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NIAID's List of Foundations and Other Funding Sources

This page lists grant funding opportunities outside NIH that cover the same areas of science as the NIH Funding Opportunities Relevant to NIAID. Use this list to launch your own search: at any point in time, any organization may or may not have relevant funding opportunities. See the Disclaimer about external links.

To suggest a foundation for the list, please email

Organization and home page link Relevant areas of research interest
Agency for Science, Technology and Research

Biomedical research and development in Singapore.

  • A*STAR Investigatorship -- supports research by early-career independent investigators. Applicants should have obtained their Ph.D. or M.D. between 24 and 48 months of the application date. Applications due in May each year. Check the site in April 2010 for the latest information.
  • A*STAR – MRC Joint Grant Call for Proposals -- R&D collaboration in Infectious Diseases between UK-based public institutes and Singapore public sector research organizations. Applications due in April each year. Check the site in February 2010 for details.

Check Grants and Funding Opportunities for upcoming opportunities.

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Investigator-initiated science and technology projects.

Check Major Program Areas for upcoming opportunities, and read Apply For Grants to learn how to apply.

Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy

Gene therapy research to combat cancer.

Check Types of Grants for opportunities, and go to RFAs and Deadlines to find out when you'll be able to apply.

Alliance for Lupus Research

Research to prevent and cure lupus.

Check Grant Applications for more information. For the latest news, go to Lupus Research Update.

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology

Research into asthma, allergy and immunologic disease.

Members of the AAAAI can check Grants and Awards regularly for opportunities, and sign up for the newsletter at AAAAI eNews.

American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy

Research to enhance knowledge and techniques in otolaryngic allergy diagnosis and treatment.

The AAOA Research Committee reviews grant applications twice a year. The grant deadlines are December 31st and June 30th. Go to Latest News for more information.

American Academy of Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery

Research to improve ear, nose, and throat care through research project, research training, and career development grants.

Check Grants and Fellowships for opportunities, and go to Press Room for the latest news.

American Association for Cancer Research

Research into the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer.

Check Research Funding and Fellowships for new opportunities.

American Association for Clinical Chemistry

Clinical laboratory science and its application to health care.

For information on how to apply, read Awards Information and VSF Funded Awards, Grants and Programs. For news and updates, go to AAAC Publications.

American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology

Research to improve patient care in allergy, asthma, and immunology.

Check Application Forms for new opportunities.

American College of Chest Physicians

Research to treat and prevent diseases of the chest by focusing on critical care, tobacco prevention, humanitarian service, and clinical research.

Check Clinical Research Awards for new opportunities. Restrictions apply.

American Diabetes Association

Research ways to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of people affected by diabetes.

For more information, go to Research Grant Applications and Administration, and sign up for Diabetes eNewsletters to receive updates.

American Federation for Medical Research

Research into all areas of patient-oriented, translational, and basic biomedical research.

Only members are eligible for awards. Go to AFMR Awards for new opportunities.

American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education

Support for students and faculty in the pharmaceutical sciences.

Go to Programs for a list of scholarships and fellowships. Deadlines vary.

American Heart Association

Research into cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Apply for funding through regional affiliates. Go to Identify Your Affiliate to find your affiliate, and see Applicant Information for details.

American Institute for Cancer Research

Research into cancer prevention and treatment.

Go to Research Program Facts for more information. Sign up for email notices at Subscribe to AICR's e.Newsletter.

American Liver Foundation

Research and career awards related to liver diseases, basic science, immunology, and transplantation.

For news, go to Media Center.

American Lung Association

Basic, clinical, and behavioral research designed to find cures and to prevent and relieve the suffering associated with lung disease.

Check Research Awards and Grants Program for 2010-2011 opportunities. Go to Research for more information.

American Respiratory Care Foundation

Investigator-initiated research, prevention, treatment, and quality care for respiratory diseases.

Go to Grants, Awards, and Fellowships for more information.

American Society of Hematology

Investigator-initiated research to understand, diagnose, treat, and prevent disorders affecting blood, bone marrow, and the immunologic, hemostatic, and vascular systems.

Deadlines vary. Go to Awards and Research Grants.

American Society of Nephrology

Investigator-initiated clinical and basic research into kidney function, diseases, and treatments.

See due dates by opportunity at Grants and Funding. Sign up for monthly updates at ASN Newsletters.

American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Investigator-initiated research in tropical medicine, including the varied parasitic and viral diseases of the tropics, as well as other infectious diseases such as enteric and mycobacterial infections.

Funding and Fellowships Sponsored by ASTMH include the following:

Tropical Medicine and Hygiene News is published bimonthly and reviews current activities of the Society, available positions, funding opportunities, and other topics of interest.


HIV/AIDS research, some investigator-initiated.

You can see a list of any current and expired opportunities at Research Grants.

To be notified of new opportunities, sign up for amfAR's monthly e-news. Choose the "Research Grant Opportunity Announcements" subscription.

Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation, Inc.

Investigator-initiated research to improve bone marrow disease treatments, restore patients to health, and find cures for bone marrow failure diseases.

To be eligible, applicants must hold a doctoral level degree. There are no nationality restrictions. Research may be carried out in the U.S. or abroad but not at a for-profit laboratory in the private sector.

Arthritis Foundation

Investigator-initiated research and training awards to prevent, control, and cure arthritis.

For all, the Arthritis Foundation hopes to fund new 2009 awards and plans to post new opportunity announcements as soon as possible. Read more and watch for news at Information for Researchers.

Arthritis National Research Foundation

Investigator-initiated research for the prevention, treatment, and cure of arthritis and other rheumatic diseases.

Applicants don't have to be an American citizen, but should be in the U.S. for the duration of the grant. Check Application Guidelines for more.

Association for International Cancer Research

Investigator-initiated fundamental research into the causes, mechanisms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer.

The Association is based in Scotland but awards internationally; research may be performed outside of Scotland.

Australian Academy of Science

Outstanding contributions to science, education and public awareness, science policy, international relations.

  • International Science Linkages -- research support for scientific visits and collaborations. Many investigator-initiated programs offered; visit for details and deadlines.

Go to Research Support and sign up for the International Exchange List and Academy Newsletter.

Australian BioSecurity CRC

Investigator-initiated research on the impact of emerging infectious diseases on the livestock industries, public health, and the environment.

You must be an Australian BioSecurity-CRC member or apply with a Core and Supporting Partner. Topics must meet AB-CRC objectives. Sign up for email notices at Subscribe to MyCRC.

Australian Cancer Research Foundation

Investigator-initiated infrastructure and cancer and genomics research grants within Australia.

  • Cancer Research Grants -- This year's deadline has passed. The next application period deadline will be in summer 2010, to be announced in March 2010.

For more information, go to About CRF Grants and read Latest News.

Australian Lung Foundation

Medical research into lung disease.

  • ALF Awards -- many listed. Check page for details.

Next deadline for all awards is October 2009. All awards require Australian residency and some require membership. Go to Lungnet News for updates.

Australian Research Council

Projects that deliver benefits to the community and make Australia's research more competitive globally.

  • Linkage Projects -- proposals must include organizations outside the higher education sector. Applications are due twice a year.
  • Linkage International -- awards, fellowships and grants for work in Australia or overseas.
  • Federation Fellowships -- designed to attract outstanding international researchers to Australia. Applications are due yearly.
  • Discovery Projects -- require Australian citizenship. Applications are due yearly.

Go to Important Dates for an overview of deadlines. See Funding Rules and read Discovery Newsletter.

Australian Society for Microbiology

Training and career grants to advance the science of microbiology in Australia.

  • Awards and Prizes -- many offered. One of the awards listed, the Research Trust Fellowship, offers a stipend for a full-time project in Australia. Applications are due October 30 every year.

Society membership required. Go to Australian Society for Microbiology News for the latest notices.

Australian Stem Cell Centre

Research that uses stem cells to discover and develop new therapies for human disease.

  • Research Funding -- fundamental and therapeutic stem cell research as well as enabling technologies. Applications accepted continuously.
  • Calls for Applications -- check periodically for new opportunities.

Learn how to Apply for Funding. Sign up for the Mailing List and go to Contact ASSC to get more information.

Baxter International Foundation

Investigator-initiated projects that improve the access, quality, and cost-effectiveness of healthcare.

  • Application Procedures -- see the restrictions. Applications due quarterly. Next deadline is September 25, 2009. Dates for 2010 will be announced later.

For latest news, go to News Releases.

Bayer Hemophilia Awards Program

Research and education in hemophilia.

Letters of intent accepted at any time. Go to About the Program for deadlines and application information, and read the Essential Information before downloading a letter of intent form from Application Forms.

Beckman Foundation, Arnold and Mabel

Methods, instruments, and materials that will open up new avenues of research in science.

Due yearly in fall. Check Guidelines and Procedures for information.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Advances in health that are created and shared with those who need them most.

The Global Health Program sponsors investigator-initiated research in the following areas:

To learn about submitting proposals and for a list of open opportunities, go to For Grant Seekers. Read Grant Seeker Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Basic, strategic, and applied research in biological science.

For all Research Grant Areas, next quarterly Application Deadlines are July 8 and October 14, 2009. 2010 dates will be announced after the October deadline.

Funding is open to international scientists but host institutions must be in the UK. Most opportunities are investigator-initiated. Go to BBSRC Grants Guide for more information. Go to Media, News and Events for the latest news.

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds

Basic research in biomedicine including the fields of immunology, allergy and infectious diseases.

  • M.D. Scholarships -- applications accepted any time. German citizenship required.
  • Ph.D. Scholarships -- maximum age for eligibility is 27. Applications are due on February 1, June 1, and October 1 of each year.
British Heart Foundation

Heart health research.

  • Project Grants -- for investigator-initiated research over three years. Applications accepted any time.
  • Programme Grants -- for investigator-initiated research over five years. Due by 12 noon on the last working day of February, May, August, or November.
  • Fellowships -- many available. Deadlines and requirements vary.

Funding open only to researchers who work or plan to work in a UK research institution. For more information, go to Apply for Research Grants. You can register for the e-Newsletter.

British Lung Foundation

Research and treatment for any aspect of a lung condition.

Funding open only to researchers who apply through and work in a UK institution. For the latest news, go to Media Centre.

British Medical Association

Medical research.

Check back in December 2009 for information on 2010 opportunities. Learn more at BMA Research Grants and read BMA Research Grants FAQs.

British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy

Prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

Deadline is November 1, 2009. Check BSAC Grants Programme regularly for new funding opportunities. For more updates, read Latest News, and sign up for the newsletter at Register.

British Society for Haematology

Basic and clinical research and post-graduate education in hematology.

For updates, go to News and Bulletins.

Broad Medical Research Program

Research into Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Letters of interest for investigator-initiated or solicited research are accepted any time. Read Overview.

Funding is open only to PIs with faculty or equivalent appointment at a not-for-profit or charitable institution. Check out What We Fund for more information, and go to News for latest news.

BUPA Foundation

Research into infectious diseases and toxins, occupational health, preventative health, training and career.

Funding is open only to researchers who work or plan to work in a UK institution. Other restrictions apply. Go to Eligibility for a BUPA Foundation Medical Research Grant to see if you qualify, and read Latest News for updates.

Burroughs Wellcome Fund

Investigator-initiated research into infectious diseases and toxins.

Open to U.S. citizens and permanent U.S. residents only. For more information, go to Grants Guide, and sign up for the Focus Newsletter.

California Institute for Regenerative Medicine

Stem cell research and research facilities.

Check CIRM Funding Opportunities regularly for more opportunities, and go to the Press Room for news. Applicants must be employed by institutions in California.

Canadian Diabetes Association

Diabetes research, education, service and advocacy.

  • Research -- check the site in August 2009 for information on next year's contest. Applications will likely be due in November.

Holds annual competition for investigator-initiated research.

Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research

Investigator-initiated research into HIV and AIDS.

Open to researchers in Canada who have expertise, productivity, and leadership in HIV/AIDS research.

Canadian Hemophilia Society

Investigator-initiated research into treatments and cures for bleeding disorders.

  • CHS Dream of a Cure Research Program -- supports research in fields relevant to hemophilia. Check the site in August or September 2009 for the next deadline, which will likely be in November.
  • Care Until Cure -- supports clinical research to improve quality of life, including for people with hemophilia or related conditions such as HIV or hepatitis C. Check the site in August or September 2009 for the next deadline, which will likely be in November.

Applicants must be Canadian citizens and affiliated with a Canadian university or health-related organization.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Improvements in Canadian health, health services, and health care.

Opportunities open in a variety of research areas. Go to Current Opportunities and go to the Institute of Infection and Immunity for other funding opportunities.

To learn more about the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, go to CIHR Publications Information.

Canadian Lung Association

Investigator-initiated research into chronic lung diseases and infectious diseases like tuberculosis, flu, and pneumonia.

Check Research Funding for new opportunities and go to Our Research for more information.

Cancer and Bowel Research Trust

Investigator-initiated research into the causes, cure, and prevention of cancer-related illness.

Open to investigators who will be conducting research at an institution in Australia.

Cancer Council Australia

Research into cancer therapies.

Go to Research for information on funding opportunities.

Cancer Research Institute

Research into immunologic approaches to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer.

  • Investigator Award Program -- for investigator-initiated research by early-career investigators. Deadline for next year is March 1, 2010.

Go to Research Programs and Designated Grants for more information on funding opportunities, and read The Researcher for news.

Cancer Research UK

Cancer research, including basic, clinical, and translational research.

  • Programme Grants -- supports basic, clinical, and translational research. Applicants must discuss their proposal with staff before applying. Next deadline is July 31, 2009.
  • Project Grants -- supports basic, clinical, and translational research. Next deadline is in May 2010. Check the site for details in April 2010.

These grants are open only to researchers working in the UK.

Go to Apply for Funding for more information.

Centers for Disease Control

Research into infectious diseases and toxins, HIV and AIDS, and emergency response.

Opportunities open in a variety of research areas. Check Grant Funding Opportunity Announcements regularly for funding opportunities. Sign up for email notices at email updates.

Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Association of America

Multidisciplinary research in areas such as immunology, infectious diseases, and genetics.

Check Research: Research Grants Program later in 2009 for information about funded research, and sign up for the CFIDSLink newsletter.

Chronic Granulomatous Disorder Research Trust (UK)

Investigator-initiated research into immunology, Aspergillus infections, and gene therapy.

Check Grants Available in July 2009 for new funding opportunities. Go to For Researchers for more information.

Concern Foundation

Investigator-initiated cancer research, including genetics, cell biology, and immunology.

  • Grants -- letters of intent are due through September 8, 2009. Check the site in August 2009 for details.

To learn more about Concern, read the Concern Under the Microscope newsletter. Go to Grants for eligibility, award terms, and selection process.

CSL Behring Foundation

Medical research related to bleeding disorders.

Check Applying for Grants and Latest News for information.

Cure Kids NZ

Investigator-initiated research into childhood diseases.

Check Research Grants Applications soon for information on funding opportunities. Funding is open only to researchers living in New Zealand.

For more information, go to Research We Fund and read the Cure Kids Newsletters.

Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation

Investigator-initiated research into the causes, mechanisms, therapies, and prevention of cancer.

  • Innovation Award -- for extraordinary early career researchers with innovative new ideas insufficient preliminary data. Pre-proposals are due in June of each year. Check back in April or May 2010 for the next deadlines.

Go to For Scientists for more award information, and read News and Events for updates.

Dana Foundation

Brain research in neuroscience and immunology.

  • Human Immunology Grant Program -- for new faculty doing patient-based immunology research. This year's deadline has passed. The Foundation is deciding whether or not to continue this program. Check back in September 2009.

For more information on funding opportunities, go to Science and Health Grants and General Guidelines. To learn more about the Dana Foundation and its work, read News and Publications and subscribe to Podcasts.

Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation

Investigator-initiated research related to diabetes, especially alternative, complementary, integrative, and nutritional therapies.

  • Research Grant -- for investigator-initiated research. Deadline is in June each year. Check back in April 2010 for details.

Go to Diabetes Action Research for instructions on requesting a grant application, and sign up for the eNewsletter to get the latest diabetes news and funding opportunities.

Diabetes Australia

Research into the prevention, cure, and treatment of diabetes.

  • Research -- check back in early 2009 for information. Awards are for research in Australia only.

For more information, go to National Research and What Diabetes Australia Does.

Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation

Investigator-initiated research on finding the cause, prevention, treatment, and cure of diabetes and its complications.

  • Grant Guidelines -- for research into islet cell transplantation, macrovascular disease, and neuropathy. Annual deadlines are June 30 and December 30.

For more information, go to Research.

Diabetes UK

Investigator-initiated research into care, treatment, cause, prevention, and cure of diabetes.

For more information on funding opportunities, read Applying for a Grant and the five-year plan at Research Strategy.

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

Investigator-initiated clinical research into biomedical discoveries that improve human health.

Check the Medical Research page for new funding opportunities. Sign up for email notices at DDCF Medical Research Program Mailing Lists.
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Investigator-initiated research into HIV and AIDS.

For more information on funding opportunities, go to Grants and Awards. Sign up for email news at EGPAF Newsroom.

Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Inc.

Investigator-initiated research into bone marrow transplantation.

For more information on the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Inc., go to Publications.

Food Allergy Initiative

Investigator-initiated research into the treatment and cure of food allergies.

For more information about FAI grant proposals, email

Gateway for Cancer Research

Investigator-initiated, innovative, integrative, and complementary phase I and phase II cancer clinical studies.

For more information on funding opportunities, go to Research Overview.
Grand Challenges in Global Health

Investigator-initiated health research projects that aim to achieve scientific breakthroughs needed to prevent, treat, and cure diseases of the developing world.

To receive news, updates, and new funding opportunities, sign up for Email Updates.

Also see Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Investigator-initiated biomedical research and science education.

Check Research Grants regularly for funding opportunities. Read HHMI News for latest updates.

Human Frontier Science Program

Investigator-initiated novel, innovative, and interdisciplinary approaches to life sciences research.

Research Grants -- application deadline for 2010 research grants programs has passed. Check back in December 2009 for next deadline.

  • Young Investigators’ Grants -- for teams of scientists who are all within 5 years of establishing an independent laboratory and within 10 years of obtaining their Ph.D.s.
  • Program Grants -- for independent scientists at all stages of their careers.


  • Long-Term Fellowships -- for applicants with a Ph.D. in biology to begin a new project in a different field of the life sciences.
  • Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships -- for applicants with a Ph.D. in the physical sciences who wish to receive training in biology.
For more information, go to Guidelines and Application Instructions. Check Programs for funding opportunities.
Immune Tolerance Network

Investigator-initiated clinical trials in kidney, liver, and islet transplantation; autoimmune diseases; allergy and asthma, as well as tolerance assay or mechanistic studies.

For more information on submitting a proposal, see Guidelines for Submission Concept Proposals and Submit a Proposal.

Infectious Diseases Society of America 

Investigator-initiated research, patient care, education, public health, and prevention related to infectious diseases.

For more information, go to Awards and Scholarships. Sign up for infectious diseases news at ID News Services.

International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation

Investigator-initiated research into advancing the science and treatment of end-stage heart and lung diseases.

Eligibility requirements vary. For more information, go to ISHLT Grants and Awards Program.

International Society for Infectious Diseases

Investigator-initiated research into infectious diseases, microbiology, HIV and AIDS.

  • ISID Small Grants -- for young investigators in developing countries. Annual deadlines are April 1 and October 1.
  • ISID Fellowships -- for investigators under 40. Annual deadline is March 1.
  • SSI/ISID Fellowships -- for physicians and scientists from developing and middle-income countries. Annual deadline is April 1.

For updates on new funding opportunities, sign up for ISID News.

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International

Research into a cure for diabetes and diabetes-related complications.

JDRF Requests for Applications

For more information on funding opportunities, go to For Scientists. Go to Publications to Subscribe to JDRF E-Newsletters.

Kennedy Krieger Institute with CDC

Research into disorders of the brain and spinal cord.

Requirements and length of commitment vary by education level. To learn about other programs, go to Professional Training.

Leukaemia Research Fund

Research into leukemia and other blood disorders. For UK researchers.

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

Research into blood cancer research, education, and patient services.

For more information, go to Research Grants and sign up for LLS eNews.

Leukemia Research Foundation

Research into leukemia, lymphoma, and myelodysplastic syndrome.

Go to Research Grants: Application for more information, and read Leukemia Research News.

Life Sciences Research Foundation

Research into the spectrum of the life sciences: biochemistry; cell, developmental, molecular, plant, structural, organismic population and evolutionary biology; endocrinology; immunology; microbiology; neurobiology; physiology; virology.

Fellowships are open only to M.D., Ph.D., D.V.M., or D.D.S. who do not hold a faculty appointment. Go to Application Instructions for more information.

Lupus Foundation of America

Research into the causes of and cure for lupus.

Cycles vary for funding but generally offered in early spring. Go to LFA Research Program and sign up for the Lupus Now newsletter for new funding opportunities.

Lupus Research Institute

Research into the cause of, treatment of, and cure for lupus.

For more information on funding opportunities, sign up for the LRI Mailing List.

Lymphoma Research Foundation

Research into the treatment and cure of lymphoma.

Go to Website Sign Up to register for updates and 2009 opportunities.

Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation

Research into various areas of multiple myeloma research, including immunology, immunotherapy, and transplantation.

Go to Apply for a Grant for more information.

Multiple Sclerosis Research Australia

Research into a cure for multiple sclerosis.

Grants awarded to Australian citizens. If a project entails working with international researchers, the independent Research Management Council will consider the application and, if approved, funds will be sent to the Australian leading institution to be distributed as necessary.

Some opportunities have citizenship and residency requirements. For more information, read Publications.

National Association for Colitis and Crohn's Disease

Research into inflammatory bowel diseases.

Register for Medical Research Awards to get information about 2009 awards.

National Blood Foundation

Research and education into transfusion medicine and blood banking.

Go to Newsletters and Journal for updates.

National Foundation for Infectious Diseases

Education and research into the causes, treatment, and prevention of infectious diseases. National Foundation for Infectious Diseases offers joint grants and fellowship programs with the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

Go to the Media Center for latest information.

National Health and Medical Research Council

Supporting health and medical research in Australia.

  • Project Grants -- investigator-initiated research. Check back for next deadline.
  • Program Grants -- investigator-initiated research. Deadline for 2010 funding will be posted later this year.

Applications are accepted from Australian institutions only. See Funding Calendar for upcoming opportunities. Go to News and Events for the latest updates.

National Hemophilia Foundation

Research grants and career awards for investigation of bleeding disorders such as hemophilia and von Willebrand disease at the subcellular, cellular, animal, or patient level.

Find an overview of all the programs at Research Grants Program. Get details at the links above.

National Institute of Clinical Studies (Australia)

Clinical research in all areas of public and individual health. National Institute of Clinical Studies is part of National Health and Medical Research Council (see above).

  • 2010 Fellowships -- check back for deadline.

Go to 2008-2009 Funding Calendar to learn more, and subscribe to NICS Update for more information.

National Multiple Sclerosis Society

Investigator-initiated research into prevention, treatment, and cure of multiple sclerosis. Areas of research include immunologic basis of MS, biology of glia and myelin, and infectious triggers and risk factors.

  • Research Grants -- for university-based scientists and clinicians. Deadlines are early August and early February.
  • Pilot Research -- one-year funding for cutting-edge ideas. Contact National MS Society for deadline information.
  • Postdoctoral Fellowships -- applicants must be under the mentorship of senior scientists. Generally, deadline is August.

Applicants must consult National Multiple Sclerosis Society's Research and Clinical Programs Department before submitting an application. Go to NMSS Funding Programs and Awards and Research Bulletins for more details. Also go to Apply Online for more information, and sign up for News.

Pan American Health and Education Foundation (PAHEF)

Investigator-initiated research into childhood obesity and healthy aging.

  • Small Grants -- investigator-initiated research. Check back for information.

For more information about Pan American Health and Education Foundation, sign up for Email Updates.

Prevent Cancer Foundation

Prevention and early detection of cancer through scientific research, education, and community outreach.

  • Grants and Fellowships -- investigator-initiated proposals in the following areas:
    • Basic, clinical, translational, and population-based research.
    • Education programs in cancer prevention.
    • Early detection.
    • Behavioral interventions.

Go to Application Guidelines; sign up for the Prevent Cancer Foundation e-Newsletter.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Many areas of health and health care.

Go to What We Fund, and sign up for Email Services for more information about funding opportunities.

Strategic Program for Asthma Research (formerly Sandler Program)

New pathways of investigation in basic research of asthma. No preliminary data or knowledge of the field required. Strong interest in innovation and risk.

  • Description of Awards -- investigator-initiated research, open to investigators from nonprofit research organizations in the U.S., Australia, Canada, Ireland, Sweden, or UK.
  • Check back for next deadline.
South African Medical Research Council

All health topics.

Funds South African citizens or permanent residents.

Thrasher Research Fund

Clinical and translational pediatric research, domestic and international.

  • Research Grant -- investigator-initiated research. Submit a "concept paper" at any time.
  • Early Career Award
  • Open to the following:
    • physicians who are in a residency or fellowship program or completed such a program no more than one year before submitting a concept paper
    • researchers who received a doctoral degree no more than three years before submitting a concept paper.
  • Not open to holders of an NIH career development award.

For application information, go to How to Apply.

Triological Society

Clinical and basic research in otolaryngology.

  • Clinical Scientist Development Award – for otolaryngologists. Applications are due April 15 every year.
  • Career Development Awards – for otolaryngologists. Letters of intent are due December 15 and applications are due January 15 every year.

Go to Research Grants. Also see American Laryngological, Rhinological, and Otological Society.

Wellcome Trust

Research into human and animal health, mostly investigator-initiated.

Unless otherwise noted, applications are accepted any time. Each award type has its own requirements and application process. Go to Application Information, and check each category's funding page.

Most grants are open to researchers in the UK or Ireland only; some are open to those collaborating with investigators in the UK or Ireland or having previous Wellcome Trust funding.

For information and updates, sign up for Wellcome News Feeds.

World Allergy Organization

Education, research, and training in allergy, immunology, and clinical care.

Sign up for WAO News and Notes for more information on funding opportunities.

World Health Organization

Research in areas relevant to the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases.

Research Go to TDR Grants for more information on funding opportunities.

If you have a relevant foundation to suggest, please email

Look It Up

See the Glossary for terms.