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The Best Place to work award 2009 Employees rank ENRD in the top 1% of government offices

100th Anniversay ENRD seal 1909 to 2009

On November 16, 2009, ENRD will celebrate the Division's 100th Anniversary! 

Commemorative celebration plans are being finalized.  Click above to read about ENRD's 100 years of public service. 

Click the envelope icon above to subscribe to our 100th Anniversary updates.

We look forward to celebrating with you!

ENRD Home | Contact ENRD
Contact ENRD
Before comunicating with ENRD please read our Privacy Policy for details about how we handle personal information.


E-mails will be forwarded to the responsible individual within the component for appropriate handling. Please include your mailing address in the event that the Department replies via United States Postal Service.  Comments on proposed consent decrees should be submitted according to the directions in the pertinent Federal Register notice (and not to this email account).  This e-mail account is not available for service of official, case-related or legal documents and is not monitored for such submissions or for other time-sensitive communications.  E-mails with attachments will be deleted because they may contain viruses.



To call ENRD officials, see the Directory of Senior ENRD Officials


Correspondence to the Environment and Natural Resources Division may be sent to:

U.S. Department of Justice
Environment and Natural Resources Division
Law and Policy Section
P.O. Box 4390
Ben Franklin Station
Washington, DC 20044-4390


Thank you for visiting the Environment and Natural Resources Division's "Contact Us" page. On behalf of the Assistant Attorney General, the Environment & Natural Resources Division and the Department of Justice would like to thank you for your many inquiries on environmental issues and activities and other matters of special interest to many groups across the nation. The Assistant Attorney General appreciates the fact that so many citizens have taken the time to express their views and thoughts on these important matters. In some instances, however, the volume of inquiries on a particular issue is such that we cannot respond to each message individually. We would like you to know, however, that all incoming messages are forwarded to the appropriate individual within the organization and you can be assured that your voices and views are being heard.

Directory of ENRD Officials

  • John C. Cruden, Acting Assistant Attorney General
  • James Kilbourne, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General

    Robert L. Bruffy, Executive Officer
    Pauline H. Milius, Chief - Law and Policy Section
    James Kilbourne, Chief - Appellate Section
    Stacey Mitchell, Chief - Environmental Crimes Section
    Letitia Grishaw, Chief - Environmental Defense Section
    Bruce Gelber, Chief - Environmental Enforcement Section
    Craig Alexander, Chief - Indian Resources Section
    Virginia P. Butler, Chief - Land Acquisition Section
    Jack Haugrud, Chief - Natural Resources Section
    Jean Williams, Chief - Wildlife and Marine Resources Section

Please call (202) 514-2000 to contact the above individuals.

Last Updated: 8/9/2009