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Woods Hole Science Center

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See WHSC for links to all ongoing research

survey area map South Essex Sanctuary
Project Page
New York Bight
Project Page
ArcIms Page
North Carolina
Project Page
South Carolina
Project Page
Puerto Rico Trench
Project Page
Lake Mead, AZ and NV
Project Page
ArcIms Page
Bear Lake, Idaho-Utah
ArcIms Page
Link to Lake Mead Survey Page Link to Bear Lake Survey Page Link to Puerto Rico Survey Page Link to South Carolina Erosion Survey Page Link to North Carolina Inner Shelf Survey Page Link to Massachusetts Bay Survey Page Link to New York Bight Survey Page

The Sea-floor Mapping Group provides expertise and equipment to conduct mapping surveys on a variety of scales both independently and as a component of large research endeavors. A full description of the projects in which the WHSC is involved is provided at Please click on the image above to link to a sampling of surveys in which we have participated; their respective locations are demarked by stars on the map. Links connect to the related project pages, which provide a description of the purpose, participants, data types, and images for each survey area, and/or to a GIS-based interactive map server with displays of various information layers. The sample of survey areas, clockwise from upper right are listed above.

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Page Contact Information: WHSC Webmaster
Page Last Modified: Friday, 28-Dec-2007 09:08:15 EST