Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) Talking Points

JANUARY 14, 2009
  • We are in a recession, and the American people are hurting. House Republicans are on the side of the American taxpayer.

  • A majority opposed the TARP because it left taxpayers on the hook for a $700 billion bailout, injecting government into the free market.

  • Now Congress is being asked to approve and police the second $350 billion installment on the illusory promise from an incoming President and Democrat Congress that it will be spent well.

  • House Republicans believe that taxpayers should not be asked to pay for an additional $350 billion bailout of an undetermined number of industries.

  • House Republicans believe that enough is enough and believe—as the American people do—that we cannot borrow and spend and bail our way back to a strong economy.

  • We must grow our way out of our economic difficulties by creating jobs and lowering the tax burden on working families.

Please read editorials by the Investor’s Business Daily and National Review regarding TARP.