Placing an Order

Quickly locate any individual product that is available from NTIS. Once you find that a product is available, you have the option of ordering it directly online. If you are not looking for a specific product, go to our search page to search for products of interest.

Lookup products received by NTIS since 1964
To locate a specific product, enter either a title, an NTIS order number (also called accession number) in the Technical Reports Search box above. See screenshot below.


When looking up an order/report number, it is best to enter the number without any punctuation, e.g., PB99928006, ERSFANRR3, EPA600R99048. If the number you are looking for ends with three letters, be sure to remove them, e.g., for PB99-928006INZ enter PB99928006. Also, if there is a "/" at the end part of a number, only enter the number before the "/", e.g., for N9415678/3, enter N9415678; for ADA354123/1, enter ADA354123.

If the product is currently available, the full title will be displayed. Click on the title to view and select format options and price information. For those products not available through online ordering, or if you prefer not to use our online ordering service, you can place your order by phone, mail, fax, or e-mail. Use our handy order form.

If you cannot locate a product on our Web site, our Sales Desk will be glad to assist you.

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