NHLBI Educational Materials Catalog: Mobilizing African American Communities to Address Disparities in Cardiovascular Health: The Baltimore City CV Health Partnership Strategy Development Workshop Summary Report
Mobilizing African American Communities to Address Disparities in Cardiovascular Health: The Baltimore City CV Health Partnership Strategy Development Workshop Summary Report
This report summarizes a full-day workshop (September 2001) of presentations, testimonials and programming recommendations made by over 75 health, housing and social service providers, community health advocates, and public housing leaders and residents of Baltimore City. Cosponsored by the National, Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the Baltimore City Cardiovascular Health Partnership (BCCHP) partner institutions of Morgan State University Public Health Program, the Baltimore Field Office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Housing Authority of Baltimore City, and the Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks, the purpose of this activity was to provide the BCCHP recommendations and strategies for implementing culturally and contextually appropriate community heart health education and outreach activities for black Americans living in public housing developments of Baltimore City.