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Iraq Updates
USAID and the World Food Program provide basic commodities in Iraq
(June 06, 2003).

Workers store food supplies in a World Food Program warehouse in Umm Qasr, southern Iraq. USAID supports the program which provides basic food rations to a large number of needy families in Southern Iraq.
Workers load food supplies from a World Food Program warehouse in Umm Qasr, for distribution through local neighborhood agents. USAID supports the program which provides basic food rations to a large number of needy families in Southern Iraq.
Food aid leaves a World Food Program warehouse in Umm Qasr, southern Iraq. USAID supports the program which provides basic food rations to a large number of needy families in Southern Iraq.
A food distribution agent prepares rations as part of a World Food Program that provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. USAID supports the program.
A widow with a family of 4 receives rations as part of a World Food Program that provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. USAID supports the program.
A widow with a family of 4 receives rations as part of a World Food Program that provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. USAID supports the program.
USAID-funded program, in coordination with the Coalition Provisional Authority, provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. On November 21, 2003, this public distribution system will be transitional to the Iraqi government.
A food distribution agent in Basra prepares rations as part of a World Food Program that provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. USAID supports the program.
A food distribution agent pours cooking oil  rations as part of a World Food Program that provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. USAID supports the program.
A Food for Peace Officer checks the list of receipients of rations as part of a World Food Program that provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. USAID supports the program.
Receipients of food  rations wait in line to receive their allotment as part of a World Food Program that provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. USAID supports the program.
A Food for Peace Officer, checks on the dispersion of rations as part of a World Food Program that provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. USAID supports the program.

Accomplishments: Food Security

Before the 2003 conflict, many Iraqis were highly dependent on monthly food rations, a system that collapsed with the fall of Saddam. USAID, working with the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) and Coalition Forces, reestablished the Public Distribution System in fewer than 30 days, avoiding a humanitarian food crisis and providing food security throughout the country. USAID contributed more than $425 million in food and cash to ensure the continued successful delivery of food aid in post-conflict Iraq.

USAID advisors continue to assist with improving the management and distribution of food rations through Public Distribution System (PDS) for all Iraqi citizens. Prior to 2003, PDS rationed out food commodities through the United Nations Oil-for-Food program. Today, USAID and WFP continue to support the Ministry of Trade in managing the countrywide network of storage warehouses, grain silos, trucking contractors, food distributors or agents, and a centralized database and ration card system designed to provide rations among all 26 million Iraqis.


  • Planned extensively and worked directly with the WFP and Coalition Forces to reestablish the PDS in less than 30 days, avoiding a humanitarian crisis. Contributed more than $425 million in food and cash to ensure the continued successful delivery of food aid in post-conflict Iraq.
  • Placed food specialists in key locations in Iraq, Kuwait, and Cyprus to support food operations immediately after the conflict. In cooperation with Iraqi food distributors, USAID, WFP, and Coalition Forces maintained the food pipeline from June through December 2003 in all 18 governorates.
  • Provided support in Baghdad and Washington for ongoing PDS operations through 2003 and 2004. This included technical advice, monitoring, reporting, and helping coordinate efforts of the U.S. Government to assist Iraqis with the PDS.
  • Played a key role in negotiating an agreement between the WFP, Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), and Ministry of Trade that provided the WFP with the resources and authority to continue to support the PDS through June 2004.
  • Assisted the CPA with technical expertise during the successful transfer of United Nations programs to the Iraqi government through the June 2004 Transfer of Sovereignty.
  • Drafted a food security strategy for that focuses on vulnerable groups and establishes objectives to promote short-term food security and capacity building for sustainable community based food security, assisting the Government of Iraq to develop a social safety net strategy, and promoting longterm economic and agricultural reforms.
  • Sponsored the Food Security Forum on Iraq in August 2005. Invitees from the Iraqi and U.S. Governments, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations gathered to discuss food security issues in Iraq, identify priorities and present possible future courses of action.


USAID will continue to monitor and report on the status of food insecure populations in Iraq.

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