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Welcome to the Pacific Northwest Region


Small map of wester united states with Pacific Northwest area highlighted in blue.

Our goal is to meet the increasing water needs of the Pacific Northwest while protecting the environment and the public's investment. The Pacific Northwest region encompasses the Columbia River Basin, which includes the states of Idaho and Washington, most of Oregon, and parts of Montana and Wyoming. Water is supplied from 54 reservoirs with a total active capacity of approximately 18 million acre-feet. Power production facilities at Grand Coulee Dam are among the largest in the world.

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Current News

08/17 Hungry Horse Dam Visitor Center Closes for Season
08/14 Reclamation to Install Security Gates at Palisades Dam
08/03 C.A.S.T. For Kids Makes Fishing Fun at Black Canyon Dam near Emmett, Idaho
07/30 Venetia Gempler Selected as Public Affairs Officer in Reclamation's Pacific Northwest Region
  Photo Gallery: Dams in the Pacific Northwest Region

Grand Coulee Dam: Third Powerplant Overhaul Project
Savage Rapids Dam Removal Update
Security Enhancements at Dams in Idaho
Tributary Habitat Program
2008 NOAA Fisheries FCRPS/Upper Snake Biological Opinions
2007 FCRPS Biological Assessment and Comprehensive Analysis
2007 Upper Snake Biological Assessment


Boise/Payette Water Storage Assessment Study
Malheur, Owyhee, Powder, Burnt River Water Storage Appraisal Study
Odessa Subarea Special Study
Supplemental Feed Route Study for Potholes Reservoir
Yakima Dams Fish Passage Study
Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project 2009 Work Group
Yakima River Basin Water Storage Feasibility Study


Last Update: August 18, 2009 10:07 AM