Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center

Thursday, August 27, 2009

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In this month's MSMR...

During the 8-year surveillance period, there were 3,222 service members with diagnoses or case reports of Lyme disease...Read more

During the 8-year surveillance period, there were 3,222 service members with diagnoses or case reports of Lyme disease...Read more

From 1999 through 2008, there were 75,278 incident diagnoses of asthma among active component members of the U.S. Armed Forces...Read more

New Reportable Events Guidelines


DoD Pandemic Influenza Watchboard

DMSS[DMSS] Defense Medical Surveillance System

...database containing up-to-date and historical data on diseases and medical events and longitudinal data on personnel and deployments... Read more

DoDSR[DoDSR] DoD Serum Repository

...availability of serial serologic specimens as well as relevant demographic, occupational, and medical information within the databases at AFHSC enables the DoDSR to make significant... Read more

GEIS[GEIS] Global Emerging Infections Surveillance

...designed to strengthen the prevention of, surveillance of and response to infectious diseases that are a threat to military personnel and families or reduce medical readiness... Read more

DMED[DMED] Defense Medical Epidemiology Database

...provides a user-friendly interface through which users may perform queries regarding disease and injury rates and relative burdens of.... Read more

Lost Duty ApplicationLost Duty Application

...provides remote access to summaries of injuries of active duty U.S. service members based on data contained in the Defense Medical Surveillance System [DMSS]... Read more

Influenza Surveillance Report Weekly ReportWeekly Influenza Surveillance Report (Week 21 2009)

With the onset of the novel H1N1 influenza outbreak, no significant increases in ILI activity overall have been seen through week 21 ...Read more



Page last updated July 31, 2009


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