NHLBI Educational Materials Catalog: Cardiovascular Health: Small Group Discussions in Baltimore City Public Housing - Consumer Assessment for Community-Based Outreach and Education
Cardiovascular Health: Small Group Discussions in Baltimore City Public Housing - Consumer Assessment for Community-Based Outreach and Education
To better understand the knowledge and perceptions, health behaviors, and social and environmental context that can impact cardiovascular health outcomes of African American public housing residents, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) conducted a consumer assessment of Baltimore City public housing residents in collaboration with the Housing Authority of Baltimore City. Twelve demographically (age and gender) segmented small group discussions were performed with a total of 87 public housing residents ranging in age from 15 to 74 years in July and August 2002. The Small Group Discussions in Baltimore City Public Housing--Consumer Assessment for Community Based Outreach and Education report summarizes the results of these discussions and provides recommendations for cardiovascular health educational products and programming.