U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Disability Rights Section P.O. Box 66738 Washington, DC 20035-6738 OCT 29 1996 (STAMPED) Ms. Ruby Miller Deputy City Clerk 227 West Main Havana, Illinois 62644 Re: Complaint Numbers XX and XX Dear Ms. Miller: This letter constitutes our resolution of complaints that XX filed with the Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section, against the City of Havana (City) and Mason County (County), Illinois. Ms. XX alleged violations of title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Title II prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by State and local governments. Specifically, XX alleged that the City held a public hearing about a proposed incinerator at a restaurant that was inaccessible to individuals, who use wheelchairs. Ms. XX further alleged that a subsequent meeting about the incinerator was held on the second floor of the Mason County Courthouse, another inaccessible location. I contacted you and Mr. Bill Blessman, County Clerk, Mason County, in an effort to resolve this complaint. You stated that the City now holds its public meetings in City Hall, which has an accessible back entrance. You stated that there are signs at the accessible entrance and in the front of the building directing individuals who use wheelchairs to the accessible entrance. You also stated that plans are currently being developed to install an elevator in City Hall. You further stated that the only restroom in City Hall was renovated and is now accessible. Mr. Blessman stated that the County has not held any meetings on the second floor of the courthouse. He further stated that Mason County wanted to make the second floor of the courthouse accessible and that the County recently received approval for a grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs to install an elevator in the courthouse. cc: Records, Chrono, Wodatch, Morrow, Sheppard udd\sheppard\closure.no2 01-00452 Based on the foregoing information we are closing our files, in this matter, as of the date of this letter. The Department of Justice will take no further action in this matter. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact me at (202) 307-2735 (Voice) or (202) 307-2678. Sincerely, (SIGNATURE) Brenda A. Sheppard Investigator Disability Rights Section cc: Bill Blessman, County Clerk Mason County Courthouse 01-00453