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Wednesday August 12, 2009: From Congressman John Campbell's Laptop to Yours

Press Room >> Laptop Report

Click here to read Congressman Campbell's discussion with MEP Daniel Hannan

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Confounding America's Ideals - Washington Times

Press Room >> Column

 Cost-benefit analysis vs. American citizens' lives

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Healthcare Center

Constituent Services >> Constituent Services

Click Here to see Congressman Campbell's Health Care Center

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A Right to Health Care? - OCRegister

Press Room >> Column

Click here to read my recent Op-Ed in the Orange County Register

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From Car Lots to Congress - Politico

Press Room >> Articles

Before coming to Washington, members of Congress typically build their reputations - and often their fortunes - on respected professional…

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Campbell Opposes Democrat ‘Cap and Tax’ Legislation

Press Room >> 2009 Press Releases

On June 26, 2009, Congressman John Campbell strongly opposed the Democrat 'Cap and Tax' bill.  Click here to learn more.

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Constituent Services
Campbell Opposes Democrat ‘Cap and Tax’ Legislation June 26, 2009

WASHINGTON - Today House Democrats strong armed H.R. 2454, the Clean Energy and Security Act, otherwise known as ‘Cap and Tax' legislation through the House of Representatives. It passed by a vote of 219 to 212.

Crowd protests health plan - The Daily Pilot July 17, 2009
Waving American flags and cheering as passing drivers honked their horns, roughly a dozen protesters gathered on the sidewalk outside U.S. Rep. John Campbell's district office in Newport Beach on Friday to protest the Obama administration's ideas on health-care reform.
Confounding America's Ideals - Washington Times August 02, 2009

Prior to the founding of the United States, political theorist and philosopher John Locke developed the theory that government derives its power and authority from the consent of the governed. Benjamin Franklin once wrote that "in free governments the rulers are the servants and the people their superiors and sovereigns." These are the principles that are fundamental to the American system and have helped shape the nation we know and love today.

Amidst the Lulls of the Congressional Recess August 18, 2009
Amidst the lulls of the August recess, The Hill, a Capitol Hill newspaper, featured a story on spending increases on the costs of earmarks, and I would be remiss if I didn't at least bring it to your attention.