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 Related Resources was last updated on May 1, 2009..

Contracts data is up-to-date as of April 17, 2009 for all 24 CFO Act agencies.

Assistance (Grants/Other & Loans) data is up-to-date as of April 24, 2009 for 20 of 22 CFO Act agencies. Updates are currently pending for the following agencies:DOJ, USTREAS

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Welcome to - Where Americans Can See  Where Their Money Goes

Have you ever wanted to find more information on government spending? Have you ever wondered where Federal contracting dollars and grant awards go? Or perhaps you would just like to know, as a citizen, what the Government is really doing with your money. The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (Transparency Act) requires a single searchable website, accessible by the public for free that includes for each Federal award:

1. The name of the entity receiving the award;
2. The amount of the award;
3. Information on the award including transaction type, funding agency, etc;
4. The location of the entity receiving the award;
5. A unique identifier of the entity receiving the award.

Welcome to, a relaunch of, that provides citizens with easy access to Government contract, grant and other award data.

For data on procurement transactions, select Awards or for data on credit card spending, select Purchase Cards under the Contracts tab at the top left side of this page. To search for assistance transactions, select either Grants/Other or Loans under the Assistance tab at the top left side of this page. You can easily switch back and forth as you search.

NEW! OMB guidance for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 requires federal agencies to distinguish award obligations submitted to that utilize Recovery Act funds from those that utilize other types of funding. Starting April 1st 2009 you will be able to track Recovery Act assistance and contract transactions separately on More details on how to access Recovery Act awards and related reports are provided under Contracts and Assistance tabs. You can visit the FAQs page to learn about the logic used to distinguish Recovery Act awards on

For other financial reports on "Recovery Act", please visit

The table below provides a summary of the Federal spending information available on For an overview of the data available on this website, please select the Data Quality tab at the top of this page.

Contracts and Assistance Spending in Billions of Dollars1

FY 2000
FY 2001
FY 2002
FY 2003
FY 2004
FY 2005
FY 2006
FY 2007
FY 2008
FY 2009
All Awards Recovery Act Awards only
Direct Payments
(e.g. Social Security)
Other type of Assistance Other assistance help link

1  The numbers in this table can change after each data load. Transactions included in a data load can impact numbers for the current and previous fiscal years.

2  Dollar figures for Federal Loans in this table come from the FAADS PLUS data field: Original Subsidy Cost. Prior to FY 2007, FAADS file format did not include data fields to capture the Original Subsidy Cost and Face Value of a loan. Therefore, will only display loans transactions for FY 2007 and onwards.

The data housed on is provided by Federal agencies. Please refer to the Data Quality site for information about the current status of data quality. is continuously developing ways to measure and improve the quality of data on the site.

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