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Author of the Democrats’ National Energy Tax Admits He Doesn’t Know What Is in the Bill

Author of the Democrats’ National Energy Tax Admits He Doesn’t Know What Is in the Bill

Chairman Waxman: “Well, I certainly don’t claim to know everything that’s in this bill…I don’t know the details...”

MAY 21, 2009

As Democrats push forward with a $646 billion national energy tax, Henry Waxman, chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee and author of the Democrats' national energy tax, has offered two startling revelations: 1. He doesn't know what is in his bill, and 2. He relies on scientists at the United Nations to help write a bill that discriminates against domestic manufacturers and domestic energy producers:

Senior Republican Joe Barton (R-TX): "Before I asked the question of Counsel did you know that was in this bill?"

Chairman Waxman (D-CA): "Are you asking me?"

Rep. Barton: "Yes, sir."

Chairman Waxman: "Well, I certainly don't claim to know everything that's in this bill. I know that we relied very heavily on the scientists of the IPCC [the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] and others and the consensus that they have that there is a problem of global warming, it's having an impact, and we need to try to reduce it by the amounts that they think we need to achieve in order to avoid some of the consequences. That's what I know, but I don't know the details, I rely on the scientists."