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Which Sectors?

The following sectors, due to the high demand or liberalization trends int the industry, have been deemed priority European markets for U.S. exporters. Click on the links below to learn more about these markets.

Aerospace and Defense

Recent years have been marked by the attempt to support environmental protection and the development of aerospace as a priority in European Defense. more...


With a proportion of 6 % of overall employment, a share of 30 % of worldwide production and an annually added value of approximately 118 billion USD the European Automotive Industry is one of the most important drivers of the European economy. more...


Opportunities in the European energy sector as many countries are opening their markets through privatization and liberalization. more...

Environmental Technologies

The European environmental technology sector continues to grow rapidly—in fact, it has become one of the largest environmental markets in the world. more...


Franchising is growing rapidly in the EU and is becoming an important part of the economy. more...

Information Technology

The European Information Technology sector is poised for explosive growth over the next few years. more...

Medical and Pharmaceutical

The European medical and pharmaceutical sector is constantly growing, facing new developments in customer markets reflected in trends such as increasing self-medication. more...

Safety and Security

Demand continues to increase, providing a great number of opportunities for American producers of security solutions. more...

European Opportunity