Conference Blog

GOP Blog Archives for July 2009

July 17, 2009
Pence Delivers Foreign Policy Remarks at the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following foreign policy remarks today at the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute:

July 15, 2009
Davis: "The Hidden Health Care Cost of Cap and Trade"

Rep. Geoff Davis (KY) wrote his weekly newsletter this week on "The Hidden Health Care Cost of Cap and Trade." Here is an excerpt:

July 14, 2009
Walden, Pence Seek to Ban Fairness Doctrine in Appropriations Amendment

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence joined Congressman Greg Walden of Oregon in introducing the Broadcaster Freedom Amendment to the Financial Services Appropriations Bill which would prevent the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from reinstating the so-called ‘Fairness Doctrine’ or proposed broadcast localism regulations during the next fiscal year. A Pence statement follows:

July 15, 2009
Boustany Talks Health Care on

Rep. Charles Boustany, M.D. (LA) was a heart surgeon for 14 years before being elected to Congress. His expertise on health care matters has been helpful as plans for reform move forward. His commentary on the issue was featured on CNN's health section today. Please see the following excerpt:

July 15, 2009
Pence "Profoundly Disappointed" as Democrats Reject Vote Banning Fairness Doctrine

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence released the following statement in response to the news that the Democrat-majority Rules Committee had rejected the ‘Broadcaster Freedom Amendment’ which would have prevented the Federal Communications Commission from reinstating the so-called ‘Fairness Doctrine’ and enacting proposed broadcast localism regulations for the next fiscal year. All Democrats present voted against allowing the amendment to the Financial Services Appropriations Bill, which funds the FCC, on a final vote of 7-4.   “The First Amendment is not a partisan issue. The preservation of freedom is the paramount duty of every elected Representative and should take precedence over partisan politics:

 “Today Congress had an opportunity to allow the American people and their elected Representatives to ensure the freedom of the airwaves and today Congress said ‘no.’ “The Walden-Pence Broadcaster Freedom Amendment would have reassured all Americans that broadcast radio would remain free from government censorship for at least the next fiscal year.
 “I am profoundly disappointed that Democrats on the Rules Committee rejected this straightforward amendment. Over 300 Members of this body supported broadcast freedom when the Pence Amendment was enacted by Congress in 2007.    “The Broadcaster Freedom Amendment would have easily passed the House.
 “Every time freedom gets a vote on the floor of the People’s House, freedom always wins. Tonight, freedom lost.
 “However, I am still confident that broadcast freedom will ultimately prevail and we will send the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ to the ash heap of broadcast history. Thanks to the overwhelming encouragement of thousands of Americans voicing their support for the Walden-Pence amendment, as well as the consistency and vigilance of colleagues like Greg Walden, Jeb Hensarling and Jeff Flake, I am certain that it is only a matter of time before the specter of government censorship of the airwaves is dismantled forever.” 

NOTE: Democrat Members of the Rules Committee who are cosponsors of the Broadcaster Freedom Act are Congressman Michael Arcuri (NY) and Congressman Jared Polis (CO).   Democrat Members of the Rules Committee who previously voted for the Pence Amendment in 2007 were Congressman Dennis Cardoza (CA), Congressman Ed Perlmutter (CO) and Congressman Alcee Hastings (FL).

July 15, 2009
The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ National Energy Tax #12

Truth #12: Attempts to save trees in the Congo while forcing Americans to pay more for energy

What the bill does: Requires carbon emission allowances to be distributed by the Environmental Protection Agency to countries, public or private groups, or international funds each year for 2012 through 2025.  These allowances would be sold to support activities that reduce international deforestation.  (H.R. 2454, Sec. 754, p. 830.)
What this means for Americans:  Under the Democrats’ national energy tax plan, American families would face rising food and fuel costs and an estimated 2.3 to 2.7 million lost jobs, while being forced to send billions of their hard-earned dollars overseas for projects to save trees in countries such as Brazil, the Democratic Republic of the Congo or Equatorial Guinea.  Why save money for struggling families in America when you can save trees around the globe?

NOTE:  To see other truths about the Democrats’ plan for a national energy tax, click here.

July 16, 2009
The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ National Energy Tax #13

Truth #13: Higher Energy Rates to Pay for Bike Paths in Senegal

July 17, 2009
House Republicans Hit the Blogs

House Republicans published guest posts on a variety of conservative blogs this week. The following includes a sampling of those posts.

July 21, 2009
Roll Call Features Pence and Boustany

Roll Call featured a photographt today of House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence and Congressman Charles Boustany, M.D. (LA):

July 17, 2009
The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ National Energy Tax #14

Truth #14: No Household Appliance is Safe from Government Regulation

What the bill does: The bill authorizes taxpayer dollars to subsidize the replacement of wood stoves or pellet stoves that do not meet government mandated performance standards intended to reduce “particulate matter emissions.”  Taxpayer dollars would subsidize the replacement of the stove, together with the replacement of and repairs to ventilation, flues, chimneys, and other related items.  The bill prioritizes the replacement of wood stoves or pellet stoves manufactured before July 1, 1990.  (H.R. 2454, Section 218, page 497.)
What this means for Americans:  The government is going to tell Americans they need to replace functioning stoves in their homes with “government-certified” stoves and use taxpayer dollars to do so.  The Democrats’ national energy tax is just more government intrusion and more taxpayer dollars used for government-imposed mandates.

NOTE:  To see other truths about the Democrats’ plan for a national energy tax, click here.

July 20, 2009
Tiahrt's Opposition to Taxpayer Funded Abortions

ABC's Jake Tapper reported on Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Peter Orzag's response to whether or not taxpayer dollars would fund abortions in the governmnent-run health insurance program proposed by President Obama.

July 20, 2009
Democrat Health “Reform” By the Numbers

The House Republican Conference has compiled a list of important numbers relevant to the House Democrats’ 1,018-page “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act:”

July 21, 2009
A Peek At the Leadership Stakeout

House Republican Leadership held a press conference this morning. See the video footage and excerpts of leader remarks below. See the entire transcript here.

July 22, 2009
Economic Fiction

The House Republican Conference recently published a document, including these facts:

July 22, 2009
The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ National Energy Tax #17

Truth #17:  Taxpayer Sponsored Infomercials

What the bill does:  Authorizes taxpayer money to be used by the Secretary of Energy to carry out a national education program to raise public awareness about the potential of “mechanical insulation” to save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  The government will promote insulation used in commercial and industrial buildings around steam generation piping, equipment, and HVAC ductwork.  The Secretary is authorized to engage in advertising, education, training sessions and web-based information. (H.R. 2454, Sec. 275, Page 580.)
What this means for Americans:  American tax dollars will be wasted on the promotion of insulation during a recession that has destroyed 6.5 million jobs.  Congress should focus on insulating the American economy from more job losses and leave home insulation to the professionals.    

NOTE:  To see other truths about the Democrats’ plan for a national energy tax, click here.

July 22, 2009
Lessons for Health Care Reform From TennCare

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (TN) and Rep. Phil Roe (TN) published at piece today at Real Clear Politics, regarding the failure of TennCare, a medicaid program created in 1994 for the state of Tennessee. See the following excerpt:

July 24, 2009
Pence: “You Can’t Reduce Abortions By Funding Abortion Providers With Taxpayer Dollars”

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement after the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives defeated an amendment offered by Congressman Pence that would have denied taxpayer funding to the abortion provider, Planned Parenthood:

July 27, 2009
Shadegg Interviewed At RWN

Rep. John Shadegg (AZ) was recently interviewed at the blog, Right Wing News. He talked about everything from health care to earmarks. Here is an excerpt of the answer to the first question, on heatlh care:

July 27, 2009
Mack: Freedom Matters for Honduras

Rep. Connie Mack (FL) published a piece today in Human Events, titled "Freedom Matters for Honduras." Here is an excerpt:

July 27, 2009
Klein, Pence to Lead Colleagues on Tour of Holocaust Memorial Museum

This evening, Congressman Ron Klein (D-FL) and Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN), co-chairs of the Bipartisan Congressional Taskforce Against Anti-Semitism, will lead 25 of their colleagues on a tour of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.
Klein and Pence arranged the tour for Members of Congress and their families to experience the power of the Holocaust Memorial Museum and its message of “never again” first-hand. As a part of their tour tonight, the Congressional delegation will honor the memory of Officer Stephen T. Johns, the security guard who was shot and killed at the museum earlier this year.
“A fundamental part of our mission at the Congressional Task Force Against Anti-Semitism is to raise awareness among our Congressional colleagues about anti-Semitism, wherever it may exist in the world,” Klein said. “Tonight’s visit to the Holocaust Museum will fulfill that mission in the most powerful fashion, as 25 Members of Congress and their families will have the opportunity to witness first-hand the transformative impact of this memorial and museum. We will also pay our respects to Officer Stephen Johns, whose tragic death this year reminds us that we must fight anti-Semitism with constant vigilance, even in our own backyard.”
“The Holocaust Memorial Museum is one of the world’s leading authorities on the Holocaust and it is an essential experience for any visitor to our nation’s capital and certainly for every Member of Congress,” Pence said. “Through the Congressional Task Force Against Anti-Semitism and events such as the tour tonight, we re-affirm our commitment as a Congress and a nation to standing against hatred and honoring the lives lost at the hand of unchecked intolerance and anti-Semitism.”
Tonight’s tour will take place following votes in the U.S. House, from approximately 7:15 - 9:15 PM.

July 24, 2009
Pence Urges Support for Amendment to Defund Planned Parenthood

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, gave the following speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives today regarding his amendment to defund Planned Parenthood:

July 24, 2009
The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ National Energy Tax #19

Truth #19:  Federal Government: If It Works, We’ll Replace It

What the bill does:  Provides taxpayer resources, $1.8 billion between 2011 and 2013 and then “such sums as may be necessary,” to establish a program to be known as the “Best-in-Class Appliances Deployment Program.” This money provides bonus payments to retailers or distributors of household appliances that have been designated as “Best-in-Class” for demonstrating greater energy efficiency than other models.  The bill also provides bounties to retailers and manufacturers for the replacement and recycling of older low-efficiency products and premium awards to manufacturers for developing new “Superefficient Best-in-Class Products.” (H.R. 2454, Sec. 214, p. 467)
What this means for Americans:  With the federal debt quickly approaching $13 trillion, the Democrat national energy tax will spend more than $1.8 billion to replace working appliances with “best in class” appliances.  The American people do not want Washington to pay for everyone’s kitchen makeover – they want fiscal discipline in Washington.
NOTE:  To see other truths about the Democrats’ plan for a national energy tax, click here.

July 01, 2009
More Coverage on Cap and Tax

Fox News continued their reports this week on the job killing cap and tax energy bill, which passed the House late Friday evening. Check out the coverage, featuring House Republican Leader John Boehner's speech urging Congress not pass the bill:

July 01, 2009
Rep. Michael Burgess to President Obama

Rep. Michael Burgess, M.D. (TX) offered a question to President Obama for the health care townhall today:

July 01, 2009
The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ National Energy Tax #2

Truth #2: Democrats Want Fannie and Freddie to do to our National Energy Policy what They Have Done to the Housing Market

What the bill does: The House-passed energy bill provides additional credit for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to advance energy efficient and “location-efficient" mortgages.   The bill also authorizes the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to guarantee portions of a mortgage used to “green” single-family and multi-family housing.  (Sec. 286 of the Manager’s Amendment, p. 112, and Sec 299I of the Manager’s Amendment, p. 173.)
What this means for Americans:  These provisions put taxpayers on the hook for more mortgages that may default.  Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have made taxpayers potentially liable for more than $5 trillion in our current housing crisis.  Instead of reforming Fannie and Freddie, why are Democrats expanding their authority into energy policy?

July 02, 2009
House Leader Boehner Wonders Where the Jobs Are (video)

House Republican leader and his job-sniffing GOP bloodhound, Ellie Mae:

July 02, 2009
Pence Speaks Out on Unemployment Numbers

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement to today’s announcement that June unemployment reached 9.5 percent:

July 02, 2009
Today's Daily Truth

The Daily Truth about the Democrats’ National Energy Tax

Truth #3: Creates the Largest Welfare Program in Our Nation’s History

What the bill does: The bill (H.R. 2454) requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to provide monthly cash payments, or “energy stamps”, to low-income households for their estimated “loss in their purchasing power” resulting from the Democrats’ national energy tax.  The bill establishes a national standard of eligibility (covering everyone under 150% of the poverty line).  Energy stamps would reach an estimated 65 million individuals (about 20 percent of all US residents) – making it a larger program than welfare, food stamps, or even Medicaid. (H.R. 2454, American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, Sec. 431, p. 1193)
What this means for Americans:  If, as Democrats claim, their national energy tax will create millions of well-paying “green jobs,” then why do we need to create a new energy welfare program?  The Democrats’ national energy tax plan will raise energy costs on all Americans.  Democrats know this so they created the largest welfare program in American history to compensate for those increased costs.  Despite the massive scope of this program, more than 200 million Americans will not receive benefits, just energy tax hikes without direct relief.

July 07, 2009
The Daily Truth about the Democrats' National Energy Tax #6

Uses American Tax Dollars to Plant Trees

What the bill does: Authorizes such “sums as may be necessary” to cover up to 50% of the cost of tree planting programs by retail power providers.  To receive taxpayer-funded support, the trees must increase shade during the summer months or protect from wind during the fall and winter months, so to reduce energy consumption for cooling and heating.  (H.R. 2454, American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, Sec. 205, page 393.)
What this means for Americans:  Almost half a million people lost their jobs in June alone and Democrats want taxpayers to subsidize retail power providers and their tree planting programs.  Runaway reckless spending is not going to get America back to work.  Because of the Democrats’ national energy tax millions more jobs will be lost as American manufacturers relocate overseas, but at least homes and empty warehouses will have shade.
NOTE:  To see other truths about the Democrats’ plan for a national energy tax, click here.

July 08, 2009
New Video: "Done Its Job?" just released a new video on jobs lost since the Democrats' stimulus bill was passed. Check it out:

July 07, 2009
DC Doctors Host Physician Congressmen for Townhall Meeting Today

The Medical Society of the District of Columbia have invited physicians currently serving in Congress to participate in a town hall meeting to discuss the health reform legislation currently debated in Congress. This forum – Reforming America’s Health: From Diagnosis to Prescription – will give physicians, nurses, and patients the opportunity to ask questions and voice their concerns over the current health care debate directly to the physician Members, as well as to the MSDC.  The discussion will give local physicians and patients an opportunity to bring health care back to where it belongs: at the bedside between the doctor and the patient.  Opening remarks will be given by Dr. Joseph M. Giordano, George Washington University Hospital trauma team leader for President Reagan in 1981.  More than 150 physicians and patients are expected to be in attendance for the town hall meeting.
MSDC officers:            
·       Peter E. Lavine, M.D.; Orthopedist; (President, MSDC)
·       Stuart F. Seides, M.D.; Cardiologist; (Chairman, MSDC)
·       Joseph E. Gutierrez, M.D.; Vascular Surgeon; (Immediate Past President, MSDC)
Physician Members of Congress:
·       Congressman John Boozman, O.D. (AR-03)
·       Congressman Charles Boustany M.D. (LA-07)
·       Congressman Paul Broun M.D. (GA-10)
·       Congressman Bill Cassidy M.D. (LA-06)
·       Congressman John Fleming M.D. (LA-04
·       Congressman Phil Gingrey, M.D. (GA-11) (Co-Chair of GOP Doctors Caucus)
·       Congressman Tim Murphy, Ph.D. (PA-18) (Co-Chair of GOP Doctors Caucus)
·       Congressman Tom Price, M.D. (GA-6) (Chairman of the Republican Study Committee)
·       Congressman Phil Roe, M.D. (TN-01)
*Opening remarks will be given by Dr. Joseph M. Giordano, George Washington University Hospital trauma team leader for President Reagan in 1981.
WHAT:       Physicians Town Hall Meeting – Reforming  
                     America’s Health: From Diagnosis to Prescription
WHEN:         Tuesday, July 7th, 2009 at 4:00pm

July 06, 2009
Today's Daily Truth About the National Energy Tax

Truth #5: Taxpayer-Funded Mobile Homes

What the bill does: The Democrats’ national energy tax requires electricity providers and gasoline distributers to purchase from the federal government carbon emission “allowances.”  The federal government will then offer “allowances” to states that provide tax-rebates of up to $7,500 toward the purchase of a new Energy Star qualified manufactured home. To qualify for the rebate, an individual has to own a manufactured home constructed prior to 1976 and have a household income that does not exceed 200% of the poverty level. (H.R. 2454, American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, Sec. 203, page 372.)
What this means for Americans:  The costs of these “allowances” will be passed on to consumers, increasing fuel prices on families by an estimated 58 percent and increasing electricity rates by an estimated 90 percent by 2035.  Some of the revenue from these increased costs will be used to purchase new mobile homes.  At a time when Americans already face rising energy costs and the country faces high unemployment, Democrats want taxpayers to pick up the bill for mobile home parks?
NOTE:  To see other truths about the Democrats’ plan for a national energy tax, click here.

July 08, 2009
Brown-Waite on the National Energy Tax

Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (FL) recently wrote on the Democrats' National Energy Tax in the St. Petersburg Times:

July 08, 2009
Issa: "The Administration Has Rigged the Game It Its Own Favor."

Rep. Darrell Issa (CA), ranking member on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, on today's stimulus hearing:

July 09, 2009
Rep. Tom Price: We Can Win On Health Care

Rep. Tom Price, M.D. (GA) wrote the lead piece at Human Events today. Here is an excerpt from "We Can Win On Health Care.":

July 09, 2009
Rep. Joe Wilson Posts on Redstate

Rep. Joe Wilson (SC) wrote a guest blog post for RedState today. Here is an excerpt:

July 09, 2009
Pence: The Stimulus "Has Not Done It's Job"

 U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement on the House floor today regarding President Obama’s recent statement that the economic stimulus “has done its job”:

July 08, 2009
The Committee on Natural Resources Joins Twitter

The House Committee on Natural Resources, headed by ranking member Rep. Doc Hastings (WA), has joined Twitter. We hope you will keep up with the Committee by following them at

July 13, 2009
Bachmann and Lance Support National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) joined Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ) in support of H.Res 373, a resolution that raises awareness for Hydrocephalus, a potentially life threatning condition affecting one in every 500 births. The resolution will mark September as “National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month.”

July 13, 2009
Health Care Caucus Hosts "Involving Americans in the Health Care Debate"

The Congressional Health Care Caucus, chaired by Rep. Michael Burgess, M.D. (TX), will hold an event today called "Engaging the Public: Involving Americans in the Health Care Debate."

July 13, 2009
Pence: “The Stimulus Is Not Working.”

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to discuss the continued failure of the Democrats’ so-called stimulus plan:

July 14, 2009
Cantor Blogs: "Getting Americans Back to Work"

House Minority Whip Eric Cantor published a guest post on the conservative blog, RedState, today. Here is an excerpt of "Getting Americans Back to Work":

July 14, 2009
Reducing Barack Obama's Unsustainable Deficit Act

Rep. Tom Price, M.D. (GA), chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), recently introduced the Reducing Barack Obama's Unsustainable Deficit Act. He was joined  by RSC Budget and Spending Taskforce Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) and RSC Financial Services Working Group Chairman Rep. Scott Garrett (NJ). Here is what the Act does:

July 13, 2009
Rep. Conaway's New Podcast: Appropriations

Rep. Mike Conaway (TX) regularly produces a podcast for his website. The latest installment covers appropriations. You can take a listen here.

July 13, 2009
The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ National Energy Tax #10

Truth #10: Raises Electricity Prices and Kills Jobs

What the bill does:  The bill mandates a “cap” on carbon emissions, while providing a percentage of carbon-emission “allowances” to the electricity sector. These allowances will be arbitrarily allocated by the authors of the legislation and will decline each year until they are phased out in 2030.  If the number of allowances do not cover the carbon emitted by coal plants, for example, they would either have to spend more money to retrofit their operations or purchase additional allowances from the federal government.  This will cause electricity rates to go up as companies purchase the necessary amount of emission allowances.  (H.R. 2454, American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, Sec. 321, p. 536, and Sec. 116, p. 90.)
What this means for Americans:  As President Obama said, electricity rates will “necessarily skyrocket” and those costs will be passed on “to consumers.”  (San Francisco Chronicle, 1/08) Plants will be forced to close down, putting even more workers out of a job.  Either way, the American people will pay a heavy price for the Democrats’ costly national energy tax – at a time they can least afford it.

NOTE:  To see other truths about the Democrats’ plan for a national energy tax, click here.

July 14, 2009
The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ National Energy Tax #11

Truth #11: Liberal Democrats Tell Real Estate Appraisers How to do Their Jobs

What the bill does: Mandates federal standards for state certification of real estate appraisers to ensure that appraisers consider, and are qualified to consider, renewable energy sources or energy efficiency and conservation improvements in determining the value of the property. Instead of providing a “non-binding recommendation,” as the federal government has previously done, this provision represents a federal mandate on state certification requirements for real estate appraisers. (H.R. 2454, American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, Sec. 299A, p. 650.)
What this means for Americans:  This is another example of big-government knows best, with Washington D.C. telling realtors how to do their jobs.  And at a time when many states are struggling to provide basic services, such as health care and unemployment compensation, Democrats in Washington propose yet another unfunded mandate that will further strain state budgets.

NOTE:  To see other truths about the Democrats’ plan for a national energy tax, click here.

July 15, 2009
King: Doctor/Patient Relationship Must Be Protected

Rep. Steve King (IA) put out a statement today regarding the Democrats health care reform proposal. King noted that the plan  will tax small businesses to pay for the government takeover of the health care system. Here are his remarks:

July 16, 2009
Camp: There Is A Better Way to Reform Health Care

Rep. Dave Camp (MI) wrote a blog post recently opposing the Democrats approach to health care. Please see the following excerpt:

July 16, 2009
Republicans Censored

Rep. John Carter (TX) wrote a piece today for Human Events regarding the way Republicans have often been shut out of the debate on major issues since the Democrats took over. He notes the following:

July 16, 2009
Pence Denounces Removal of Pro-life Provisions in DC Funding

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence released the following statement regarding H.R. 3170, the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act of 2010:

July 16, 2009
Cassidy At The Huffington Post: Earmarks Should Require An Itemized Receipt

Rep. Bill Cassidy (LA) recently became one of few Republican posters at the Huffington Post. His piece, "Earmarks Should Require an Itemized Receipt" is excerpted here:

July 10, 2009
Bachus: Diverting TARP Funds to Failed Housing Agenda

Rep. Spencer Bachus (AL) wrote a guest post for the conservative blog, Red County. Please check out an excerpt from "Diverting TARP Funds to Failed Housing Agenda":

July 14, 2009
Pence on Democrats' Health Care Plan

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today after House Democrats introduced their proposal for so-called health care reform:

July 16, 2009
Lummis Launches Tumblr Site

Rep. Cynthia Lummis (WY) will be following the mark up of the health care debate on her recently launched Tumblr site. You can follow the conversation here. Check out an excerpt of her first entry:

July 16, 2009
Barton: Massive Government Takeover Won't Fix Health Care

Rep. Joe Barton (TX), ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, released a telling statement today regarding the committee's mark up of the Democrats' proposed health care bill:

July 20, 2009
Shadegg Interviewed At Smart Girl Politics

Rep. John Shadegg (AZ) was recently interviewed on the grassroots blog site, Smart Girl Politics. He spoke largely about the new health care bill he is co-sponsoring, the Improving Health Care for All Americans Act. Here is a small part of that interview:

July 20, 2009
Pitts Discusses Hidden Abortion Mandates in Democrats' Health Care Bill

Rep. Joe Pitts (PA) appeared on America’s Newsroom on Fox News Channel to discuss the hidden abortion mandate in the House Democrats’ healthcare reform plan. In this clip, the Congressman makes important points about what the bill will do:

July 20, 2009
The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ National Energy Tax #15

Truth #15: Subsidizes Studies on Human Behavior

What the bill does: Authorizes “such sums as may be necessary” to research American energy consumption behavior. This taxpayer funded research is designed to identify potential energy savings, as well as to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, through changes in energy consumption habits.  The research may also study the potential for altering consumer behavior, and increase public awareness of federal climate “adaptation” and “mitigation” programs.  (H.R. 2454, Sec. 265, p. 561.)
What this means for Americans:  At a time when the American people are least able to afford it, the Democrat Congress wants to spend taxpayer money researching human behavior.  It doesn’t take a clinical study to figure out that the Democrats’ national energy tax will have a devastating impact on families and small businesses.

NOTE:  To see other truths about the Democrats’ plan for a national energy tax, click here.

July 21, 2009
The Truth About the Stimulus and Jobs in America

The "Policy Watch" page holds Democrats accountable for their actions. In our latest installment, we tackle them on the stimulus bill.

July 22, 2009
Congressman Pence Discusses Jobs and Democrat Health Care Bill on MSNBC’s Morning Joe

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence appeared on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" to discuss Jobs and the Democrat health care bill this morning. Here is an excerpt of Congressman Pence speaking about the economy:

July 21, 2009
The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ National Energy Tax #16

Truth #16: Taxpayer-Funded “Carbon Content” Labels

What the bill does: Authorizes $25 million of taxpayers’ money each year, for the next fifteen years, to establish a national product carbon disclosure program.  The program may include a product carbon label disclosing the “carbon content” of the product being sold, to enable and encourage knowledge about “carbon content” by producers and consumers, and to inform of efforts to reduce emissions nationwide.  (H.R. 2454, Sec. 274, page 573.)
What this means for Americans:  At a time when the American people are concerned with keeping their jobs and paying their electric bills, Democrats in Washington are more concerned with carbon content labels. The Democrat energy plan imposes a national energy tax on families and businesses that will kill between 2.3 and 2.7 million jobs and force energy prices, in the president’s own words, to “necessarily skyrocket.”

NOTE:  To see other truths about the Democrats’ plan for a national energy tax, click here.

July 22, 2009
Pence Seeks to Defund Planned Parenthood

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pencegave the following speech from the floor of the U.S. House, announcing that he had filed an amendment to deny federal funding through Title X Family Planning to Planned Parenthood:

July 23, 2009
Pence on the President’s Partisan Pitch for Health Care Reform

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement regarding President Obama’s press conference tonight:

July 10, 2009
The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ National Energy Tax #9

Truth #9: Taxpayer Dollars to Help Developing Countries “Adapt” to Climate Change

July 16, 2009
Cao Interviewed on Pajamas TV

Rep. Joseph Cao (LA) was recently interviewed by Glenn Reynolds (aka Instapundit) on PJ TV, a compartment of Pajamas Media. They talked about health care, disaster relief, and Republican strategy for coming elections.

July 23, 2009
Pence Supports Republican Regulatory Reform Plan

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today in support of the House Republican Financial Regulatory Reform plan:

July 24, 2009
Pence Amendment Passes Rules Committee, Up for House Vote Friday

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence recently offerered an amendment to rid Planned Parenthood of taxpayer funding. The amendment will be voted on Friday. CNSNews reports:

July 24, 2009
Government Controlled Health Care Is Unacceptable

Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MI) recently published a guest post on the blog, Red County. Please see an excerpt of "Government Controlled Health Care is Unacceptable":

July 27, 2009
Weekly Republican Address: Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers

House Republican Conference Vice-Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA) gave last week's Weekly Republican Address. Watch her address, which was focused on health care:

July 27, 2009
Olson: Minimum Wage Increase Hinders Our Economic Recovery

Rep. Pete Olson (TX) recently wrote a blog post expressing why a minimum wage increase will hurt the economy. Read a excerpt here:

July 27, 2009
The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ National Energy Tax #20

Truth #20:  Lights off in Homes, but Lights on for Art

What the bill does:  Mandates that light fixtures, intended to display art, have no more than three sockets and base the light-bulb wattage on the number of sockets.  (H.R. 2454, Sec. 211, p. 421.)
What this means for Americans:  According to President Obama energy rates will “necessarily skyrocket”  because of the Democrats’ plan for a national energy tax.  As families and businesses across the country struggle to keep their lights on, Democrats in Washington are more concerned with the proper lighting of art.
NOTE:  To see other truths about the Democrats’ plan for a national energy tax, click here.

July 28, 2009
Pence: We Are on the Verge of An Historic Victory for the American Taxpayer

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today on the Democrat health care plan:

July 28, 2009
House Republican Women Speak Out on Health Care

House Republican women, lead by House Republican Conference Vice-Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers, spoke out Friday against the public option health care plan proposed by President Obama. Check out the video of the press conference. Kristan Hawkins, the woman who speaks at about 6:20 in, has an especially powerful story about her son, who has Cystic Fibrosis. Here you go:

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