U.S. Forces - Afghanistan
طباعة ارسال لصديق

United States Forces Afghanistan's mission, in coordination with NATO's International Security Assistance Force, is to conduct operations to defeat terrorist networks and insurgents by developing effective governance and building the Afghan National Security Force.  Effective security throughout the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan facilitates continued regional stability and increases economic development for the people of Afghanistan.
United States Forces Afghanistan's mission, in coordination with NATO's International Security Assistance Force, is to conduct operations to defeat terrorist networks and insurgents by developing effective governance and building the Afghan National Security Force. Effective security throughout the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan facilitates continued regional stability and increases economic development for the people of Afghanistan.

03/19/09: ANA kill 30 militants, destroy IED cache in Helmand
03/19/09: Special operations troops deliver smiles to Bagram schoolchildren
03/19/09: Afghan, Coalition Forces disrupt suicide bomber, IED-making cell
03/17/09: Seven militants killed, three detained in Kandahar Province
03/16/09: IED Found, eight militants detained
03/15/09: Five militants killed, three detained in southern Afghanistan
03/15/09: Afghan, Coalition Forces conduct raid in Khowst
03/14/09: Afghan Commandos destroy insurgent drug lab in Helmand province
03/14/09: Militants arrested for assassination plot in Chamkani
03/14/09: Militants fail to carry out suicide mission in Nimru
03/14/09: Afghan forces discover, destroy IED cache in Oruzgan
03/14/09: ANA, Coalition Forces kill six militants, disrupt IED-making cells
03/10/09: Afghan, Coalition Forces detain 10 militants in eastern Afghanistan
03/08/09: Update: Afghan Border Police took part in joint operation in Khowst
03/08/09: Two Afghan policemen killed in friendly-fire incident
03/07/09: Five extremists killed in Oruzgan province
03/07/09: Afghan National Police disrupt militant activities in Ghazni
03/07/09: ABP, Coalition Forces kill seven militants, detain five
03/07/09: Afghan commandos disrupt IED network in Wardak
03/05/09: Afghan, Coalition Forces disrupt IED cells
03/04/09: Coalition Forces detain suspected militants
02/28/09: ANP detain eight militants and prevent IED attack in Ghazni
02/26/09: Afghan, Coalition Forces disrupt terrorist network in Eastern Afghanistan
02/25/09: Navy Seabees improve quality of live for Special Operations Soldiers
02/25/09: Afghan National Army, Coalition Forces kill 10 militants in Oruzgan
02/25/09: Afghan National Police, Coalition Forces disrupt IED network in Kandahar
02/26/09: Coalition troops care for people of Oruzgan
02/24/09: Afghan National Army, Coalition Forces kill 16 militants in Helmand
02/24/09: Coalition Forces provide care for critically injured, ill Afghans
02/24/09: Coalition members killed by IED in southern Afghanistan
02/22/09: Elite Afghan soldiers elicit a sense of nationalism
02/21/09: Investigation in Herat confirms 3 militants, 13 noncombatants killed
02/21/09: Accountability of weapons provided to Afghan National Security Forces
02/20/09: Coalition service members killed in Oruzgan Province
02/19/09: Internship injects the right prescription for Afghans
02/18/09: Coalition Forces maintain pressure in eastern Afghanistan
02/18/09: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hosts Industry Day in Kabul
02/18/09: ANA, Coalition forces meet with leaders in Herat province
02/17/09: Afghan National Police kill three militants in Farah
02/17/09: Gholam Yahya Akbari targeted in precision strike in Herat Province
02/17/09: Afghan Commandos disrupt militant activities in Farah
02/17/09: Coalition Forces kill key militant commander in Herat
02/16/09: Militants killed in precision strike in Badghis province
02/16/09: ANP-led force detain suspected IED facilitator in Helmand Province
02/15/09: ANA and Coalition forces kill Taliban commander in Farah Province
02/15/09: Afghan Commandos capture suspected weapons facilitator in Farah Province
02/15/09: Afghan contractor killed by IED in Oruzgan Province
02/13/09: Afghan Commandos destroy IED in Paktya Province
02/13/09: Afghan Commandos liberate three Taliban hostages, detain six militants
02/12/09: ANSF, Coalition forces meet with village leaders in Oruzgan Province
02/12/09: Coalition service member killed and Afghan soldier wounded in Oruzgan Province
02/12/09: Afghan defense minister and coalition commander agree on force multiplier
02/11/09: Militants attack ANP, Coalition Forces convoy
02/10/09: Afghans turn over weapons and armament caches as part of the SRP
02/09/09: Afghan National Police-led force kills suspected mid-level Taliban commander in Helmand
02/08/09: IED explosion in Helmand Province kills four
02/08/09: IED explosion in Helmand Province under investigation
02/06/09: Civilians taken to Coalition hospital for medical treatment
02/06/09: ANSF, Coalition Forces further disable IED cells in Khowst and Zabul
02/03/09: Afghans participate in SRP netting more than 300 munitions
02/02/09: Humanitarian aid distributed to more than 400 Afghans in Oruzgan province
02/02/09: Together Afghan National Police and Coalition Forces rescue a captive in Khowst
02/01/09: Coalition Forces maintain pressure on terrorist networks
01/30/09: Coalition aircraft involved in mishap at Bagram
01/30/09: Coalition forces disrupt a roadside bomb network in Kandahar
01/29/09: Afghan civilian killed in accident
01/29/09: Coalition Forces target IED cell in Zabol Province
01/28/09: Coalition Forces target Taliban in Zabul
01/25/09: National Military Academy of Afghanistan host first graduation ceremony
01/24/09: Afghan schoolchildren receive clothing and supplies in Bagram
01/24/09: Coalition forces continue to disrupt terrorist network in Laghman
01/23/09: Coalition forces disrupt the Haqqani network in Khost
01/22/09: Coalition forces disrupt IED network in Zabul
01/22/09: Panjshiris benefit from poppy-free status
01/21/09: Afghan officials, Coalition forces investigate claims of civilian casualties in Kapisa
01/20/09: Coalition forces disrupt terrorist networks in eastern and southern Afghanistan
01/17/09: Helicopter makes hard landing in Konar Province
01/17/09: Explosion in Kabul
01/16/09: Afghan civilian injured in accident
01/16/09: Helicopter accident near Kabul
01/15/09: U.S. Forces Afghanistan expresses sympathy to Afghanistan
01/14/09: Afghan National Police vaccinate hundreds of livestock
01/11/09: U.S. service member dies in southern Afghanistan
01/11/09: CSTC-A provides ambulances for ANP medical field
01/11/09: Embedded Training Team strengthens ANA healthcare systems
01/11/09: CSTC-A Airman presented with Major General L. Dean Fox Award
01/11/09: Coalition forces release names of two Taliban militants killed in Laghman Province
01/10/09: Afghan National Army distributes humanitarian aid to Shamal Gah
01/10/09: ANP and Coalition forces target foreign fighter network in Khost
01/09/09: Schoolchildren visit radio station in Shahidi Hassas
01/09/09: Coalition forces maintain pressure on roadside bomb network in Zabul
01/08/09: Afghan civilian injured in accident
01/08/09: Two Afghans treated at a Coalition medical facility in Farah
01/08/09: ANA and Coalition forces target car bombing networks in Khost and Kandahar
01/07/09: Afghan, Coalition forces disrupt IED cell in Farah
01/07/09: Coalition forces shutdown roadside bomb network in Laghman Province
01/06/06: Combined operations target roadside bomb networks in Khost and Zabul
01/05/09: Governor of Farah meets with Marine Corps leaders
01/04/09: Three Afghans wounded at police checkpoint
01/04/09: School opening celebrated in Shahidi Hassas
01/03/09: Afghan man killed at KMTC range
01/03/09: Special Operations, Coalition forces give Afghan child a second chance at life
01/02/09: Afghan Commandos, Coalition forces kill one insurgent in Herat
01/02/09: ANA, and Coalition forces disrupt roadside bombers in Khost and Zabul
01/01/09: Combined forces stop attack on coalition base
12/31/08: Coalition forces target road side bombers in Zabul
12/31/08: Afghan forces stop attack on Coalition airfield
12/31/08: Update: Coalition forces target terrorist network in Kabul
12/31/08: Coalition forces target terrorist network in Kabul
12/30/08: Coalition vehicle accident reportedly injures two Afghans
12/30/08: PRT combats water-borne illness in Zabul
12/30/08: Provincial Reconstruction Team improves irrigation in Konar
12/30/08: Coalition forces target Haqqani network in Paktiya
12/29/08: 16 Afghans dead, 58 Afghans wounded in Khowst province suicide attack Sunday
12/29/08: Coalition forces maintain pressure on terrorist cell in Ghazni
12/28/08: Afghan Commandos, Coalition forces destroy weapons cache in Ghorak district
12/28/08: Coalition forces maintain pressure in Kabul and Paktika provinces
12/27/08: Afghanistan Department of Agriculture, PRT work to expand beekeeping in Konar province
12/27/08: Combined forces destroy weapons cache in Helmand
12/27/08: Coalition forces dismantle IED network in Zabul
12/26/08: Two civilian contractors wounded in IED attack
12/26/08: Coalition forces destroy Taliban roadside bomb cell in Kandahar
12/25/08: Coalition forces maintain pressure on Taliban network in Kapisa
12/24/08: Afghan Commandos capture the Baglan District Headquarters bomber
12/23/08: Coalition forces maintain pressure on terrorist network in Kabul
12/22/08: Suspected militants die in Zabul Province
12/22/08: Afghan Commandos, Coalition forces kill two Taliban fighters in Zer-e-Koh
12/22/08: ANSF, Coalition forces attack an IED cell in Helmand
12/21/08: Coalition forces disrupt roadside bomb network in Zabul
12/20/08: Major General Cone relinquishes command of CSTC-A to Major General Formica
12/20/08: 2-and-a-half tons of drugs found in a school
12/20/08: U.S. forces provide medical treatment to Afghan women
12/19/08: ANP and Coalition forces disrupt al-Qaeda cell in Khost
12/18/08: Afghan National Commandos, Coalition Forces detain insurgent leader, two militants
12/18/08: CSTC-A refurbishes donated helicopters, helps build Afghan Air Corps
12/17/08: CSTC-A commanding general reflects on Afghan tour
12/16/08: PRT well project brings water to Afghan villages
12/16/08: President Karzai awards Army Maj. Gen. Robert W. Cone
12/16/08: Congressional delegation visits Camp Eggers
12/16/08: Afghan National Commandos, Coalition forces capture two Taliban commanders  and one militant
12/16/08: IED kills three insurgents in Oruzgan
12/16/08: One U.S. service member dies in southern Afghanistan
12/13/08: Coalition forces ambushed during reconnaissance patrol
12/13/08: ANSF Commandos and Coalition forces capture key IED facilitator
12/13/08: Coalition forces maintain pressure in Kabul and Zabul provinces
12/12/08: ANSF, Coalition forces disrupt IED cell in Helmand
12/12/08: President of Afghanistan Visits USS Theodore Roosevelt
12/12/08: Coalition forces disrupt Haqqani network in Paktia
12/11/08: Roadside bomb network disrupted in Khost
12/10/08: One local, six ANP killed during Coalition forces operation in Zabul
12/09/08: ANSF, Coalition forces provide medical assistance to more than 900 Afghans in Kandahar province
12/09/08: Afghan forces lead security efforts in Helmand province
12/09/08: ANP, Coalition forces disrupt Haqqani terrorist network in Khost
12/08/08: Afghan Commandos prevent assassination of Nangarhar Provincial Governor
12/08/08: ANSF, Coalition forces disrupt terrorist activities in Helmand province
12/07/08: Coalition forces disrupt terrorist networks in Kapisa
12/06/08: Coalition forces maintain pressure on terrorist network in Paktika
12/05/08: ANSF, Coalition forces disrupt IED activities in western Afghanistan
12/05/08: Coalition forces target terrorist network in Kapisa and detain four
12/04/08: ANSF, Coalition forces attacked, respond by killing 4 militants in Helmand
12/04/08: ANSF, Coalition forces respond to attack, kill 10 militants in Helmand
12/04/09: Coalition forces target al-Qaeda liaison in Paktia and disrupt terrorist network
12/03/08: ANSF, Coalition forces disrupt militant activities in western Afghanistan
12/03/08: ANSF, Coalition forces kill seven in Nad Ali
12/03/08: Coalition forces disrupt road-side bomb cell in Ghazni
12/02/08: ANSF, Coalition forces building bridges for community
12/02/08: Coalition forces continue to target Haqqani network in Paktia
12/02/08: U.S. Rep. Murtha visits Camp Eggers, Afghanistan
12/01/08: Coalition forces track down terrorist networks in Paktia
11/30/08: ANSF, Coalition forces disrupt militants’ narcotics activities
11/30/08: ANSF, Coalition forces further disrupt terrorist networks in Paktia and Kabul
11/29/08: Coalition forces kill Taliban commander
11/28/08: ANSF, Coalition forces disrupt militant operations in Helmand
11/28/08: Coalition forces, Afghan civilians involved in traffic accident in Kabul
11/28/08: Coalition forces provide medical care to Afghan woman and her baby
11/27/08: Camp Eggers celebrates Thanksgiving with carnival
11/27/08: House Armed Services Committee delegation visits Camp Eggers
11/27/08: Afghan and Coalition forces disrupt Haqqani network in Khost
11/26/08: ANSF, Coalition forces disrupt militant activities in Helmand
11/26/08: Coalition forces clear a known IED command node in Kandahar
11/26/08: Coalition forces keep the heat on terrorist networks
11/25/08: Coalition forces disrupt two terrorist networks in eastern Afghanistan
11/25/08: 634th SECFOR Co. takes over Camp Eggers force protection for 436th Co.
11/24/08: Taliban roadside bomb network takes hit; Coalition forces kill seven militants
11/24/08: ANA senior enlisted host 4th Sergeants Major of the Army seminar
11/23/08: ANSF, Coalition forces kill 17 militants in Kandahar
11/23/08: Coalition forces kill two insurgents and one civilian in Zabul
11/23/08: Eight Haqqani militants detained in Paktika
11/22/08: Coalition forces detain three Taliban militants in Ghazni
11/21/08: One dead in Khost province
11/21/08: Afghan, Coalition forces kill 4 militants in Farah
11/21/08: ANSF, Coalition forces kill 10 militants in Helmand
11/21/08: Coalition forces provide medical care to woman and child
11/20/08: ANSF, Coalition forces capture insurgent leader in Khost province 
11/20/08: ANSF, Coalition forces treat more than 100 people in Helmand province

USFOR-A Commander:
Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal

Subordinate commands:
Combined Joint Task Force - 101
Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan

Media wishing to contact the staff of United States Forces - Afghanistan, should use the following information:

Commercial phone:  93 0 799 51 2919

Cell phone: 93 0 707 355 965

DSN: 318-237-0995
E-mail:  هذا البريد محمى من المتطفلين , تحتاج إلى تشغيل الجافا سكريبت لمشاهدته

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