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Read about all the latest news from CRD, ESnet and NERSC in the July 2009 issue of CS News Learn more

ESnet's OSCARS Allows Users to Reserve Bandwidth
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Milestone Reached in Development of Climate Model Code
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NERSC's Supercomputer Franklin Upgraded to Double Its Scientific Capacity
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Jeff Broughton is the New Head of NERSC's System's Department
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CRD's Cecilia Aragon Honored with Presidential Early Career Award
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ESnet Receives $62 Million to Develop World’s Fastest Computer Network

As scientists in a wide variety of disciplines increasingly rely on supercomputers and collaboration with colleagues around the world to advance their research, managing and sharing the mountain of data generated by their investigations will soon become a choking point. In order to facilitate such data-intensive research, ESnet is receiving $62 million to develop what will be the world's fastest computer network, designed specifically to support science.

Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Advanced Networking Initiative, will ensure that the United States stays competitive in science and technology. Specifically, ESnet will develop a prototype 100 gigbits per second (Gbps) Ethernet network to connect DOE supercomputer centers at speeds 10 times faster than current technology.
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Supecomputer Contract Awarded to Cray

NERSC announced that a contract for its next generation supercomputing system will be awarded to Cray Inc. The multi-year supercomputing contract includes delivery of a Cray XT5™ massively parallel processor supercomputer, which will be upgraded to a future-generation Cray supercomputer. When completed, the new system will deliver a peak performance of more than one petaflops per second, equivalent to more than one quadrillion calculations per second.

“As NERSC is the primary supercomputing center for DOE's Office of Science, making Cray's latest technology available to our users will accelerate innovation across a wide range of scientific disciplines, helping scientists tackle problems of vital importance to our nation's future,” said Michael Strayer, Associate Director of DOE's Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research.
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NERSC image

The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center is the flagship supercomputer facility for the Office of Science in the U. S. Department of Energy. It carries out unclassified research in many disciplines. Find out more about science at NERSC. Learn more.



ESnet title

ESnet (Energy Sciences Network) is a high-speed network serving scientists and their collaborators supported by the U.S. Department of Energy. Learn more.



Computational Research image

Computational Research title

The Computational Research Division (CRD) creates computational tools and techniques that enable scientific breakthroughs by conducting applied research and development in computer science, computational science and applied mathematics. Learn more.