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Total XGC full ORF clones10,3218,318
Non-redundant genes9,5247,362

The Xenopus Gene Collection (XGC) is an NIH initiative that supports the production of cDNA libraries, clones and 5'/3' sequences to provide a set of full-length (open reading frame) sequences and cDNA clones of expressed genes for Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis. All resources generated by the XGC are publicly accessible to the biomedical research community. For an overview, see the XGC Project Summary.

With the conclusion of the XGC project in September 2008, the GenBank records of XGC sequences will be frozen, without further updates. Since the knowledge of what constitutes a full-length coding region for some of the genes and transcripts for which we have XGC clones will likely change in the future, users planning to order XGC clones will need to monitor for these changes. Users can make use of genome browsers and gene-specific databases, such as the UCSC Genome browser, NCBI’s Map Viewer, and Entrez Gene, to view the relevant regions of the genome (browsers) or gene-related information (Entrez Gene).

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