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July 2009 netlog cover
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RSS, sometimes known as Really Simple Syndication, is a popular means of sharing content (such as news headlines) without requiring readers to constantly visit a Web site to see what's new. RSS feeds contain headlines and hyperlinks to longer articles or Web pages.


Facebook is a free social networking website on which users join networks organized by city, region, workplace, or school to connect and interact with others. Profiles and company pages display content such as links, pictures, and videos which are posted by individuals and shared through a user’s networks.


Twitter is a free micro-blogging website that allows its users to post and view other users’ updates, known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts limited to 140 characters, displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to other users (known as followers), who have subscribed to receive these updates on their homepage. Tweets may contain links to websites, articles, or videos that users wish to share.


LinkedIn is a networking website used for professional and business-related networking. The site allows registered users to manage a list of contact details of people with whom they have done or may potentially do business—a list known as connections. User profiles act as online resumes and enable users to search job listings, post job announcements, and link with their employer’s profile to find colleagues.


YouTube is a video sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos. User profiles, known as channels, display videos posted by the user, show video statistics (views, comments), and list subscribers, or followers, of the channel. Videos can also be viewed from the YouTube homepage by entering desired topics into the search field.

Gas Hydrate: A Realistic Future Source of Gas Supply? //
A DOE scientist writes in this week's Science magazine that a search is underway for a potentially immense untapped energy resource that, given its global distribution, has the potential to alter existing energy production and supply paradigms.  Read More!
DOE Selects Projects to Monitor and Evaluate Geologic CO2 Storage
DOE today announced the selection of 19 projects to enhance the capability to simulate, track, and evaluate the potential risks of CO2 storage in geologic formations.
Hydrogen Production and Dispensing Facility Opens at West Virginia Airport
A hydrogen production and dispensing station constructed and operated with support from the Office of Fossil Energy's NETL was officially opened Monday at the Yeager Airport in Charleston, W.Va.
DOE Projects to Advance Environmental Science and Technology
The Office of Fossil Energy's NETL has selected nine new projects targeting environmental tools and technology for shale gas and coalbed methane production.

The Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy typically manages more than 500 active research and development projects spanning a wide range of coal, petroleum and natural gas topics. You can access information on each of these projects from the Fossil Energy Online Project Database.

Carbon Capture &
Sequestration FAQs
Carbon Sequestration FAQs Get answers
to your carbon capture and sequestration questions. Go to more info
Reference Shelf
Reference ShelfNewsletters, program fact sheets, roadmaps, educational resources, presentations and more! Go to more info
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