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Building Energy Codes Program
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Building Energy Codes Program

COMcheck™ Software FAQs

Q: Why was COMcheck developed?

COMcheck was developed to clarify and simplify commercial building energy codes. The materials focus on code requirements that apply to most commercial buildings and offer a streamlined process for demonstrating code-equivalent levels of energy efficiency. COMcheck can be used with most commercial energy codes based on ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1989/1999/2001/2004 or the 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004 or 2006 IECC. Contractors and designers who use COMcheck can save time and effort in documenting code compliance. Officials who receive COMcheck certification forms can confidently view these submissions as "deemed to comply" with the code.

Q: How does COMcheck clarify and simplify commercial energy codes?

COMcheck offers an easy-to-understand process for demonstrating compliance with all commercial energy code requirements for envelope, lighting, and mechanical systems. It eliminates calculation tasks other than determining square footages and requires no specialized technical knowledge of commercial codes. When applied to simple buildings, it is self-contained, requiring no additional resources or reference books. Finally, COMcheck uses terminology familiar to the design, construction and enforcement communities.

Q: What are the limitations of COMcheck?

COMcheck is intended for commercial buildings. The current software version includes requirements for simple and complex HVAC systems. Infrequently used code provisions, such as credits for automatic lighting controls for day lighting, are not included in COMcheck.

Q: Where can COMcheck be utilized?

Jurisdictions that have adopted or incorporated ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-1989/1999/2001/2004 or the 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, or 2006 IECC as their code or who have adopted codes based on these codes can use COMcheck. As with any code-related question, the adopting jurisdiction has final authority. Most states can use COMcheck for energy code compliance.

States that can use COM<em>check</em> for energy code compliance


States that can use COMcheck
for energy code compliance



Q: How is COMcheck used?

COMcheck offers two compliance methods: 1) computer software and 2) printed guides and worksheets. Either way, the process is easy.

  1. Software: The COMcheck software shares most of the features of the printed guides but offers greater flexibility in key areas and does the arithmetic and table lookups for the user. With simple instructions, extensive user help functions, and default libraries, the software is designed with ease-of-use as its primary objective.
  2. Printed Guides: Guides lead users through the applicable prescriptive requirements in each major section of certain codes: lighting, envelope, and mechanical. The guides explain applicable requirements and provide simple worksheets and compliance certificates containing checklists for building department use in plan review and field inspection. Designers or contractors simply fill in the requested information and include the compliance certificates with their permit application. The COMcheck Prescriptive Package Generator is a web-based tool that allows you to generate your own code-compliant packages rather than following pre-defined presecriptive packages for energy code compliance.

Q: What are the software requirements for COMcheck?

COMcheck for Windows requires Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP and at least the following hardware and software:

COMcheck for the Macintosh requires the following hardware and software:

Q: How do I know whether I am expected to enter an area or a perimeter length?

The column for entering dimensional data on the Envelope screen has the heading Gross Area or Slab Perimeter. All envelope assemblies are entered as areas except for concrete slab-on-grade assemblies, which are entered as the length of exposed perimeter in feet. Instructions for most input fields can be accessed by pressing the <F1> key when that field is current. In addition, when the user is required to input a perimeter length, the unit "ft" is displayed next to the input field.

Q: What is the difference between cavity and continuous insulation?

The terms cavity and continuous insulation are used throughout the COMcheck software to distinguish between insulation that is affected by thermal bridging (cavity) and insulation that is not affected (continuous). Cavity insulation is insulation installed in the cavities between structural members, such as wood studs, metal framing, and Z-clips, while continuous insulation runs continuously over structural members and is free of significant thermal bridges. Continuous insulation typically is rigid foam board. For additional information on this and other topics, click on the relevant input field in COMcheck and press <F1> to view the help messages.

Q: Can I trade over-compliance on the Envelope result for under-compliance on the Lighting result, and vice versa?

COMcheck displays compliance results at the bottom of the screen for Envelope and Lighting. Trade-offs between major sections of the code are not supported by the COMcheck software. The COMcheck-Plus software (discontinued) does support this kind of trade-off. For more information about commercial compliance approaches see our Commercial Compliance FAQs.

Q: What do the colors used in input and compliance fields mean?

Colors used in input fields have the following meaning:

Colors used in compliance fields have the following meaning:

Q: What buildings are covered by the COMcheck products?

COMcheck products provide an optional way to demonstrate energy code compliance with commercial and high-rise residential buildings (greater than three stories). You can use COMcheck to demonstrate energy code compliance in the design and construction of most types of commercial and high-rise residential buildings.

Applicable building types include:

Q: How can I get COMcheck?

Download COMcheck at no cost from this website.

Q: Is there a license agreement for COMcheck?

The license agreement for COMcheck can be displayed by selecting About COMcheck from the Help menu. The license agreement permits you to use, duplicate, and redistribute COMcheck in its original form without royalty payment, although unauthorized modifications to the software or supporting files are strictly prohibited.