Conference Blog

GOP Blog Archives for August 2009

August 06, 2009

The House Republican Conference released a new web video today in response to a recent White House video on "DISINFORMATION" in the health care debate. The video features Democrats in their own words. Check it out below:

August 10, 2009
Pence Calls Pelosi "Un-American" Comment Offensive

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, responded today, on Fox News’ America’s Newsroom, to Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s (D-MD) op-ed in USA Today in which they described opposition to a government takeover of health care as “un-American:” Here is the clip:

August 13, 2009
McHenry Townhalls Drawing Crowds of Over 1,000 People

From the office of Rep. Patrick McHenry (NC):

August 18, 2009
Pence Remarks on the Passing of Columnist Robert Novak

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement after Chicago Sun-Times Columnist Robert Novak passed away today at the age of 78:

August 24, 2009
Weekly Republican Address: Rep. Tom Price (R-GA)

Rep. Tom Price (R-GA), a physician, delivers the Weekly Republican Address on health care. "American's need patient centered reform, not Democrats' costly government takeover of health care."

August 19, 2009
GOP Solutions for America

House Republicans are continuing to offer thoughtful, creative alternatives to the institutional Democrat policies of
unbridled spending, disguised tax increases, and government invasion.

August 24, 2009
GOP New Media Caucus Launches Web Site

The House Republican New Media Caucus has launched a website. The Caucus is co-chaired by Rep. Bob Latta (OH), Rep. John Culberson (TX), Rep. Buck McKeon (CA) and Rep. Rob Wittman (VA).

August 17, 2009
Pence on Six Month Anniversary of Stimulus Signing: “The Results Are In: the Stimulus Isn’t Working”

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today regarding the six month anniversary of President Obama’s signing of the economic stimulus package:

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