radio Switzerland
CERN sees its name in lights

6 May 2009 - Softpedia
Dark Matter Alley Forces Galaxies to Cannibalize Themselves

6 May 2009 - Softpedia
The Fermi Telescope Analyzes the High-Energy Universe

5 May 2009 - PhysOrg
High-energy Electrons Could Come from Pulsars -- or Dark Matter

5 May 2009 - Science Insider
Chu Pegs ILC Cost at $25 Billion

5 May 2009 - Wales Online
Hanks gives thanks for another mystery outing

5 May 2009 - Nature
Dark matter intrigue deepens

5 May 2009 - Finding Dulcinea
Super Collider on Track to Restart in Fall

4 May 2009 - JHU Gazette
Astrophysicist Riess Elected to National Academy of Sciences

4 May 2009 - Discover
Fermi Waffles on Dark Matter

4 May 2009 - The Daily Journal
Officials break ground for neutrino laboratory

4 May 2009 - EE Times
Detector to peer deep into the 'Big Bang'

4 May 2009 - The Epoch Times
Time for a New Theory of Gravitation? Galaxies Challenge Newtonian Model

4 May 2009 - e! Science News
NASA's Fermi explores high-energy 'space invaders'

4 May 2009 - New Scientist
Dark matter 'highway' funnels gas into galactic pileup

4 May 2009 - Thaindian News
'Big Bang' machine almost ready to run again

3 May 2009 - The Sun
'Big Bang' machine fixed

3 May 2009 -
'Big Bang' machine fixed

3 May 2009 - Fox 21 News
Scientists, lawmakers break ground on Ash River neutrino lab

3 May 2009 - The Telegraph
Large Hadron Collider 'mostly repaired'

2 May 2009 - ScienceNow
Lights Out for Dark Matter Claim?

2 May 2009 - EurekAlert
NIST super-sensors to measure 'signature' of inflationary universe

2 May 2009 - ScienceNews
Another clue in the case for dark matter

2 May 2009 - Symmetry Breaking
Pulsars or dark matter might be the source of high-energy cosmic electrons

1 May 2009 - CNET News
Progress made in Large Hadron Collider repair

1 May 2009 - AIP-FYI
OSTP Director John Holdren Addresses AAAS Forum

1 May 2009 -
British space mission to discover 'secrets of universe'

1 May 2009 - Discover Blogs -- Cosmic Variance
Daily Show Explains the LHC

1 May 2009 - AIP-FYI
DOE Science Positions Move Forward

1 May 2009 -
Physicists set new limits on hypothetical new particles called the extra Z-boson

1 May 2009 - Duluth News Tribune
Groundbreaking today near International Falls for neutrino detector

30 April 2009 - Wired News
Record Amount of Supercomputer Time Means New Science

30 April 2009 - The National
Our universe is not alone

30 April 2009 - Discover
LHC Restart

30 April 2009 -
U of M prepares to build Iron Range physics lab

30 April 2009 - Softpedia
Research May Yield New Z Boson and Fifth Force of Nature

30 April 2009 - Hindu
Shanghai particle accelerator to open its doors for business

30 April 2009 - New Scientist
Antimatter mysteries: Can we make an anti-world?

30 April 2009 - ScienceAlert
New laws model great impacts

29 April 2009 - Daily Tech
LHC Particle Accelerator to be "Perfect", According to Researchers

29 April 2009 - Oak Ridger
ORNL awarded Energy Frontier Research Centers

29 April 2009 - New Scientist
Antimatter mysteries 3: Does antimatter fall up?

28 April 2009 - Softpedia
Astronomers Wonder Where All Dark Matter Is

28 April 2009 - Softpedia
Experts Struggle to Harness the Power of 'Quantum Ghosts'

28 April 2009 - New Scientist
Antimatter mysteries 2: How do you make antimatter?

28 April 2009 - The Australian
The great data explosion

28 April 2009 - CNN
Big Bang machine detectors will be 'even more perfect'

27 April 2009 -
That Other Theory - Loop Quantum Gravity

27 April 2009 - UMN News
Officials to break ground on cutting-edge international physics lab in Northern Minnesota

27 April 2009 - AIP-FYI
Obama: 3% of GDP for R&D

27 April 2009 - MINA
Macedonia joins CERN

27 April 2009 - The Local
Lund wins bid to to host new particle accelerator

27 April 2009 - Makfax
Macedonia to cooperate with CERN

26 April 2009 - Universe Today
Did Dark Matter Annihilate Our Early Universe?

25 April 2009 - Cosmos
How Hawking became the "sage" of science

24 April 2009 - UBC Science
UBC Physicists Help Shoot Neutrino Beam 300 Kilometres Across Japan

24 April 2009 - MSNBC
Happy birthday, Hubble

24 April 2009 - New Scientist
Dark matter may have ripped up early universe

24 April 2009 -
Grid computing: la scienza apre la strada al business

23 April 2009 - The National
At the heart of antimatter

23 April 2009 - Universe Today
New Hubble Survey Supports Cold Dark Matter in Early Universe

22 April 2009 -
'Dark Gulping' Could Explain Black Holes

22 April 2009 - New Scientist
The five greatest mysteries of antimatter

22 April 2009 - Cosmos
Dark forces

21 April 2009 - Physics World (subscribers only)
Quantum gravity could give dark matter, naturally

20 April 2009 -
Can R2 gravity explain dark matter?

20 April 2009 - MIT Technology Review
Physicists reveal new kind of quantum tunneling

17 April 2009 - Timberjay Newspaper
Public invited to NOvA reception

16 April 2009 - MSNBC
NASA spots most crowded space collision ever

15 April 2009 - NewScientistSpace
Does gravity change with the seasons?

15 April 2009 - Science News Review
2009 Templeton Prizewinner

15 April 2009 - Netzeitung
US-Forscher profitieren von LHC-Panne

13 April 2009 - Science After Sunclipse
Giant Science Machines 101

14 April 2009 - Russia-InfoCenter
Large Hadron Collider to be Launched in Autumn

14 April 2009 - innovations report
Breaking symmetry in the strong force

14 April 2009 -
Spannende Jagd nach dem "Gottesteilchen"

13 April 2009 - Softpedia
Innovative Particle Smashers to Use Protons

13 April 2009 - AIP-FYI
Representatives Urging 8% Budget Increase for DOE Office of Science

13 April 2009 - Noticias de la Ciencia y la Tecnologia / Noticias del Espacio
Descubren un Inusual Quark Top Solitario

12 April 2009 - Wired News
Next-Gen Atom Smashers: Smaller, Cheaper and Super Powerful

12 April 2009 - Arizona Republic
Scientists ponder life's big questions at ASU

10 April 2009 - Nanowerk
Supercomputers allow researchers to calculate symmetry violations in the strong interaction that holds atoms together

8 April 2009 - Engineering News Record
Market Is Hopeful, But Awaiting Definition

9 April 2009 - Discover Blogs -- Cosmic Variance
String Wars: The Aftermath

8 April 2009 - R744
R744 cooling helps study the Big Bang

8 April 2009 - Physics Today
Gran Sasso laboratory undamaged in L'Aquila earthquake

8 April 2009 - RedOrbit
Higgs Boson Given Less Space To Hide

8 April 2009 - New Scientist
Inside the tangled world of string theory

8 April 2009 - New Scientist
Is dark energy getting weaker?

7 April 2009 - Lab Manager Magazine
Ethereal Wisps

7 April 2009 - TI Inside
Brasil vai participar de projeto mundial de grid computing

7 April 2009 - Ascent
god is in the particles

7 April 2009 -
LHC project on-track for summer launch

5 April 2009 - Nature News
UK budget crunch knocks out Big Bang telescopes

6 April 2009 - Physics World (subscribers only)
Gauging the matter-antimatter divide

6 April 2009 - MSNBC
Six mind-blowing ideas

6 April 2009 - San Diego Union Tribune
New subatomic particle breaks from rules of matter formation

6 April 2009 - Journal and Courier
Teens take physics master class

6 April 2009 - Imperial College London
Accelerating success: Imperial teams up with the Cockcroft Institute

5 April 2009 - IT Wire
Most detailed map of Universe charts 125,071 galaxies

4 April 2009 - Discover Magazine
Where Do Old Colliders Go to Die?

4 April 2009 - Scientific American -- 60 Second Science
How Can We Peer Closer to the Beginning of the Universe?

4 April 2009 - Nation Multimedia
Nobel laureate champions science

2 April 2009 - ABC Science
The hunt for dark energy

1 April 2009 - Ars Technica
Extra positrons make for a cosmological mystery

1 April 2009 - Wuppertaler Stadtnetz News
Forscher entdecken neuartige Produktion von Top Quarks

ILC Newsline
14 May 2009
- Writing the LOI is like "creating a painting"
- Evaluating the ILC detector concepts
- Progress on ILC machine-detector interfaces through the detector LOI process

ASPERA This Month
May 2009
- Did Pamela really see dark matter?
- Saga of the CMB
- First ASPERA Common Call launched
- From ILIAS to ILIAS-next

CERN Bulletin
11 May 2009
- Sprucing up the site
- Restoring CERN's basic fabric
- The Latest from the LHC
- CERN as a large-scale "Auberge Espagnole"

CERN Courier
May 2009
- Why antihydrogen and antimatter are different
- New Zealand meeting looks at dark matter
- Study group considers how to preserve data
- Happy 20th birthday, World Wide Web
- Nara workshop looks at heavy quarkonia
- ATLAS makes a smooth changeover at the top

March 2009
- The Increments of Science
- Probing the Heart of the Atom
- Cosmic Weather Gauges

DESY inForm
May 2009
- Positrons are back in the ring
- Ideal training conditions
- Spotting G

A Week of Interactions
3-9 May 2009
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