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2006 AGU Fall Meeting, December 11-15, San Francisco, CA

The following eight papers were presented, which highlight recent developments in the popular Giovanni, the new Hurricane Portal, the new A-Train Data Depot, and other projects. Please follow the links in the abstracts to further explore these projects.

Title Session
NASA GES DISC Hurricane Web Portal A13A-0884
Multi-Sensor Data Fusion and Challenges of Merging Earth Observations Abstract A21F-0921
Giovanni: Exploring, Visualizing, and Acquiring Atmospheric Data Abstract A21F-0922
Integrated Web-Based Access to and Use of Satellite Remote Sensing Data for Improved Decision Making in Hydrologic Applications Abstract
Enhancing Access to and Use of NASA Satellite Data through OGC Web Services for the Hydrologic Community Abstract H21D-1415
NASA NEESPI Data Center Abstract GC23A-1323
A-Train Data Depot: Integrating, Visualizing, and Extracting Cloudsat, CALIPSO, MODIS, and AIRS Atmospheric Measurements Along the A-Train Tracks Abstract A51E-0114
A Case Study of Convective Transport of Trace Gases and Air Pollutants into the Lower Stratosphere Examined in Giovanni Abstract AE53A-0287


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  • Last updated: July 27, 2009 19:42:24 GMT