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Cooperatives Program

The mission of Cooperative Services Program is to promote understanding and use of the cooperative form of business as a viable organizational option for marketing and distributing agricultural products.

We serve cooperative members, directors, management, educational institutions, organizations, rural residents, and all others with an interest in the cooperative form of business.

We strive to assist them to effectively use cooperatives to improve their economic well-being and quality of life.

image of pointer Spotlights

image of pointer Cooperative Data

image of pointer CS Staff Directory

image of pointer Funding Opportunities

image of pointer How We Can Help You

image of pointer Organizational Structure

image of pointer Partnerships

image of pointer Power Point and Charts

image of pointer Publications

image of pointer State Resources


SSDPG 2009 Notice of Funds Availability
RCDG 2009 Notice Of Funds Availability
VAPG 2009 Notice Of Funds Availability Withdrawal

USDA Rural Development Renewable Energy

The development of renewable energy industries can be the catalyst that leads to an economic renaissance in rural America. USDA Rural Development is helping to achieve this transformation by funding the development and commercialization of renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, geothermal, hydrogen, biomass and biofuel. By making renewable energy sources commercially viable, USDA Rural Development is creating lasting avenues for wealth, new jobs and increased economic opportunities in rural communities.

USDA Rural Development has commissioned several studies to describe the current and future state of the renewable energy industries, and public and private strategies for dealing with the constraints, challenges and opportunities that will emerge as the renewable energy sector grows. These studies are summarized below:

Overcoming Constraints to Rapid Growth in the Bio-Fuels Industry

Business Models for Ethanol and Renewable Energy

Models for Funneling Investments to Local Communities

Linking Distributed Electricity Production from Alternative Energy Sources to the Traditional Generation and Transmission System

Directory of Rural—Farmer, Rancher, and Fishery Cooperative

This directory contains a listing, by State, of over 1,100 marketing, farm supply, service, fishery, and bargaining cooperatives. The information was collected from every cooperative that USDA Rural Development’s Cooperative Programs surveys that wished to be in this directory. The information includes the cooperative’s contact information, type of cooperative, and products that they sell. The directory will be updated monthly as cooperatives are added or when contact information changes.

Cooperatives Program State Resource Map

For your convenience we have provided a Cooperatives Program State Resource Map. The map provides links to valuable resources available in your local area.

The direct URL to access the map is or you may link to the webpage by the right menu above - State Resources, then State Resources Map.

  • Latest issue of Rural Cooperative Magazine
      This magazine is published every other month and focuses on cooperatives and issues facing cooperatives.

  • Accessibility Statement
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