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Woods Hole Science Center

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WHSC now uses the XTF format, developed by Triton Imaging, for sidescan-sonar data.

Triton .XTF file format

See also the source file DEMO_XTF.C for example code. DEMO_XTF.C includes this file for structure definitions.

1. Overview

The XTF file format (eXtended Triton Format) was created to answer the need for saving many different types of sonar, navigation, telemetry and bathymetry information. The format can easily be extended to include various types of data that may be encountered in the future.

2. Methodology

An XTF file can be thought of as a "pool" of data. In a realtime collection environment, data may be prepared and added to the file at any time without regard to synchronization between data packets. For example, bathymetry data may be logged five times per second while sonar data is being logged at 10 times per second. No storage space is wasted and no "holes" are created in the saved data stream.

While processing an XTF file, the processing software can easily ignore data packets it doesn't recognize or isn't needed. For example, Triton's "Target" program will read an XTF file for sonar data and skip over any saved bathymetry data. When a non-sonar data packet is encountered it simply ignores it and reads in another packet. Any software that reads XTF files should also do this because it guarantees compatibility with files that may contain new kinds of data that may be included in the future.

Since the "pool" of data in an XTF file is written asynchronously, it is impossible to calculate a byte offset for a specific record in the file. However, there is a straightforward method to quickly search a file for any specific data packet. This method is described later in this document.

3. Binary data representation

The following definitions apply to all data written in XTF files:

float 4-byte single-precision IEEE standard
double 8-byte double-precision IEEE standard
short 2-byte signed value
int 2-byte signed value
WORD 2-byte unsigned value
long 4-byte signed value
DWORD 4-byte unsigned value
char 1-byte signed value
BYTE 1-byte unsigned value

All data is written with Intel 80x86 byte ordering (LSB, msB). If an XTF file is to be processed on a Sun, Silicon Graphics or Apple computer, the order of the bytes in all values must be exactly reversed. For example, a float value (4 bytes) would need to be re-ordered from (1,2,3,4) to (4,3,2,1) in the target machine's memory before treating the number as a floating-point value. This effectively converts the value from little-endian (least-significant byte first) to big-endian (most-significant byte first).

4. Structure

Each XTF file begins with a file header record. This record is given by the XTFFILEHEADER structure (below) and is a minimum of 1024 bytes in length. If can be larger than 1024 bytes when the total number of channels to be stored in the file is greater than six (the number of CHANINFO structures contained in the XTFFILEHEADER structure causes the XTFFILEHEADER structure to grow larger than 1024 bytes). In this event, the total size of the file header record grows in increments of 1024 bytes until there is enough room to hold all of the CHANINFO structures. Two important elements of the file header are:

- Number of sonar channels

- Number of bathymetry channels

These are used to determine how many CHANINFO structures will be in the header record. The CHANINFO structures for all of the sonar channels will always be preceed the structures for the bathymetry channels.

After the header, data packets may follow in any order. Each packet must contain a packet header, which identifies the type of packet and the number of bytes in the packet. If the software does not recognize the packet type, it can skip forward the given number of bytes to the next packet. Thus, the packets can be thought of as a linked list of data elements which vary in size. To make file search easier, all data packets must be an even multiple of 64 bytes in length. A data packet typically has the following format:

- Packet Header (usually 256 bytes). (Identifies number of channels in this packet and total size of the packet.) Each packet begins with a key pattern of bytes which can be used to asign the data stream to the start of a packet.

For each channel, - Channel header (optional, usually 64 bytes) - Channel data (optional, byte count varies)

There are currently four different packets defined for XTF files: Sonar, Bathymetry, Annotation and Attitude.


- 256 byte ping header (XTFPINGHEADER) which holds total number of bytes for this packet, time, date, towfish telemetry, navigation, etc.

- for each channel associated with this ping,
- 64 byte channel header (XTFPINGCHANHEADER) which holds channel ID, period, gain codes and processing flags
- Actual channel data. Byte count is determined by the number of samples per channel and bytes per sample (both are given in the file header).

The structure of XTF_HEADER_SONAR is the same as that for XTF_HEADER_BATHY.


- 256 byte structure (XTFNOTESHEADER) which holds date, time, and ASCII text.


- 256 byte header (XTFBATHHEADER) which holds total number of bytes for this packet, time, date, towfish telemetry, navigation, etc.

- 256 byte packet holds the Bathy data. Currently, bathy data is of the format given by the Reson SeaBat or Odom Echoscan II. Refer to the documentation from those companies for details on the format for their binary packets. Isis will store the exact binary R-Theta or RI-Theta packeta from these multibeam system as received over the serial port(s).

The structure of XTF_HEADER_BATHY is the same as that for XTF_HEADER_SONAR.


- 64 byte header (XTFATTITUDEDATA) which contains Pitch, Roll, Heave, Yaw and a time reference given in milliseconds. This time reference can be used to match the SeaBat bathymetry data which also contains the same time reference.


- 256 byte header (XTFBATHHEADER) which holds total number of bytes for this packet, time, date, towfish telemetry, navigation, etc.

- 256 byte packet holds the Bathy data. Currently, bathy data is of the format given by the ELAC BottomChart system. Refer to the documentation from ELAC for details on the format for their binary data.


- 64-byte header (XTFNOTESHEADER) holds time, date, and the exact ASCII data as received from any serial port which has ASCII RAW data logging enabled. This packet is used primarily for diagnostic and system checking. Use of this packet is not generally recommended.


- 64-bytes holds magic number and structure size info

- 1024-bytes holds embedded file header, stored into the the file whenever the number of samples per channel changes. This embedded header record is identical in structure to that found at the start of the file. By writing an embedded header record, Isis can change the number of samples stored with each ping which is necessary when the Klein 5000 changes range scales.

/* Include-file for reading .XTF files.  This file defines the
   structures currently defined in the .XTF file format.

#define XTF_HEADER_SONAR        0 // sidescan and subbottom
#define XTF_HEADER_NOTES        1 // notes - text annotation
#define XTF_HEADER_BATHY        2 // bathymetry (Seabat, Odom)
#define XTF_HEADER_ATTITUDE     3 // TSS or MRU attitude (pitch, roll, 
                                  // heave, yaw)
#define XTF_HEADER_FORWARD      4 // forward-look sonar (polar display)
#define XTF_HEADER_ELAC         5 // Elac multibeam
#define XTF_HEADER_RAW_SERIAL   6 // Raw data from serial port
#define XTF_HEADER_EMBED_HEAD   7 // Embedded header structure
#define XTF_HEADER_HIDDEN_SONAR 8 // hidden (non-displayable) ping

#define FMT_XTF 123 // unique ID for all XTF files.

typedef int		    BOOL;
#define FALSE		    0
#define TRUE		    (!FALSE)

typedef unsigned char	    BYTE;
typedef unsigned short      WORD;
typedef unsigned long       DWORD;
typedef unsigned int	    UINT;
typedef signed long	    LONG;

// Channel information structure (contained in the file header).
// One-time information describing each channel.  64 bytes long.
// This is data pertaining to each channel that will not change
// during the course of a run.
typedef struct {
   BYTE TypeOfChannel;     // PORT, STBD, SBOT or BATH
   BYTE SubChannelNumber;
   WORD CorrectionFlags;   // 1=raw, 2=Corrected
   WORD UniPolar;          // 0=data is bipolar, 1=data is unipolar
   WORD BytesPerSample;    // 1 or 2
   DWORD SamplesPerChannel;// Usually a multiple of 1024 unless bathymetry
   char ChannelName[16];   // Text describing channel.  i.e., "Port 500"

   float VoltScale;        // How many volts is represented by max 
                           // sample value.  Typically 5.0.
   float Frequency;        // Center transmit frequency
   float HorizBeamAngle;   // Typically 1 degree or so
   float TiltAngle;        // Typically 30 degrees
   float BeamWidth;        // 3dB beam width, Typically 50 degrees

                           // Orientation of these offsets:
                           // Positive Y is forward
                           // Positive X is to starboard
                           // Positive Z is down.  Just like depth.
                           // Positive roll is lean to starboard
                           // Positive pitch is nose up
                           // Positive yaw is turn to right

   float OffsetX;          // These offsets are entered in the 
   float OffsetY;          // Multibeam setup dialog box.
   float OffsetZ;

   float OffsetYaw;        // If the multibeam sensor is reverse
                           // mounted (facing backwards), then
                           // OffsetYaw will be around 180 degrees.
   float OffsetPitch;      
   float OffsetRoll;

   char ReservedArea2[56];


// XTF File header.
// Total of 1024 bytes.
typedef struct {
   BYTE FileFormat;        // 50 for Q-MIPS file format, 51 for Isis format
   BYTE SystemType;        // Type of system used to record this file.  
   							// 202=Isis
   char RecordingProgramName[8];    // Example: "Isis"
   char RecordingProgramVersion[8]; // Example: "1.72"
   char SonarName[16];     // Name of server used to access sonar.  
   							// Example: "C31_SERV.EXE"
   WORD SonarType;         // K2000=5, DF1000=7, SEABAT=8
   char NoteString[64];    // Notes as entered in the Sonar Setup dialog box
   char ThisFileName[64];  // Name of this file. Example: "LINE12-B.SNR"

   WORD NavUnits;          // 0=METERS or 3=DEGREES

   WORD NumberOfSonarChannels;  // if > 60, header goes to 8K in size
   WORD NumberOfBathymetryChannels;
   WORD Reserved1;
   WORD Reserved2;
   WORD Reserved3;
   WORD Reserved4;
   WORD Reserved5;
   WORD Reserved6;

   // nav system parameters
   BYTE     ProjectionType[12];       // Not currently used
   BYTE     SpheriodType[10];         // Not currently used
   long     NavigationLatency;        // milliseconds, latency of nav system
                                      // (usually GPS)
                                      // This value is entered on the
                                      // Serial port setup dialog box.  
                                      // When computing a position, Isis will
                                      // take the time of the navigation 
                                      // and subtract this value.

   float    OriginY;                  // Not currently used
   float    OriginX;                  // Not currently used

                                      // Orientation of these offsets:
                                      // Positive Y is forward
                                      // Positive X is to starboard
                                      // Positive Z is down.  Just like depth.
                                      // Positive roll is lean to starboard
                                      // Positive pitch is nose up
                                      // Positive yaw is turn to right

   float    NavOffsetY;               // These offsets are entered in
   float    NavOffsetX;               // the multibeam setup dialog box.
   float    NavOffsetZ;               
   float    NavOffsetYaw;

   float    MRUOffsetY;               // These offsets are entered in
   float    MRUOffsetX;               // the multibeam setup dialog box
   float    MRUOffsetZ;               

   float    MRUOffsetYaw;          
   float    MRUOffsetPitch;
   float    MRUOffsetRoll;        

                           // note: even 128-byte boundary to here

   CHANINFO ChanInfo[6];  // Each CHANINFO struct is 128 bytes.
                          // If more than 6 channels needed, header record
                          // grows 1K in size for each additional 8 channels.

// Embedded header record -- occurs mid-file
typedef struct {
   WORD MagicNumber;      // Set to 0xFACE
   BYTE HeaderType;       // 7=embedded header record
   BYTE SubChannelNumber; // 
   WORD NumChansToFollow; // 
   WORD Reserved1[2];

   DWORD NumBytesThisRecord; // Total byte count for this embedded record 
                             // including the 64 front-pad bytes
   BYTE Reserved[50]; // make even to 64 bytes so far


// The XTFATTITUDEDATA structure used to store information from a TSS or 
// MRU motion sensor device.  This is usually high-resolution data
// (updating 20 times per second or more) and is needed when processing
// multibeam bathymetric data.  When TSS or MRU is selected as a serial device,
// the data is received and decoded.  As the attitude information is decoded,
// the values are filled into the following structure and then saved to the 
// XTF file.
// Attitude data packet, 64 bytes in length.
typedef struct {
   // Type of header
   WORD MagicNumber;      // Set to 0xFACE
   BYTE HeaderType;       // XTF_HEADER_ATTITUDE (3)
   BYTE SubChannelNumber; // When HeaderType is Bathy, indicates which head
   WORD NumChansToFollow; // If Sonar Ping, Number of channels to follow
   WORD Reserved1[2];

   DWORD NumBytesThisRecord; // Total byte count for this ping including this 
                             // ping header
   DWORD Reverved2[4];

   // will be followed by attitude data even to 64 bytes
   float Pitch;   // positive value is nose up
   float Roll;    // positive value is roll to starboard
   float Heave;   // positive value is sensor up
                  // Note: The TSS sends heave positive up.  The MRU
                  // sends heave positive down.  In order to make the 
                  // data logging consistent, the sign of the MRU's 
                  // heave is reversed before being stored in this field.

   float Yaw;     // positive value is turn right
   DWORD TimeTag; // time ref. given in milliseconds

   float Heading; // In degrees, as reported by MRU.  
                  // TSS doesn't report heading, so when using a TSS 
                  // this value will be the most recent ship gyro value 
                  // as received from GPS or from any serial port using 
                  // 'G' in the template.

   BYTE  Reserved3[10];


// Sonar or Bathy Ping header
// The data here can change from ping to ping but will pertain to all
// channels that are at the same time as this ping.  256 bytes in length.
typedef struct {

   // Type of header
   WORD MagicNumber;      // Set to 0xFACE
   BYTE HeaderType;       // XTF_HEADER_SONAR (0), XTF_HEADER_BATHY (2),
                          //   XTF_HEADER_FORWARD or XTF_HEADER_ELAC (5)
   BYTE SubChannelNumber; // When HeaderType is Bathy, indicates which head
                          // When sonar, which ping of a batch (Klein 5000: 
                          // 0..4)

   WORD NumChansToFollow; // If Sonar Ping, Number of channels to follow
   WORD Reserved1[2];

   DWORD NumBytesThisRecord; // Total byte count for this ping including 
   							 // this ping header

   // Date and time of the ping
   WORD  Year;          // Computer date when this record was saved
   BYTE  Month;
   BYTE  Day;
   BYTE  Hour;          // Computer time when this record was saved
   BYTE  Minute;
   BYTE  Second;
   BYTE  HSeconds;      // hundredths of seconds (0-99)
   WORD  JulianDay;     // Number of days since January 1

   // General information
   WORD CurrentLineID;     // [i] Current line ID from serial port
   WORD EventNumber;       // [O] Last logged event number

   DWORD PingNumber;       // Counts consecutively from 0 and increments 
                           //   for each update.  Note that the
                           //   counters are different between sonar
                           //   and bathymetery updates.

   float SoundVelocity;    // m/s, Round trip, defaults to 750. 
                           //   Can be changed on Isis menu.  This
                           //   value is never computed and can only be 
                           //   changed manually by the user. Also see 
                           //   ComputedSoundVelocity below.

   float OceanTide;        // [{t}] Ocean tide in meters.  Can be
                           // changed by the user on the Configure 
                           // menu in Isis.
   DWORD Reserved2;        // Reserved for future use
   // Raw CTD information.  The Freq values are those sent up by the
   // SeaBird CTD.  The Falmouth Scientific CTD sends up computed data.
   float ConductivityFreq; // [Q] Conductivity frequency in Hz
   float TemperatureFreq;  // [b] Temperature frequency in Hz
   float PressureFreq;     // [0] Pressure frequency in Hz
   float PressureTemp;     // [;] Pressure Temperature (Degrees C)

   // Computed CTD information.  When using a SeaBird CTD, these
   // values are computed from the raw Freq values (above).
   float Conductivity;     // [{c}] Conductivity in S/m can be computed from 
    						// [Q]
   float WaterTemperature; // [{w}] Water temperature in C, can be computed 
   							// from [b]
   float Pressure;         // [{p}] Water pressure in psia, can be computed 
   							// from [0]
   float ComputedSoundVelocity;  // Meters per second, computed from
                                 // Conductivity, WaterTemperature and 
                                 // Pressure using the Chen Millero
                                 // formula (1977) formula (JASA,62,1129-1135).

   // Sensors information
   float MagX;             // [e] X-axis magnetometer data, mgauss
   float MagY;             // [w] Y-axis magnetometer data, mgauss
   float MagZ;             // [z] Z-axis magnetometer data, mgauss

                           // Auxillary values can be used to store
                           // and display any value at the user's
                           // discretion.  The are not used in
                           // any calculation in Isis, Target or Vista.

   float AuxVal1;          // [1] Auxillary value.  Displayed in the 
   float AuxVal2;          // [2] Auxillary value   "Sensors" window
   float AuxVal3;          // [3] Auxillary value   available by selecting
   float AuxVal4;          // [4] Auxillary value   Window->Text->Sensors.
   float AuxVal5;          // [5] Auxillary value
   float AuxVal6;          // [6] Auxillary value

   float SpeedLog;         // [s] Speed log sensor on towfish - knots. This 
   							// isn't fish speed!
   float Turbidity;        // [|] turbidity sensor (0 to +5 volts) stored 
   							//times 10000

   // Ship Navigation information.  These values are stored only
   // and are not part of any equation or computation in Isis.
   float ShipSpeed;        // [v] Speed of ship in knots.  Stored
   float ShipGyro;         // [G] Ship gyro in degrees
   double ShipYcoordinate; // [y] Ship latitude or northing
   double ShipXcoordinate; // [x] Ship longitude or easting
   DWORD Reserved3;

   // Sensor Navigation information
   BYTE FixTimeHour;       // [H] Hour of most recent nav update
   BYTE FixTimeMinute;     // [I] Minute of most recent nav update
   BYTE FixTimeSecond;     // [S] Second of most recent nav update
                           // Note that the time of the nav is
                           // adjusted by the NavLatency stored in 
                           // the XTF file header.
   BYTE Reserved4;
   float SensorSpeed;      // [V] Speed of the in knots.  Used for
                           //   speed correction and position calculation.
   float KP;               // [{K}] Kilometers Pipe
   double SensorYcoordinate; // [E] Sensor latitude or northing
   double SensorXcoordinate; // [N] Sensor longitude or easting
                             // Note: when NavUnits in the file header
                             // is 0, values are in meters (northings
                             // and eastings).  When NavUnits is 3,
                             // values are in Lat/Long.  Also see
                             // the Layback value, below.

   // Tow Cable information
   WORD Reserved6;
   WORD RangeToFish;       // [?] Slant range to fish * 10.  
                           //    Not currently used.
   WORD BearingToFish;     // [>] Bearing to towfish from ship * 100.  
                           //    Not currently used.
   WORD CableOut;          // [o] Amount of cable payed out in meters
                           //    Not currently used in Isis.
   float Layback;          // [l] Distance over ground from ship to fish.
                           //    When this value is non-zero, Isis
                           //    assumes that SensorYcoordinate and 
                           //    SensorXcoordinate need to be
                           //    adjusted with the Layback.  The sensor 
                           //    position is then computed using the 
                           //    current sensor heading and this layback 
                           //    value.  The result is displayed when a 
                           //    position is computed in Isis. 

   float CableTension;     // [P] Cable tension from serial port. Stored only.

   // Sensor Attitude information
   float SensorDepth;        // [0] Distance from sea surface to
                             //   sensor.  The deeper the sensor goes, 
                             //   the bigger (positive) this value becomes.

   float SensorPrimaryAltitude; 
                             // [7] Distance from towfish to the sea
                             //   floor.  This is the primary altitude as 
                             //   tracked by the Isis bottom tracker or
                             //   entered manually by the user. 
                             //   Although not recommended, the user can 
                             //   override the Isis bottom tracker by 
                             //   sending the primary altitude over the 
                             //   serial port.  The user should turn the 
                             //   Isis bottom tracker Off when this is done.
   float SensorAuxAltitude;  // [a] Auxillary altitude.  This is an
                             //   auxillary altitude as transmitted by an 
                             //   altimeter and received over a serial port.
                             //   The user can switch betwen the Primary and 
                             //   Aux altitudes via the "options" button in 
                             //   the Isis bottom track window.

   float SensorPitch;        // [8] Pitch in degrees (positive=nose up)
   float SensorRoll;         // [9] Roll in degrees (positive=roll to stbd)
   float SensorHeading;      // [h] Fish heading in degrees

   // These Pitch, Roll, Heading, Heave and Yaw values are those received 
   // closest in time to this sonar or bathymetry update.  If a TSS or MRU
   // is being used with a multibeam/bathymetry sensor, the user should 
   // use the higher-resolution attitude data found in the XTFATTITUDEDATA 
   // structures.

   // additional attitude data
   float Heave;            // Sensor heave at start of ping. 
                           // Positive value means sensor moved up.
   float Yaw;              // Sensor yaw.  Positive means turn to right.
   DWORD AttitudeTimeTag;

   // Misc.
   float DOT;              // Distance Off Track

   // Pad to make an even 256 bytes
   BYTE ReservedSpace[24];


// Annotation record
// An annotation record is a line of text which can be saved to the
// file and is displayed in the "Notes" field on the Isis display.
// This text is displayed during playback.  Additionally, this text
// may be printed in realtime or in playback.  This can be activated
// in the Print Annotation dialog box.
typedef struct {

   WORD MagicNumber;      // Set to 0xFACE
   BYTE HeaderType;       // XTF_HEADER_NOTES (1)
   BYTE SubChannelNumber;
   WORD NumChansToFollow;
   WORD Reserved[2];
   DWORD NumBytesThisRecord; // Total byte count for this update

   // Date and time of the annotation
   WORD  Year;
   BYTE  Month;
   BYTE  Day;
   BYTE  Hour;
   BYTE  Minute;
   BYTE  Second;
   BYTE  ReservedBytes[35];

   char  NotesText[256-56];


// RAW ASCII data received over serial port
// These packets are stored in the XTF file on a per-serial-port
// basis.  To store the raw ASCII data for a given serial port, add 
// the token "{SAVEALL}" to the serial port template.  Use of this
// option is not generally recommended, since Isis already parses the
// data for all usefull information.

typedef struct {

   WORD MagicNumber;      // Set to 0xFACE
   BYTE HeaderType;       // will be XTF_HEADER_RAW_SERIAL (7)
   BYTE SerialPort;  
   WORD Reserved2[3];
   DWORD NumBytesThisRecord; // Total byte count for this update

   // Date and time raw ASCII data was posted to disk
   WORD  Year;
   BYTE  Month;
   BYTE  Day;
   BYTE  Hour;
   BYTE  Minute;
   BYTE  Second;
   BYTE  HSeconds;      // hundredth of seconds (0-99)
   WORD  JulianDay;     // days since Jan 1.

   DWORD TimeTag;       // millisecond timer value
   WORD  StringSize;    // Number of valid chars in RawAsciiData string
   char  RawAsciiData[64-30]; // will be padded in 64-byte increments to make 
                              // structure an even multiple of 64 bytes


// Ping Channel header 
// This is data that can be unique to each channel from ping to ping.
// Is is stored at the front of each channel of sonar data.
typedef struct {

   WORD ChannelNumber;     // Typically, 
                           // 0=port (low frequency)
                           // 1=stbd (low frequency)
                           // 2=port (high frequency)
                           // 3=stbd (high frequency)

   WORD DownsampleMethod;  // 2=MAX, 4=Rms
   float SlantRange;       // Slant range of the data in meters
   float GroundRange;      // Ground range of the data in meters
                           //   (SlantRange^2 - Altitude^2)
   float TimeDelay;        // Amount of time (in seconds) to the start of 
   							// recorded data
                           //   almost always 0.0
   float TimeDuration;     // Amount of time (in seconds) recorded
   float SecondsPerPing;   // Amount of time (in seconds) from ping to ping

   DWORD ProcessingFlags;  // 4=TVG, 8=BAC and GAC, 16=Filter, etc...
                           //   almost always 0

   WORD InitialGainCode;   // Settings as transmitted by sonar
   WORD GainCode;
   WORD BandWidth;

   BYTE ReservedSpace[30]; // reserved for future expansion


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